Difference between Computer Vision and Deep Learning

The technologies that were considered to be of the future a few decades ago, such as artificial intelligence and machine vision, have now become mainstream and are being used in a wide variety of applications. These applications range from automated robot assembly to automatic vehicle guidance, analysis of remotely sensed images, and automated visual inspection.

Every sector of the technology business, including start-ups, is racing to catch up with the competition by focusing their efforts on computer vision and deep learning, two of the hottest subjects in the industry right now.

What is Computer Vision?

Computer Vision is a branch of AI that gives computers the ability to process, examine, and make sense of the visual world around them. The real world is home to an incredible variety of things, and while some of these things may have a superficial likeness to one another, what truly differentiates one thing from another is the attention to minute detail.

It is generally agreed that image recognition is the most widely used application of computer vision. To put it simply, the objective is to teach computers to recognize and analyze images in the same way as the human visual system does. It is actually remarkable how effortlessly the human visual system receives and analyses visual information.

The goal of Computer Vision is to transfer this distinguishing feature of people onto computers, with the end goal being that computers will be able to comprehend and evaluate complicated systems in the same way that humans do, or even more effectively.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence that makes use of artificial neural networks to simulate the way the human brain functions in order to teach computers how to perform tasks that are second nature to people.

Deep learning is a field of computer science that focuses on developing algorithms that are modelled after the structure of the human brain. These algorithms give computers the ability to acquire some level of understanding and knowledge by filtering information in the same way that the human brain does. It does so by defining the parameters of a model for the decision-making process that mimics the way the human brain works when it comes to comprehending.

Machine learning is a method of data inference, and the two of them together are among the most important techniques available to AI researchers today. Its origins lie in the field of machine learning, where its primary purpose was to simplify the process of dealing with intricate input-output mappings. Deep learning is a state-of-the-art system that is currently being utilised in a variety of sectors and for a wide range of applications.

Uses of Deep Learning in Computer Vision

The advancement of technologies pertaining to deep learning has made it possible to construct computer vision models that are both more accurate and complicated. The incorporation of computer vision applications is becoming increasingly beneficial as these technologies continue to advance.

The following is a list of some of the ways that deep learning is being utilised to make improvements to computer vision.

Object Detection

There are generally two forms of object detection that are accomplished through the use of computer vision techniques −

  • One-step object detection − YOLO, SSD, and RetinaNet are three examples of one-step object detection systems that have arisen in response to the demand for real-time object detection. By regressing bounding box predictions, these combine the detection and classification steps into a single process. Because each bounding box is only represented by a small number of coordinates, it is much simpler to combine the step of detection with the step of classification, which in turn speeds up the processing.

  • Two-step object detection − In order to complete the first stage, you will need a Region Proposal Network, also known as an RPN. This network will supply a number of potential regions that may contain significant objects. In the second stage, region proposals are sent to neural classification architecture. This architecture is often an RCNNbased hierarchical grouping algorithm, or region of interest (ROI) pooling in Fast RCNN. These methods can be highly accurate, but progress can be painfully slow.

Localization and Object Detection

Vision localization is a technique that can be utilised to ascertain the positions of items inside an image. After being identified, objects are given a bounding box to represent them. Object detection is an extension of this that further classifies the items that are recognised once they have been identified. CNNs like as AlexNet, Fast RCNN, and Faster RCNN are used as the foundation for this method.

The processes of localization and object detection can be utilised to determine the identities of many items present in complicated settings. This information can subsequently be put to use in functional areas, such as the interpretation of diagnostic images in the medical field.

Semantic Segmentation

The process of semantic segmentation, which is also known as object segmentation, is very similar to the process of object detection; the main difference is that semantic segmentation is based on the particular pixels that are associated with an object. This eliminates the need for bounding boxes and makes it possible for picture objects to be described with greater precision. Fully convolutional networks, also known as FCNs, or U-Nets are frequently used in the process of semantic segmentation.

Training autonomous vehicles is a common use of semantic segmentation, which is one of its many uses. Researchers are now able to use photographs of streets or thoroughfares that have clearly defined borders for the things being studied thanks to this technology.

Pose Estimation

Pose Estimate is a method that is used to detect where joints are in a photograph of a person or an item and what the positioning of those joints says. This can be done for either a human or an object. It is compatible with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional images.

PoseNet, which is an architecture that is based on CNNs, is the principal architecture that is utilised for pose estimation.

Pose Estimate is used to determine where parts of the body may show up in a picture, and it can also be used to generate realistic stances or motion of human figures. Pose estimation is used to determine where parts of the body may show up in an image. This feature is typically applied in the context of augmented reality, replicating human movements with robotics, or gait analysis.

Comparison between Computer Vision and Deep Learning

The following table highlights the major differences between Computer Vision and Deep Learning −

Basis of comparisonComputer VisionDeep Learning
ConceptIt is a subfield of machine learning that gives computers the ability to process, examine, and make sense of the visual world.It is a subfield of artificial intelligence that utilises artificial neural networks in an attempt to simulate the way the human brain operates.
PurposeProgramming a computer to understand the visual information included within image and video data in order to draw useful insights is the goal of this endeavour.To enable machines to obtain some level of comprehension and knowledge similar to how the human brain processes information is the goal of this endeavour.
ApplicationsAmong its many applications is the detection of defects, image labelling, face recognition, and other related tasks.Applications include selfdriving automobiles, processing of natural languages, visual recognition, picture and speech recognition, as well as virtual assistants and other similar technologies.


Deep learning has made significant strides in a variety of domains in a relatively short period of time. In particular, it has brought a revolution to the community of people working in computer vision by bringing effective solutions to problems that had for a long time remained unsolvable.

Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that aims to give computers the ability to comprehend and make sense of the digital data that is contained inside images and videos. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that attempts to get us one step closer to artificial intelligence, which was one of the original goals of machine learning.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2022


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