Difference between CRT and LED Monitors

In a computer system, monitor is the most significant output device that conveys the information from computer system to the output world. When it comes to the types of computer monitors, then several types of display technologies are used, such as CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode), Plasma Display, etc.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between CRT monitors and LED monitors. But before discussing the differences, let us first discuss the CRT and LED monitors individually.

What is CRT Monitor?

CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. CRT is one of the older display technologies used in computer monitors. This type of computer monitor were very commonly used before the adoption of LCD and LED monitors.

A CRT monitor typically consists of a large tube made of glass, an electron gun and a phosphorescent screen. The electron gun emits high energy electrons to form images on the phosphorescent screen. In the process, the electron gun generates a beam of high energy electrons to strike to the screen, the screen then glow and produces the desired picture.

To create proper images on the screen, the intensity of electron beam is controlled through a control mechanism. Before the LCD and LED display technologies, the CRT monitors were supposed an efficient display technology to produce high-quality graphics with high contrast colors.

However, the CRT monitors are less power efficient, larger in size, and bulky. Therefore, over time they are replaced by newer display technologies like LCD, LED, etc.

What is LED Monitor?

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. LED is one of the newer display technologies used in computer monitors. Today, LED monitors become the most popular type of computer monitors used due their low power consumption, high efficiency, higher resolutions, eye protection feature, etc.

An LED monitor typically consists of a series of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) which are used to illuminate the display screen. Therefore, LED monitors produce more bright, sharp, and vivid pictures as compared to CRT monitors.

Also, LED monitors come in several display sizes and screen resolutions. LED monitors can display images at a higher refresh rates that make them better suited for displaying fast moving images and gaming.

LED monitors are also quite environment friendly as they generate less heat and consume less power. The lifespan of an LED monitor is also more than that of a CRT monitor. Overall, an LED monitor is a better replacement of CRT monitor.

After getting an overview of CRT and LED monitors, let us now discuss the important differences between them.

Difference between CRT and LED Monitors

The following table highlights all the important differences between CRT monitor and LED monitor −


CRT Monitor

LED Monitor

Full Form

CRT monitor stands for Cathode Ray Tube monitor.

LED monitor stands for Light Emitting Diode monitor.

Display technology

CRT monitors use cathode ray tube to form images on the screen.

LED monitors use a series of small light emitting diodes to illuminate the display screen.

Picture quality

CRT monitors offer poor picture quality.

LED monitors produce images of high picture quality as compared to CRT monitors.

Screen resolution

CRT monitors offer lower screen resolutions, hence they are not suitable for intensive graphics applications.

LED monitors offer high screen resolutions making them better suited for intensive graphics work.

Heat production

CRT monitors produce more heat while operating.

LED monitors produce less heat than CRT monitors.

Refresh rate

CRT monitors have a lower refresh rate.

LED monitors have a faster refresh rate, making them suitable for displaying fast moving graphics.


CRT monitors are larger in size.

LED monitors are compact in size, hence they require less space.


CRT monitors are bulky.

LED monitors are light in weight, hence they are easy to port.

Power consumption

CRT monitors are less energy efficient, and hence consume more electric power.

LED monitors consume very less electric power than CRT monitors.

Eye saver feature

CRT monitors do not support eye saver feature. Thus, they may cause eye strain, fatigue, headache, etc.

LED monitors support eye saver feature. Hence, they do not affect the eyes.

Contrast ratio

CRT monitors have better contrast ratio than LED monitors.

LED monitors have poorer contrast than CRT monitors.


CRT monitors generate a humming sound while operating. Although, this noise is very low.

LED monitors operate silently.

Impact on environment

CRT monitors impact the environment as they consume more power and made up of relatively hazardous materials.

LED monitors are more environment friendly than CRT monitors.

Viewing angle

CRT monitors offer narrower viewing angles.

LED monitors have relatively wider viewing angles as compared to CRT monitors.


CRT monitors have longer life span than LED monitors. A CRT monitor can run for many years with proper maintenance.

LED monitors have shorter life span as compared to CRT monitors. An LED monitor can run for five to ten years with proper maintenance.


CRT monitors are less expensive as they use older technology.

LED monitors are more expensive due to newer technology and enhance performance.


The most significant difference between CRT monitors and LED monitors is that the CRT monitors use cathode ray tube technology to generate images on the screen, while the LED monitors use light emitting diodes to form images and graphics on the screen.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023

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