Difference between Brand Image and Brand Identity

The success of a business in every aspect is affected by the opinions of its customers about the quality of its brands. Although this may be rectified, doing so will be very expensive and, in certain situations, may be impossible due to the brand's ruined reputation. Common terms used in discussions about branding include "brand identity" and "brand image." Despite common usage, there is a notable distinction between these two words.

What is Brand Image?

Customers' impressions of a brand are an intangible representation of the brand's perceived credibility, charisma, and character. In this way, buyers make judgments about a brand. Making a positive image for a company in the eyes of consumers is a crucial first step toward achieving any kind of market success.

The “image” consumers feel about, think about, and talk about a brand is crucial to how the brand is perceived. Although it has more to do with brand culture, a brand's image is indicative of its identity and values in its target audience's eyes. It develops gradually due to marketing and customer engagement, leaving customers with either a positive or negative brand image.

What is Brand Identity?

This is how a brand wants to be seen by current buyers and introduces itself to potential buyers. Although the logo is the most common visual cue for a brand, other aspects of a product's design can also affect how consumers perceive it. Color, language, and imagery are all examples of such elements.

A brand's present market position is reflected in its focus on brand and management. Brand identities, often the product of direct involvement from the corporation, are wholly under the firm's control.

Differences − Brand Image and Brand Identity

The central concept of "brand image" and "brand identity" revolves around how a business presents itself to its ideal clients, however there are significant differences between the two, which we have highlighted in the following table:

Characteristics Brand Image Brand Identity
Definition The image of a brand is the public's impression of that brand, and it reflects the brand's perceived sincerity, character, and personality. Brand identity refers to the overall presentation of a company and the image it hopes to convey to existing and potential customers.
Importance Customers' experiences with a brand's products and services affect consumers' perceptions of that brand. Participation by employees is what establishes a company's reputation.
Components One of the most important functions of brand image is to enhance client experiences and develop lasting relationships.

A brand's image is more than simply the associations people have with the brand.

Creating a brand identity revolves around improving customers' experiences.

A brand's visual identity includes its logo and other visual representations.

Central idea Brand experiences are the core of the brand image. A company's brand identity stems from the impression it gives to its target market.
What does it convey The image of a brand is the public's impression of that brand. The brand's identity conveys the organization's purpose, mission, vision, and goals.
Application A brand's image refers to the way in which the public perceives the brand. The brand identity used by the business is indicative of its mission.
Control The public's perception of a brand's image is not entirely within its control. Companies have unlimited control over their brands' identities.
Tangibility Brand image is intangible because it reflects a company's true character and values. A company's visual identity can have an effect on how its brand is perceived.


Brand image refers to how consumers think about and talk about a brand, and it conveys the brand's outside authenticity, character, and personality through the usage of the brand's affiliations and outwardly apparent elements.

Brand identity, on the other hand, refers to the intended and actual representation of a brand in the minds of its audience. This is accomplished by making use of overt characteristics. Brand identity reflects the desires of a company and acts as an indicator of its goals, vision, and ambitions, whereas brand image reflects the opinions of others and provides insight into how the public perceives the brand.

Updated on: 05-Dec-2022


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