Difference between CSE and IT Branches of Engineering

CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) and IT (Information Technology) are two branches of engineering that deal with the design, development, and applications of computer hardware and software systems. However, they are completely different from each other. The main difference between CSE and IT is that CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) focuses on design and development of computer hardware and software systems, while IT (Information Technology) focuses the applications of computer hardware and software for information processing and management.

In this article, we will discuss all the major differences between computer science and information technology. But before that let’s have a look into the basics of CSE and IT branches of engineering individually.

What is CSE?

CSE or Computer Science and Engineering is a branch of engineering that primarily deals with design, development, and maintenance of computer systems. CSE mainly involves the study of computer hardware, programming, networking, databases, and computer electronics.

A person who studies computer science and engineering is considered to have understanding the why behind the functioning of a computer hardware and software. Persons who graduated in CSE are able to work in different fields of computing technologies, such as software development, hardware system analyst, embedded engineering, data analysis, research and development, ethical hacking and cyber security, etc.

What is IT?

IT or Information Technology is a branch of engineering that primarily focuses on applications of computer systems in information processing and management.

IT (information technology) involves the study of computer programming languages, databases, computer networks, network protocols, web design and development, data analysis, and cyber security. IT is basically considered as a sub-branch of computer science and engineering. A person who graduated in IT can work in different fields, such as computer programming, IT consulting, web designing, application development, data analysis, network administration, system security management, etc.

After getting a basic idea about fundamentals of CSE and IT, let us now discuss their differences.

Difference between CSE and IT

The following table highlights all the significant differences between CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) and IT (Information Technology):





CSE stands for Computer Science and Engineering.

IT stands for Information Technology.


CSE deals with the study of design, development, and implementation of computer systems.

IT deals with the study of applications of computer systems in information processing and management.


A person who study CSE understands the “why” behind the functioning of computer system and programs.

A person who study IT is essential is a user of computing technology.


CSE professions are considered technology designers and developers.

IT professional are considered technology implementers and practitioners.


CSE professionals study the design and purpose of the mechanics of computing technology and data processing.

IT professionals use computer systems and software tools to process and manage data and information.


CSE professionals understand the fundamentals of computation theories and mathematical algorithms required to develop innovative computer hardware and software.

IT professionals find technological solutions for businesses to smooth their everyday operations and enhance growth.


CSE programs are more research and development focused.

IT programs are more implementation and application focused.


CSE covers both computer hardware and software technologies in depth.

IT mainly covers the software technologies.


Graduates in CSE can become software developers, system engineers, web developers, hardware system analyst, etc.

Graduates in IT can become, IT consultants, information security analyst, DBA, system admin, network protocol engineer, etc.


In conclusion, all these are the major differences between CSE and IT. Both CSE and IT deals with study of computer technologies, but they are completely different from each other as described in the above table.

The most significant difference between CSE and IT is that, CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) deals with the design and development of computer hardware and software, whereas IT (Information Technology) deals with the implementation and applications of computing technologies.

Updated on: 16-May-2023

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