Difference Between Compound and Mixture


Chemistry is indeed the scientific study of these three types of matter: elements, compounds, as well as mixtures. A compound is developed if two or more individuals interact chemically as well as mix in a fixed proportion. A chemical expression that represents the ratio wherein the components have interacted to yield a compound. Molecular compounds, as well as salts, are examples of compounds. A mixture is formed when two or more elements have been mixed collectively in such a way that they often not react chemically but also keep all of their characteristics. Substances merely merge physically yet do not conduct any chemical reactions.

What is a Compound?

Compounds are atomic components as well as other elements that are linked collectively with a chemical bond. Depending on the substance, such a bond might be ionic, covalent, as well as metallic. Because all compounds possess a fixed ratio of components, they are uniform. Certain substances differ from elements that normally mix to form only one compound unit in terms of their characteristics. Furthermore, a chemically bonded molecule cannot ever be physically detached.

Types of Compounds

Compounds are classified into 3 types −

  • Ionic compounds − They are made up of two oppositely charged ions. Electrostatic attraction holds the ions connected. Water is usually reactive in ionic compounds.

  • Covalent compounds − They're made up of atoms that exchange electrons and are also non-polar, which means they don't even react with water.

  • Metallic compounds − They're made up of metal ions as well as ligands or even hold the metal ions intact. Metallic compounds are generally water-soluble as well as possess a high melting point.

Examples of Compounds

  • Water − This is composed of 2 elements: 2 hydrogens as well as 1 oxygen.

  • Methane − It is composed of 2 elements: carbon as well as hydrogen.

  • Table salt − Sodium, as well as chlorine, are indeed the 2 elements found in table salt.

  • Glucose − It is composed of 3 elements: carbon, hydrogen, as well as oxygen.

What is a Mixture?

A mixture would be a substance made up of 2 or even more components that have been physically mixed to maintain the characteristics of those constituents. In plenty of other terms, the properties of a mixture have been fully determined by the components that are present. We may divide the mixture into groups based on particle size as well as uniformity.

Types of Mixtures

Mixtures can often be divided into two types −

  • Homogeneous Mixtures

  • Heterogeneous Mixtures

Homogeneous Mixture

Homogeneous mixtures are those that have the same composition but also characteristics across their mass as well as body. Light does not flow via these elements. Sugar syrup, alcohol, as well as water are all homogeneous mixtures with particles of varying sizes that make identification difficult.


  • The elements are distributed uniformly within the mixture.

  • The elements cannot be separated by centrifugal force.

  • The Tyndall effect has not been observed in homogeneous mixtures.

  • The size of the particle is < 1nm.

Heterogeneous Mixture

Heterogeneous mixtures include those mixtures that do not dissolve properly but also do not have similar content. Particular elements are frequently detectable and might even be isolated using both chemicals as well as physical properties due to such characteristics. Suspensions, as well as colloids, are often the 2 types of heterogeneous mixtures. For example, water and sand, blood, or starch.


  • The elements of a heterogeneous mixture are not distributed uniformly within the mixture.

  • Simply glancing at the mixture allows us to establish a border between both elements.

  • The particle sizes range from 1nm - 1μm.

  • They are capable of exhibiting the Tyndall effect.

Difference Between Compound and Mixture

Compounds Mixtures
Chemical interaction between two or more components tends to produce compounds. Mixtures are introduced by directly integrating two or more elements in such a way that no chemical reaction occurs between both the components.
To yield a compound, elements must always join in a defined mass proportion. The proportion of elements is not set or could change.
Throughout the development of a compound, its energy changes. There is no change in energy
It cannot be removed physically and must be separated using sophisticated scientific methods. Physical separation of mixtures is possible
The constituents' properties are lost, or the compound generated has distinct physical as well as chemical properties. A mixture's constituents maintain its original properties.
Organic as well as inorganic compounds both are possible. Homogeneous as well as heterogeneous mixtures can exist.
In compound initiation, new bonds have been generated. There is no new bond forming.
The melting or boiling points of compounds are fixed The melting or boiling points of mixtures are not set.
For instance, $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$ , $\mathrm{NaCl}$ , alcohol, petrol, and so forth. For instance, salt and water, air, sugar syrup, and so on.
They can be recognized as pure components. They are recognized as impure substances.


To summarise, a compound is indeed a component that mixes two elements to form a new substance with distinct properties. On the other hand, the mixture is more like a simple merging of two components, each with its unique properties. Energy is released as well as absorbed if a compound has been obtained, while no energy is released and absorbed whenever a mixture could be formed. It is possible to conclude that practically all of it near us seems to be a mixture. To illustrate, the food that we consume is such a combination of ingredients, the air we inhale would be a combination of gases, as well as the fuel we are using in locomotives seems to be a complicated mixture.


1. What maintains components of a compound together?

Chemical bonds keep the components of a compound intact. A chemical bond seems to be an attractive force between two or more elements and ions which thus interact as well as transmit valence electrons.

2. What tends to happen if you heat a compound?

Thermolysis is indeed a chemical degradation obtained through heat. A material's decomposition temperature has been reached where it chemically breaks down. Because heat is needed to disrupt chemical bonds within the substance being decomposed, and the process is frequently endothermic.

3. How can you determine whether a compound is stable?

The force could be used to test mechanical stability. When it is positive, your compound is stable, which means this would not distort since it seems to be at its lowest energy state. The HOMO-LUMO gap can be used to assess chemical stability.

4. What causes organic compounds to combust?

Because the attractive bonds between atoms have become weak, it takes little energy to break them, resulting in organic compounds with melting or boiling temperatures. Ionic compounds don't even ignite in oxygen. As a result, they are combustible.

5. How do mixtures affect our daily lives?

People put a lot of sugar into the concrete, which slowed the preparation but also gave them time to clean up the mess. In our daily lives, we encounter many mixtures as well as solutions. These seem to be the food that we eat, the clothing we wore, as well as the air we breathe.

Updated on: 31-Jan-2024


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