Difference between Bayesian Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Most individuals outside the artificial intelligence field probably think that Deep Learning and Machine Learning are the same. However, such is not the situation. Modeling statistics using Bayes' Theorem is the paradigm of Bayesian ML. Deep learning is a discipline of machine learning, a multi-layered artificial neural network. Even a simple neural network can approximate the truth, but a more elaborate network with concealed layers can greatly enhance precision.

Everyone interested in learning more about AI should start by familiarizing themselves with the terminology used in the subject. These neural networks "learn" from extensive datasets to mimic human brain activity, albeit they are still far from brain supremacy.

Bayesian Machine Learning

In its simplest form, machine learning refers to how computers learn by analyzing data. One can use the Bayesian ML paradigm to build statistical models by Bayes' Theorem.


Depending on the nature of the data at hand, these algorithms may employ supervised or unsupervised learning strategies. Estimating the posterior distribution p(|x)p(|x) given the likelihood p(x|)p(x|) and the prior distribution p()p() is the overarching goal of Bayesian ML. It is possible to infer the likelihood from the data used for training.

Algorithms are used in computer science and statistics to complete a task without being explicitly coded; they do this by identifying patterns in the data and making predictions as more data is collected. The algorithm picked up on the ability to predict outcomes through inference and pattern recognition without any prior programming.

Basics about machine learning

The ordinary least-squares regression (OLS) is an example of a method for machine learning.

Machine learning is present even in this seemingly elementary scenario; the engine powering Machine Learning is regular ol' statistics.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is widely implemented today. The methods used in Deep Learning can be seen as both a more advanced and more complicated version of traditional machine learning techniques. Neural networks based on deep learning attempt to mimic how the human brain works using data inputs, weights, and bias. When we talk about "Deep Learning," we're referring to algorithms that use human-like logic to analyze data and draw conclusions. Remember that this is valid whether or not the learning is monitored.

Deep neural networks are constructed with numerous layers of interconnected nodes to provide the most accurate prediction or categorization possible. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used by Deep Learning applications to accomplish this goal.

An ANN that takes cues from the human brain's biological neural network can learn much more effectively than traditional machine learning models. "forward propagation" describes how data and calculations move through a network. The data is taken in by the model used for deep learning at the input layer, and the final forecast or classification is formed at the output layer. Backpropagation is another method for training a model. It uses techniques like gradient descent to quantify prediction errors and then backward-propagate through the layers to alter the weights and biases of the function.

The above is a simplified explanation of the most basic form of deep neural networks. A deep learning network may make predictions and adjust for mistakes using both forward and backpropagation, and the algorithm improves its accuracy over time. Yet, algorithms for deep learning are quite intricate, and numerous varieties of neural networks are designed to tackle a wide range of issues and data sets.

Basics about deep learning

Object identification and recognition are only two of the many uses for convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which are most commonly used in computer vision and picture classification applications.

In automated driving, deep learning is used to recognize objects like stop signs and pedestrians.

Due to their ability to use sequential or time series data, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) find widespread use in NLP and SNR tasks.

The military employs Deep Learning to classify satellite imagery and determine the relative safety of an area for ground soldiers. Of course, Deep Learning is also prevalent in the consumer electronics sector.

The Deep Learning algorithms require minimal human involvement thanks to their self-learning capabilities and autonomous feature engineering.

Deep Learning necessitates a lot of processing power. Building a deep neural network used to take weeks (!) but with the advent of infrastructure for cloud computing with powerful GPU (graphic processing units that are used to speed up calculations), this could be reduced to hours.

Difference between Bayesian Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Algorithms for Deep Learning are within the category of Machine Learning. Therefore, it could be useful to consider what distinguishes Deep Learning from other machine learning techniques. The explanation is the structure of ANN algorithms, the reduced need for human interaction, and the increased need for data.


Bayesian Machine learning

Deep Learning


Bayesian Machine Learning methods are like linear regression and decision trees with a very straightforward structure. This multi-tiered ANN is as intricate and interconnected as the human brain.

Deep Learning is based on a computer network designed to learn.


As a Bayesian Machine learning system, the features are automatically extracted, and the algorithm learns from its mistakes.

The amount of time spent by humans is reduced using Deep Learning algorithms.


To create accurate forecasts, machine learning algorithms require "structured" or "labeled" data, in which individual features are specified using the input information the model uses and tabulated accordingly.

Deep learning reduces the time and effort needed to prepare data for machine learning. By ingesting and processing unstructured data like images and text, these algorithms reduce reliance on human specialists by automating feature extraction.


Bayesian machine learning can function with as few hundred data points. So, machine learning typically requires millions.

Deep Learning needs much more information than a standard Machine Learning program. Because of its complex multi-layer structure, a deep learning system requires a sizable dataset to smooth out irregularities and generate accurate interpretations.


With data inputs, weights, and bias, deep learning neural networks (also known as artificial neural networks) try to simulate the functioning of the human brain. These parts collaborate to identify, categorise, and characterise data objects correctly. The visible layers of a deep learning network are the input and output layers. The data is taken in by the model used for deep learning at the input layer, and the final forecast or classification is formed at the output layer.

Deep neural networks are constructed with numerous layers of interconnected nodes to provide the most accurate prediction or categorization possible.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023


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