Difference between Case Study and Action Research

A case study is a topic in which a study is conducted about a person, group, event, etc. All the aspects of the topic are covered in a case study. Action research is content in which an issue is investigated and resolved. In this article, we will look at the difference between a case study and an action research.

Case Study

A case study is content in which you have to cover all the aspects of a topic. The topic can include a person, a group, an event, and many more things. There are many fields in which case studies are used and some of them are −

  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Anthropology
  • Social work

A case study is written to learn about a topic as much as possible. It is difficult to publish it for a large number of viewers.

Types of Case Studies

Case studies are of different types which are discussed below −

Collective Case Studies

This is a type of case study in which a study is conducted on a group of people. This group can be a particular community, people engaged in a similar profession, people living in a society, etc.

Descriptive Case Studies

Descriptive case studies include the topic related to a descriptive theory. The information regarding the theory can be gathered and can be compared with the existing theory.

Explanatory Case Studies

These are the case studies in which researchers have to look for certain factors which have led to the cause of certain things.

Exploratory Case Studies

These are the case studies in which in-depth research related to a topic is conducted. Researchers can gather more information before creating a hypothesis on the topic.

Instrumental Case Studies

These are a type of case studies in which researchers are allowed by individuals or groups to understand them more. The research done on the individuals or group should be more than the things that observers can observe obviously.

Intrinsic Case Studies

These are a type of case studies in which a researcher performs research based on his personal interest. He can research on the behavior of his children, his hobbies, and many more.

Benefits of Case Studies

A case study has many benefits and you need to consider them before writing. Some of these benefits are listed below −

  • Researchers can investigate those topics which cannot be replicated in a lab
  • Researchers can answer the what why and how questions regarding a topic
  • Researchers get the opportunity of researching why a strategy is better than others
  • Hypotheses can be developed which can be tested through experimental research

Disadvantages of Case Studies

Case studies also have a few disadvantages which are listed below −

  • Case studies cannot have a large number of viewers
  • Cause and effect cannot be demonstrated
  • It can be biased

Action Research

Action research is a type of research method in which an issue is investigated to find its solution. This type of research is usually done in social sciences and education field. The research is done to reduce the gap between theory and practical.

Types of Action Research

Acton research is of two types and we will discuss them here in detail.

  • Participatory Action Research
  • Practical Action Research

Participatory Action research

This is a type of research in which a study is conducted on the participants who belong to a certain community. In this research, the participants share their experiences in their lives.

Practical Action Research

This is a type of research done on certain issues and solutions are provided to resolve them.

Benefits of Action Research

Action research has many benefits and they are listed below −

  • Researchers can conduct the analysis according to the needs of an individual.
  • Immediate and actionable path can be conducted through this research to resolve an issue

Disadvantages of Action research

Action research has a few disadvantages listed below −

  • Replication of research studies is difficult as action research is very flexible.
  • Making a structure of the action research in an ethical way is very difficult

Difference between Case Study and Action Research

Case studies and action research have a lot of differences and we will see them in the table below −

Action Research Case Study
This is action-oriented research which is conducted to resolve an issue immediately. A case study is a type of content in which a particular event, person, or group is examined in detail.
This research is conducted to resolve a problem. A case study is written to observe a problem.
Action research is mostly conducted in the educational field. Case studies can be written on different fields.
It always resolves a problem. It never resolves a problem.
A problem is identified and the research is conducted. Research questions are identified and defined.
Researchers can become a part of the research. Researchers do not become a part of the research.
The cause of the issue is identified and the solution is provided. Complex issues are elaborated.
Data and plan actions are analyzed. It only analyses data.

FAQs on Action Research vs. Case Study

1. Differentiate between action research and case study.

Action research is conducted to identify a problem and provide a solution. Case studies are conducted to observe a particular phenomenon, event, individual, or group.

2. What is the aim of action research?

Acton research is conducted to identify a problem and provide a solution. It is also done to provide community-based knowledge which can impact processes like learning, teaching, etc.

3. How can action research be used in education?

Action research is conducted to reduce the gap between practical and theory. Educators find the solution to an issue after investigating it.

4. What is a case study?

A case study is an in-depth knowledge that is related to an individual, a group, or an event. Case studies are written to observe the complex issues but they do not provide any solution.

5. In which field are action research and case studies used?

Action research is mainly used in the educational field while case studies can be related to a lot of fields like medicine, psychology, etc.

Updated on: 28-Jun-2024


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