Difference between Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0

Bluetooth is a technology used for data transfer between electronic devices wirelessly. It is a short distance data communication medium, allowing exchange of data and information without the need of cables. Bluetooth technology uses radio waves for wireless data communication. It follows the master-slave architecture, i.e. one device works as a master device (sender) and another device works as a slave device (receiver).

Today, Bluetooth technology is being used in a wide range of applications like data transfer, audio streaming over speakers, headphones, etc., hands free calling, connecting peripherals like mouse, keyboard, etc.

Bluetooth technology has evolved over the time, offering higher data transfer rates, support to advanced features, etc. This article is primarily focusing on Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0.

What is Bluetooth 4.0?

Bluetooth 4.0 is a version of Bluetooth technology which was released in 2010 with several advanced and improved features than the earlier versions. It supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) feature that reduces power consumption, and makes it suitable for battery powered devices.

Bluetooth 4.0 offers a wireless communication over longer distances compared to the earlier versions. Another important feature that Bluetooth 4.0 supports is dual-mode functionality, allowing devices to support both the Bluetooth Classical Mode and the Bluetooth Low-Energy Mode. Also, Bluetooth 4.0 provides enhanced protection against unauthorized access.

What is Bluetooth 5.0?

Bluetooth 5.0 is an enhanced version of Bluetooth technology which was released in 2016. It is a significantly improved version with key features, including long distance communication, higher data transfer rate, low-energy smart mode, mesh networking support, positioning and navigation capabilities, etc. All these new features have made Bluetooth 5.0 prevalent in various modern devices like smartphones, speakers, headphones, etc.

After getting insights into the basics of Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0, let us now discuss the important differences between them.

Difference between Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0

The following table highlights all the major differences between Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0 −


Bluetooth 4.0

Bluetooth 5.0

Data transfer rate

Bluetooth 4.0 offers a lower data transfer speed, typically around 1 Mbps.

Bluetooth 5.0 offers a higher data transfer speed, around 2 Mbps.

Connection range

Bluetooth 4.0 provides a connection range of about 10 m.

Bluetooth 5.0 provides a connection range of about 40 m.

Low energy feature

Bluetooth 4.0 supports basic low energy features.

Bluetooth 5.0 supports enhanced low energy feature that provides higher power efficiency.

Mesh networking support

Bluetooth 4.0 does not support mesh networking.

Bluetooth 5.0 supports mesh networking.

Audio quality

Bluetooth 4.0 provides average audio quality.

Bluetooth 5.0 provides better audio quality.

Device density

Bluetooth 4.0 supports less number of devices at the same time.

Bluetooth 5.0 supports larger number of devices at the same time.

Power consumption

Bluetooth 4.0 consumes more power than Bluetooth 5.0.

Bluetooth 5.0 consumes less power.

Security features

Bluetooth 4.0 is relatively poorer in terms of security.

Bluetooth 5.0 offers enhanced security features than Bluetooth 4.0.


Bluetooth 4.0 being an older version, is not compatible with Bluetooth 5.0.

Bluetooth 5.0 is compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 version.

Battery life

Bluetooth 4.0 provides a smaller battery life in the device.

Bluetooth 5.0 provides a longer battery life.


Bluetooth 4.0 is relatively less reliable.

Bluetooth 5.0 is more reliable than Bluetooth 4.0.

Message capacity

Bluetooth 4.0 provides smaller message capacity, typically about 31 bytes.

Bluetooth 5.0 provides greater message capacity, typically about 255 bytes.


Both Bluetooth 4.0 and 5.0 are the enhanced versions of Bluetooth technology. The most significant difference between Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0 is that Bluetooth 4.0 supports a wireless communication over 10 m at a data transfer speed of 1 MB/s, whereas Bluetooth 5.0 supports a wireless communication over 40 m at a data transfer speed of 2 MB/s.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023

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