Difference between COMP and COMP3

In COBOL programming, the COMP and COMP-3 (Pressed Decimal) information representation designs play significant parts in taking care of numeric information. COMP may be a twofold organize that speaks to information in its crude double shape, whereas COMP-3 employments pressed decimal representation with sign and zone digits. The key contrasts between the two lie in their capacity strategies, measure contemplations, utilization scenarios, run confinements, transformation prerequisites, execution suggestions, and meaningfulness

What is COMP?

COMP may be an information representation arrangement utilized in COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) programming. COMP stands for "Computational," and it is an unsigned double organize that speaks to numeric information in its crude twofold frame. It is essentially utilized for putting away integrability and floating-point numbers in COBOL programs.

Within the COMP arrange, numeric information is put away as twofold values, which suggests that the information is spoken to utilizing the twofold number framework (base 2) with 0s and 1s. Not at all like other information groups in COBOL, such as Show or PACKED-DECIMAL, COMP does not incorporate any representation of the decimal digits or signs.

The estimate of a COMP field can shift and is regularly indicated by employing a level number and a Utilization clause within the COBOL program. COMP areas can involve variable lengths of 2, 4, or 8 bytes, depending on the announced measure. The genuine numeric esteem put away in a COMP field is translated based on the twofold representation and the pronounced measure.

One advantage of utilizing the COMP organize is its productivity in number juggling calculations. Since the information is put away as parallel, COBOL programs can specifically control the twofold representation to perform number juggling operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This coordinate control of double information can result in speedier and more effective computations compared to other designs that require transformation or translation steps.

Be that as it may, a drawback of the COMP arrangement is that the crude double representation isn't easily lucid by people. To translate the esteem put away in a COMP field, unequivocal change between parallel and decimal groups is required. COBOL gives different operations and capacities to change over COMP information into human-readable shapes for show or yield purposes.

What is COMP3?

COMP-3, too known as Pressed Decimal, could be an information representation arrangement utilized in COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) programming. It is utilized for decimal number-crunching operations and the exact capacity of numeric information that requires correct decimal representation, such as monetary values or fixed-point numbers.

Within the COMP-3 arrangement, numeric information is put away as decimal digits with sign and zone representations. It is called "Pressed Decimal" since the decimal digits are firmly stuffed into the capacity zone, optimizing space utilization. Each digit is put away in a four-bit snack, and the complete pressed decimal esteem is treated as a grouping of this snack.

The estimate of a COMP-3 field is indicated by employing a level number and a Utilization clause within the COBOL program. COMP-3 areas possess a settled length, ordinarily 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. The number of digits that can be put away in a COMP-3 field depends on the size and exactness indicated.

One of the preferences of utilizing COMP-3 is its accuracy in decimal math operations. Since the information is put away in decimal arrange, COBOL programs can perform exact calculations without the adjusting blunders that can happen with twofold representations. COMP-3 is commonly utilized for money-related calculations, where precision is basic because it ensures correct decimal representation all through the calculations.

Differences between COMP and COMP3

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference




Values stored in COMP are not effectively clear in their crude shape as they are spoken to in double organized.

Values stored in COMP-3 are readable in their crude shape, as they utilize decimal digits with sign and zone representations.


COMP involves variable length, typically 2, 4, or 8 bytes.

It occupies a fixed length, typically 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.


It is mainly utilized for integrability and floating-point numbers.

It is mainly utilized for decimal number juggling operations.


The extent of values depends on the estimate of the field (2, 4, or 8 bytes).

The range of values depends on the measure and precision.


When utilizing COMP, explicit change between binary and decimal designs is required.

COMP-3 certainly changes over values to and from decimal organize.


COMP gives speedier execution for number-crunching operations due to coordinate double control.

COMP-3 may have slower execution for number juggling operations due to decimal changes.


The distinction between COMP and COMP-3 (Stuffed Decimal) is fundamental for viable COBOL programming. COMP could be a two-fold organize reasonable for number-crunching operations on integrability and floating-point numbers, whereas COMP-3 exceeds expectations in exact decimal number juggling and capacity of monetary and fixed-point information. COMP offers quicker execution but requires unequivocal change, whereas COMP-3 gives exact decimal representation at the taken toll of marginally slower operations. By considering their capacity strategies, estimate contemplations, utilization scenarios, run impediments, change necessities, execution suggestions, and meaningfulness perspectives, COBOL engineers can make educated choices when selecting the suitable information organize for their programming prerequisites.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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