Difference Between Correlational and Experimental Research

There are many differences between correlational research and experimental research and we will discuss them in detail in this article. First, we will know about correlational research.

Correlational Research

Correlational research is a type of research which is non-experimental. The research is conducted on two variables and a correlation between them is checked. There are two reasons due to which this research is conducted.

  • The first reason is that the researchers believe that statistical relationship is a causal one
  • The second reason is that a correlational study is used in this research and no experiment is performed. The independent variable cannot be modified as it is not possible to do so.

Types of Correlational Research

Correlational research is of different types and they are discussed below −

Positive Correlation

This is a type of research in which an increase in a variable leads to an increase in the second variable. If there is a reduction in a variable, then the other variable will also be reduced.

Negative Correlation

This is a type of research in which an increase in a variable leads to a decrease in the second variable. If the second variable increases, then the first one will be reduced.

No Correlation

This is a type of research in which there is no relation between two variables. If there is an increase or decrease in the first variable, the other variable will not be affected.

Characteristics of Correlation Research

Correlational research has many characteristics and some of them are discussed here.


The correlational research does not need any experiment. Researchers are unable to manipulate any variable on which the research has to be conducted. The researchers have the job of observing the relationship between the two variables.

Backward Looking

Correlational research is based on the historical data and events that have occurred in the past are considered. This research can lead to a positive relationship between two variables but it can be changed in the future.


The two variables have different patterns which always keep changing. There can be situations that variables having negative relationships can later be turned into positive due to different reasons, situations, and circumstances.

Experimental Research

Experimental research is a type of research which is related to different science subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology. In this type of research also two sets of variables are used.

Types of Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is of many types and we will discuss them here.

Pre-Experimental Research

This is a type of research in which an experiment is performed. This research is considered as the most basic type of experimental research.

Quasi Experimental Research

This is a type of experimental research which has much similarity with true experimental research. The difference between the two lies in the process of assigning participants to different groups. The process is difficult as the random allocation of participants is not allowed in Quasi experimental research.

True Experimental Research

This is a type of research in which random assignments are allotted to the participants. Creating study groups becomes easy in this case. Researchers have to perform tests at the end of the experiment so that they can get the results.

Situations for Conducting Experimental Research

There are situations in which experimental research has to be performed and these situations are listed below −

  • When the time has arrived to establish a relationship between cause and effect
  • When there is no behavioral change between cause and effect
  • When a researcher wants to understand the concepts of cause and effect

Methods of Data Collection

There are many methods that can be used to collect data for experimental research. These methods are −

  • Survey
  • Observation
  • Stimulation
  • Experiments

Difference between Correlational Research and Experimental Research

Correlational research and experimental research have a lot of differences and some of them are available in the table below −

Correlational Research Experimental Research
This research is conducted to know the strength of the relationship between two variables. This research is conducted to know about the cause-and-effect relationship between two variables.
Researchers cannot manipulate the variables. Independent variables can be modified but the dependent variable cannot be manipulated.
Variables can play a good role due to limited control. Extraneous variables can be controlled so variables of interest cannot be impacted.
Conclusion cannot be drawn easily. Conclusion can be drawn easily.


What type or relationship between two variables exist in correlational research?

The relationship between two variables can be positive or negative. There can also be situations when there is no relationship.

Give any real life example for correlation.

If we consider watching TV as one variable and exam score as the second, there will be a negative relationship as increase in the time of watching TV can lower down the exam score due to less study time.

Can we modify variables in correlational research?

No, variables cannot be manipulated in the correlational research.

How many types of experimental research are available?

Experimental research is of three types which include −

  • Pre-Experimental Research
  • Quasi-Experimental Research
  • True Experimental Research

What types of correlational research are there?

There are three types of correlational research which are

  • Positive correlation
  • Negative correlation
  • No correlation

What is the main difference between correlational research and experimental research?

The main difference between the two types of researches is that variables cannot be manipulated in the correlational research but manipulation of variables is possible in experimental research.

Updated on: 28-Jun-2024


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