Difference between Bonus Depreciation and Section 179

If you own a company, you must be familiar with the terms bonus depreciation and section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is essential that the tax deductions associated with the purchase of an asset be spread out during the item's life. There are a couple of ways to collect your benefits up front instead of having to wait the entirety of the asset's life, and those are bonus depreciation and section 179. However, what exactly is the distinction between the two? Come along with me as we discuss the differences.

What is Bonus Depreciation?

A tax advantage is what is meant when people talk about bonus depreciation. Instead of having to depreciate the cost of qualified assets over the course of their useful lives, it enables businesses to instantly deduct a significant portion of the purchase price of such assets. In certain circles, it is also referred to as the extra first year.

It was devised in order to boost economic activity and encourage investment on the part of small enterprises.

Form 4562 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the document that companies use to record bonus depreciation as well as the many other forms of depreciation and amortization. When it comes time to file taxes, using this form to claim deductions is helpful.

The year that an item is placed into operation is the only year in which bonus depreciation may be claimed.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 included a number of modifications to the preceding regulations governing bonus depreciation. Most significantly, it increased the bonus depreciation from the IRS-mandated minimum of fifty percent to a maximum of one hundred percent. However, this will not be consistent throughout the entire process. The bonus depreciation of one hundred percent will continue until the first of January 2023, after which it will change as follows: in 2023 it will be eighty percent, in 2024 it will be sixty percent, in 2025 it will be forty percent, and in 2026 it will be twenty percent if the law does not change before then.


Bonus Depreciation = Bonus Depreciation Rate (currently 100%) × The Cost Basis of the Acquired Asset

What is Section 179?

Within the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, one may find Section 179. (Internal Revenue Code). Instead of depreciating an asset over a period of time, company owners can obtain an instant deduction for purchases of business equipment. This is known as an immediate deduction. One dollar is deducted from the cost of each new asset purchased by a firm under Section 179. If the piece of equipment is acquired through purchases and financing transactions, and if the total purchase price qualifies for a deduction, then this provision is applicable.

The term "depreciable assets" refers to things like software, automobiles, and equipment.

Instead of depreciating an asset over the course of time in subsequent tax years, Section 179 enables businesses to reduce the amount of tax expenditure they have for the current year.

In spite of this, the maximum allowable deduction for the year 2021 is only $1,050,000, and the value of the property that may be acquired cannot exceed $2,620,000.

Small companies are offered an incentive in the form of the section 179 depreciation method in order to encourage them to invest in new machinery in order to expand their operations.

For an asset to be deductible under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code, it must be used in your business more than fifty percent of the time.

Additionally, it makes use of Form 4562 in order to claim deductions.

Similarities − Bonus Depreciation and Section 179

  • Both of these approaches are utilized in the process of asset depreciation.

  • Both parties will submit their deduction claims using Form 4562.

  • In the first year that a new asset is held, both of these are relevant.

Difference between Bonus Depreciation and Section 179

The following table highlights the major differences between Bonus Depreciation and Section 179 −

Bonus Depreciation
Types of Deduction
A portion of the total cost is reduced because of the bonus depreciation.
Deductions for brand-new assets can be taken advantage of under Section 179.
Annual Limit of Deduction
As long as the products in question belong to the same category, there is no yearly cap on the amount that can be deducted for bonus depreciation.
There is a $1,050,000 yearly cap on deductions under Section 179.
Maximum Amount of Purchases
There is no cap on the number of purchases that can qualify for Bonus Depreciation.
Under Section 179, the maximum amount of machinery that may be acquired and still be eligible for a full tax deduction is $2,620,000.
Statutory end date
According to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the statutory end date for deductions of 100 percent for Bonus Depreciation is the 31st of December 2022. After that date, it will vary as follows: in 2023, it will be 80 percent, in 2024 it will be 60 percent, in 2025 it will be 40 percent, and in 2026 it will be 20 percent, provided that the law does not change.
There is no statutory termination date for section 179.
Even if your company is losing money, you can still take advantage of bonus depreciation.
The requirement of profitability for the Section 179 deduction.
Comparison to the business income
It is possible for bonus depreciation to be more than the profits from your firm.
Your business income must be higher than your Section 179 deduction.
Improvement to real estate coverage
The addition of a new roof to your building is one example of an improvement that is covered by Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code.
This category is not included in the bonus depreciation program.


Both Bonus Depreciation and Section 179 are effective methods for reducing the value of your assets over time. You will not make a mistake by choosing any one or both of these options because it is feasible to mix them. Your strategy and the assets you are putting up will determine which option is best for you. Naturally, this will be done after discussing the matter with your accountant. You now have more information at your disposal, which puts you in a better position to make an informed decision.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2022


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