Difference Between Cloud Gaming and Traditional PC Gaming

Technology developments have given rise to several gaming platforms, including Traditional PC and cloud gaming. A popular way to pass the time now is by playing video games. In this article, we'll determine and compare cloud gaming with Traditional PC gaming.

What is Cloud Gaming?

The activity of downloading and playing video games via the internet is called "cloud gaming," Consumers may access the games from any device with an internet connection. All of your gaming data is kept on a distant server. Instead of downloading and installing the game locally, cloud gaming allows the user to see the action online in real time.

What is Traditional PC Gaming?

Playing video games on a desktop or laptop is called "traditional PC gaming." When playing a video game on a personal computer (PC), users typically buy, install, and use their computer.

Differences Between Cloud Gaming and Traditional PC Gaming

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements are one of the main distinctions between cloud gaming and traditional PC gaming. For traditional PC gaming, users need high-performance gear, such as a specialized graphics card, CPU, and RAM. Cloud gaming, in contrast, needs a steady internet connection on the user's device and has far lower equipment requirements since it is hosted on a distant server.


Traditional PC gaming costs may vary significantly based on various variables, such as the game's retail price and the system requirements. Video games may cost nothing to hundreds of dollars, and some need several payments to access all of the features. Contrarily, cloud gaming services charge a monthly membership fee to access a vast library of games, making them more accessible to casual players.

Speed of Gaming

Since cloud gaming is broadcast in real time over the internet, your internet connection speed is essential. The user may have latency or buffering problems if their internet connection could be more active or reliable, which might create a negative impact on how well they play games. On the other hand, because the game is downloaded locally to the user's device, traditional PC gaming does not need a continual internet connection.

Excellent Graphics

Another distinction between cloud gaming and Traditional PC gaming is the visual quality. The visual quality of cloud games could be better than conventional PC gaming since they are transmitted over the internet. However, as technology advances, internet gaming's visual quality improves, and certain cloud gaming providers could offer visually stunning content.

Selection of Games

Since clients don't have to buy each game separately, cloud gaming providers offer more games than conventional PC gaming. Cloud gaming providers offer several well-known and recently launched titles that may not be playable on standard machines. Additionally, because of the demo capability of cloud gaming, players have additional alternatives and freedom throughout their gaming sessions. In comparison, the typical PC gaming experience is restricted to the games bought or downloaded and may not have access to the most recent releases or well-liked games.

Portability and accessibility

They are great because you can access your cloud-based gaming library from any device anytime. Customers who access games in the cloud may play them on any device, whether a Smartphone, tablet, or computer, without downloading additional programs. Since the user's library of games is accessible from any compatible device with the service, continuing from where you left off is a breeze. In contrast, traditional PC games often force you to start over whenever you switch devices.

Latency and Input lag

The effects of Lentency and touch lag on a person's emotional state may be profound. When playing a game in the cloud, latency refers to how long it takes for the game to react to the player's input. A sluggish user interface or device might cause input latency, and the delayed reports result from this issue. Although cloud gaming services have advanced dramatically recently, a high-quality internet connection is still required for optimal input and delay latency. PC gaming does not have the same latency or lag issue because the games run on user devices.

Customized and Mods

One of the great features is that they may be customized using a PC Gaming. The user controls the immersion level by adjusting graphics quality, screen resolution, and frame rate. Mods are user-created and -executed programs that alter the game's default behaviour or add new features. Users have complete freedom to "modify" the game to their liking. There are fewer options for customization and alterations while using a cloud gaming service since the game data is stored on a separate computer.


Cloud Gaming

PC Gaming







Internet Connection


Not Required

Graphics Quality

Restricted by server capabilities and internet speed

Depending on the hardware's capabilities

Gaming Selection



Portability and Access






Gaming Experience

Instant access, no need to install or download games

It takes time to install and download and may need maintenance and hardware updates.


Cloud gaming vs. traditional PC gaming comes down to convenience and personal taste. Both kinds of gaming have pros and drawbacks. Cloud gaming is convenient, affordable, and offers a more extensive selection of games, but conventional PC gaming offers better visuals and doesn't need a steady internet connection. Players may choose the gaming mode that best fits them since both online and offline gaming can be fun.

Updated on: 08-May-2023


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