Difference between Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting


Each website that is stored on the server and hosted on the web platform has a unique address, and when a user searches for a specific URL then they are navigated to the server where the website is hosted. When websites are hosted, the data or contents of the website can be accessed on the web browser with an internet facility. Once the website is ready to be displayed as a live page in an internet browser, the individual or organization has to wisely choose the hosting platform.

Based on the company or user needs, choosing the hosting plan for the created site can vary depending on various factors like requirements of the website, server access, data traffic, budget, security risk, maintenance, backup methods, performance, etc.

Cloud Hosting

It works with interconnected servers that are connected in a wider network and allow the data to be shared among the distributed servers. This hosting technology allows users to store the resources on multiple servers and if any server fails due to any major issue in the network, then the data can be moved to other servers on the cloud this in turn increases efficiency and improves redundancy of the website in providing data access to the customers without any delay.

This allows users to expand their resources on demand on multiple servers connected to the host server and gives better performance even during traffic spikes so this type of hosting is chosen for websites that have a higher volume of traffic each day.

System files, root configurations, and managing the hosting architectures can be controlled by the user or the organization that owns the website. It has gained popularity in recent times in business areas where organizations with wider networks started using cloud services provided by popular companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc.

Shared Hosting

As per the name, when the user chooses a shared hosting plan then many websites connected to the server share the same resources like storage space, memory, bandwidth, etc. Here single server can manage and hosts multiple sites, so this requires less cost, and lesser maintenance is all taken care of by the server. This method is mostly preferred for medium-sized corporates or small groups or individual users who creates blogging site etc where there is minimum traffic with fewer visitors to the site each day.

Performance issue arises when all the sites connected to the shared server hits the maximum traffic and resources cannot be shared at the same time which leads to downtime and delay in the network. Security risks are higher on sharing of resources for multiple websites if one site gets hacked then an attacker may have the possibility to attack other sites that are connected to the server.

The table below defines the major differences between Cloud Hosting and Shared hosting

Basis of difference

Cloud hosting

Shared Hosting


Website data is hosted on multiple servers that can be hosted together.

A single server shares its resources with multiple websites.


Costly and preferred for larger organizations.

Server costs are low as they are shared among the users.

Availability of resources

Resources needed can be got on demand from the server.

When more resources are consumed by a single site then another site cannot access it.


As multiple servers are deployed, data sharing and accessing is not an issue when network traffic is high and provides higher performance.

When traffic gets spiked on a particular website then other sites may face downtime or not even work which leads to performance issues for the end user.


When resources are large in number and with faster access, cloud hosting provides good scalability to the customers.

As resources are managed by the server, it does not provide scalability features for its customers.


More security is provided to the sites that are hosted on the cloud server using advanced mirror options.

Hackers may track the IP addresses and steal resources or data from multiple websites connected and this must be taken care of by the hosting service provider.

Used by

Wider area networks like multinational corporate companies where traffic is high each day.

Smaller groups or individuals where traffic is at a minimal rate per day.

Maintenance factors

Cloud hosting platforms give proper technical support in upgradation to the interface, manage the bandwidth, and take care of memory leakage, resources, etc.

Lesser maintenance and technical support are given to customers when compared to cloud services.

Flexibility in Payments

Offers pay as per customer needs.

No such payment options.


So, choosing which type of hosting service for the website is based on the customer's requirements. When pricing to resources is not a big deal then cloud hosting will be the best option as it provides higher performance, uptime, reliability, scalable to resources, and security to the websites that are hosted on multiple servers.

If the user has just initiated a startup in business or creating their website then shared hosting can be preferred as they are less expensive and requires less technical knowledge in upgradation, and maintenance factors that can handle low to medium network traffic.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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