Difference between Compact and Spongy Bones


The term bone can be defined as the rigid body tissue, which helps to make the body skeleton. It is made up of different types of cells that work as connective tissue. The basic function of the bone is to provide the structural base to the body and gives required mobility. Two types of bone tissue present in long bones, which are different in density and structure, are compact and spongy bone tissue.

What are Compact Bones?

Compact bones can be located on the outer sections of the long bones. These bones are rigid in nature. The gap and space amount in compact tissue is much less. The low porosity of this type of bone is the reason; it is called dense bone.

The external layer of the bone is heavy and hard but the surface is smoother, it is called the compact bone. The bones present in arms and legs are the most common example of compact bones. This type of bone occupies 80 % of the total skeleton and it contains the yellow-coloured bone marrow.

What is Spongy Bone?

In contrary, to the compact bones, the spongy bones are located on the inner region of long bones. This type of bone has the building block of trabeculae that do not have any kind of central canal. This type of bone is present in 20% of the whole skeleton.

These types of bones have the structure of both rods and plates. Spongy bones are less compared to compact bones and much lighter, which helps to balance the weight of compact bones and together the body moves freely. These bones have less calcium density and have red bone marrow.

Similarities between Compact and Spongy Bones

Compact and spongy bones have some major similarities as listed below.

  • In animals, these two types of tissue help to provide the basic structure. Along with the shape, it helps to get support.

  • They both have osteoblasts and osteoclasts that are essential for creating bones.

  • They have proteins such as the collagens and osteoid that help in the formation of bone.

  • Both types of bones have blood vessels, bone marrow and nerves at the lamella.

  • They can attach to the muscles by forming joining sites.

  • Both of these bones have minerals salts within.

  • They both are structural bone that helps the mussels to function.

Differences between Compact and Spongy Bones

There are some basic differences between Compact and Spongy Bones, as listed below.

Compact Bone

Spongy Bone

The compact bone is one kind of bone that is hard and heavy and comes from long bones diaphysis.

The spongy bones are the soft and light styles of bones, which are made with epiphysis of long bones.

It is heavier, rigid and stronger.

It is a softer and porous type of bone.

It has a higher density.

It has a lower density.

In the body, 80% of the bones are compact bones.

The rest 20% of the bones are spongy.

The main function of this kind of bone is forming the long bone’s diaphysis.

Its main function is forming the epiphysis of long bones

Closely packed osteons are the base of this kind of bone.

Minerals that contain the trabeculae are the base of this kind of bone.

The shape is cylindrical.

It has a cuboidal shape.

It contains a high level of calcium.

It has less amount of calcium.

It can be found in the bones that are known as long bones. For example, bones of arms and legs.

It can be found in the short bines present in the ankles or wrists.

They can stand with heavy weight.

They cannot tolerate any kind of shock, which is a result of movement.

They do not have any kind of tendency to transform into spongy bones.

In some cases, it can transform into compact bones.


Compact and spongy types of bones can be found in the long bones of the body. They have many differences in terms of structure and density. The compact bone is much harder and heavier if it is compared with the spongy bones. Other than differences, there are a few similarities between them. They both work to provide support to the function of muscles. Together they decide the structure and the shape of organisms and they both are skeletal bones.


Qns 1. What is the tissue type of the bone?

Ans. The bone is one kind of rigid tissue that is consisting of cells that are embedded in an abundant hard intercellular material. The main two things that make bone different from the other types of tissues are collagen and calcium phosphate.

Qns 2. What is the most crucial function of the bone in the human body?

Ans. The main purpose of bones in the human body is to provide basic structural support. It helps the body to maintain all the actions of the soft tissues. Other than that, bones provide the required support to the organs and soft tissues.

Qns 3. What is the main difference between compact and spongy bone?

Ans. The compact bone has a hard outer layer of bones whereas the spongy has the inner layer of bones. The space between the lamellae is less in compact bones and bigger in spongy bones.

Qns 4. What is the main task of spongy bone?

Ans. The spongy bone makes the balance with the compact bones that are dense and heavy. Altogether, it provides lighter feelings which help the muscles can work properly.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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