Difference between Cereals and Pulses


Cereals fall under the category of grains as they have a high content of carbohydrates present in them. They are grown in most countries and a large number of cereals are being consumed by most living organisms along with humans. They are also grown in other developing countries such as India in the form of grains. Pulses are also categorized under the same category. Pulses are not grown in large quantities in most countries but still, they are rich in various food nutrients.

What are Cereals?

Cereals are mainly categorized under the category of edible components of grass. A large number of countries produce them. Many developing countries also produce them in the form of Grains. Their food value is very high as they have a large amount of Proteins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, Fats and Oils. Apart from that it also contains various types of Vitamins, Phosphorus and Amino acids.

Classification of Cereals

Cereals are classified under the kingdom of plants and their family is Poaceae. They actually fall in the order of Poales. Various types of cereals are actually produced in various forms in different parts of the country. Some of the major classifications are Wheat, Corn, Barley, Oats, Quinoa, Rice etc. Cereals can also refer to the members of the Gramineae family and determines various species of crops.

Characteristic features of Cereals

  • Cereals are essential components. Regardless of the fact that they contain high- energy contents, they are also cheaper than the other crops which may be somewhat expensive.

  • In agriculture, various crops are grown among them a large number of grains are majorly produced. Many climatic and environmental factors are also responsible for the proper growth of these crops.

  • The geographical location and soil fertility also play an essential role in the production of these crops.

  • Most of these crops are mostly consumed by humans and some are sold in their raw forms for consumption by other living beings.

  • Other food products can be produced for many animals which are domestically used for creating many milk products and can be widely used for poultry farming.

  • Cereals are also widely used in many industries for other purposes also such as producing alcohol and many other bio-fuels.

What are Pulses?

Pulses are known to be Legumes of grain which are often pronounced commonly as dry seeds. They are produced in lesser quantities as compared to cereals. But they contain high nutrient values such as Proteins, Iron, Vitamins and Fibres. They are available in the form of broad beans butter beans etc. their high nutrient values make an alternate option for diet purposes if there is a lack in the intake of other food items. It usually reduces the amount of cholesterol level in the human body. They have low-fat content present in them. They are also used for controlling the blood sugar level in the body of all living organisms.

Pulses are also economically essential for the survival of a large number of people in many countries as they cultivate a pulse which give farmers their own income and helps to build the economic structure of certain countries in many ways. According to certain estimations India is the largest producer of pulses and most of the countries like Australia, China, USA and Nigeria produce pulses.

Production process of Pulses

The processing of pulses involves basically two steps the first process is known as a seed coating and its removal process and the second process involves the conversion of grain into splits and grinding them into various components for end use.

Examples of cereals and pulses

The various examples of cereals and pulses are classified as follows −


  • Wheat

  • Rice

  • Barley

  • Oats

  • Sorghum and

  • Rye


  • Chickpeas

  • Lentils

  • Dry peas

  • Vetches

  • Broad beans

  • Bambara beans.

Differences between Cereals and Pulses

The difference between cereals and pulses can be described as follows −



Cereals are actually harvested in the form of grasses for their components of starch.

Pulses are grown in the form of leguminous crops which are mainly harvested in the form of dry seeds.

In the case of large commercial farming purposes, these crops are widely produced.

As compared to cereals pulses are grown in a small amount.

High levels of carbohydrates are present in cereals.

The number of carbohydrates present in pulses is lower than the cereals.

They fall under the plant kingdom and their family is Poaceae

Pulses fall under the same category of plants but their family category is different their name is Leguminosae.

Cereals are grown in every region except in cold areas and in desserts.

Pulses are grown in a pod which may produce as many as twelve seeds.

Major examples of cereals are rice, and wheat etc.

Major examples of pulses are dry beans, chickpeas etc.


Cereals and Pulses fall under the plant kingdom. They include various climatic conditions temperature, soil fertility for growing. In the case of the production of crops, they are divided into many different categories but the main two categories are being considered they are basically Cereals and Pulses. In the case of cereals, they are majorly produced in many developed as well as in many developing countries. But, in the case of pulses, they are not majorly grown in most countries. Both of them have different sources of food nutrients within them. Some can vary according to different external conditions as well as soil fertility.


Q 1. What is the most important cereals being consumed by many people?

Ans. The most important cereals being consumed by a large number of people are rice, wheat, barley and oats. They have high amounts of food values present in them.

Q 2. What is the various nutrients present in pulses?

Ans. Pulses contain a large amount of Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium Thiamine and Niacin. They also have less number of Carbohydrates within them.

Q 3. What is cereals and pulses actually called?

Ans. Cereals and pulses are actually called as food grains. They are most probably identified by that name in most countries also.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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