Difference Between Cofactor and Coenzyme


The process of biochemical reactions that usually occur within the body is very important for a person to lead a very healthy life. In this case, health is maintained by the secretion of different enzymes lying inside the body of a human being. This is the reason behind the fact that the enzymes operate in a proper way. Hence, coenzymes and cofactors play a significant role to keep a body healthy for a long period of time. These are the reactions that are formed to cater to the need for biochemical reactions in the body. Thus, they help the body to execute yet important functions like breathing and digestion.

What is a Cofactor?

The cofactor enzyme is a constituent that is able to react with different types of chemicals found in the body of a human being. These cofactor enzymes are used to deliver the proper methods that are used as a helper molecule.

They are used to work as a catalyst that aids in the process of biochemical reactions going to happen in the human body. There are two variable classifications that are seen to lie within the body of a human being. These two types are known to be organic and inorganic. The classification of organic cofactors is divided into certain classes that are able to produce different types of coenzymes.

What are Coenzymes?

The organic substances that try to operate in the presence of an enzyme just to make it achieve the desired goals are called coenzymes. In this case, the procedure of biochemical reactions gets some help from the coenzymes. This organic material operates by removing the group of chemicals from one part of the body to another.

They make sure of this factor by getting themselves attached to the enzymes. They are found in their molecular stage and, which is the way it remains until the procedure comes to its very end. The level of coenzymes that can be maintained by the body is by consuming foods like fruits, vegetables and legumes. They are also known to work as antioxidants that are equally important for a healthy body.

Functions of Cofactor

The functions of cofactors are stated in the form of points under this section -

  • The cofactors are known to give a certain type of healthy attribute inside a chemical group when there is a lack of it.

  • The second function of these cofactor enzymes is used to obtain the transportation of protein. They are also known to send enzyme activities from one place to the other.

  • The cofactor enzymes come to help the process of biochemical reaction by transporting them to various parts of the body.

These are all the functions that are covered by a cofactor enzyme.

Functions of Coenzymes

The functions of coenzymes are as listed below.

  • The coenzymes are used in the process of producing energy that is used to remove energy inside the cells. They are used to keep a cell very healthy which is able to keep a body very healthy.

  • The coenzymes are used to transfer some groups of chemicals from one place to another. They are very helpful in the process of refreshing these cells by starting the supply of ATP within the body.

  • The work of coenzymes helps the body to stay healthy as they are able to get a hold of some electrons. This is the reason why these electrons are able to make the coenzymes turn into antioxidants.

These are only a few functions that are carried out by coenzymes present in the body of a human being.

Difference between Cofactor and Coenzyme



The work of cofactor is to get itself attached to the enzymes that are found inside the body of a human being.

The task of the coenzyme is slightly different from its counterpart. In this case, the coenzymes are able to carry groups of chemicals between the enzymes.

The cofactors are also known as cosubstrates.

The other name of these enzymes is known as helper molecules. The reason is that it helps to carry out the process of biochemical reactions.

The cofactors tend to create a bond as they are bounded covalently

The coenzymes are loosely bound to the enzymes to finish the process of a biochemical reaction.

In this case, the cofactors are present in the form of chemical compounds.

The form coenzyme is present in the form of molecules.


The tutorial explained the basic set of differences that are seen to lie in between the coenzymes and cofactors. It explained the total number of functions that are found to be delivered on a daily basis by both cofactors and coenzymes. The basic difference between shows how they try to help the body of a human being by keeping it very healthy.


Qns 1. What are the products that are able to produce cofactors and coenzymes in the body of a human being?

Ans. The place that is able to produce cofactors and coenzymes in the body of a human being includes vitamins. They serve as an important source of micronutrients that are consumed by the body on a daily basis.

Qns 2. What is the relationship that is seen to lie between a cofactor and AMP?

Ans. The relationship that is observed to lie between a cofactor and AMP is a very basic one. The AMP also known as adenosine monophosphate is present inside the nucleotide of an ATP present inside the cofactor of an enzyme.

Qns 3. What is the interaction that happens between cofactors and coenzymes?

Ans. The interaction that happens between cofactors and coenzymes is that they catalyse two reactions. Thus it helps the body to send the enzymes to the part of the body that needs to carry out its basic activities.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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