Difference Between Bark Beetle and Termite

Bark beetles and termites are both insects that cause damage to trees and other wooden structures. However, there are several key differences between the two that make them unique in terms of their biology, behavior, and impact on the environment.

What is Bark Beetle?

The bark beetle is a common bug that lives in forests all across the globe. They have the form of a cylinder and rarely exceed 6 millimetres in length. It is common for bark beetles to construct their nests in wood. The females bore into a tree to lay their eggs, usually accompanied by a male. At times, there may be as many as 60 women for every guy.

As soon as the eggs hatch, the larvae begin boring into the tree bark, leaving behind distinctive tunnels. After boring a cocoon, they will emerge as adults from the bark. There are more than 2,000 different species of bark beetle found across the world. They have a history of wreaking havoc on trees. Recent climatic shifts, particularly in North America, have made this devastation much worse.

What is Termite?

Termites are a type of social insect that may be found all over the globe. Their nesting spots include the insides of tree trunks and underground tunnels with easy access to water. Termites are notoriously damaging pests because of their habit of constructing underground nests within wooden structures. They are great for the environment since they return cellulose to the natural cycle.


Warm, wet environments are preferred by termites. Vancouver, on the west coast, is the northernmost of these cities in North America. To the north, they disappear in the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Ontario, but they're still present in Main and the eastern provinces of Canada on the Atlantic coast. Their range in Europe is limited to the southern half of the continent, mostly between the Mediterranean and the north coast of France. In the north, they can be found in the islands of Japan and South Korea in eastern Asia.

Invasive termite species have spread all across the world as a result of international commerce. Termites from both the Pacific Islands and East Asia have been discovered in the American mainland, whereas North American termites have been discovered in Vienna, Switzerland.

The local ecosystem is more suited to their native counterparts than the invasive species. Thus, they frequently seek safety in man-made structures. This is why invading termite species pose the greatest threat. Although while only around 10% of termites are considered pests, they nonetheless do a lot of damage to homes, furniture, and other wood structures, as well as to some very essential plants. Major efforts have been made to slow their progress.


Termites live in intricate social structures with several castes because they are eusocial. There will be a couple of reproductive termites in each colony, as well as workers, soldiers, and young termites (called nymphs). When termites have not yet reached maturity, we call them nymphs. Termite nymphs can be influenced to become workers, soldiers, or reproductives by pheromones if there is a shortage of a certain caste. The reproductives may create new colonies or replace the present reproductive couple if necessary, but the workers and soldiers can't reproduce and must be replaced.

Launching Colonies

Members of the termite colony's reproductive caste are those tasked with creating new termites. They have wings for their first flight, which they afterwards discard, since they must explore the outside world to select a suitable spot for a new colony. They have thick hides and enormous compound eyes. In order to start a new colony, the fertile individuals will be carried to a remote area of the nest and released into the open. While they have a little ability to fly, they rely on the wind for the majority of their travel.

Upon arrival, the male and female pair up and begin searching for a suitable nesting location. When they do, they'll start constructing a nest and laying eggs. The female will gradually gain weight until she is a massive egg laying machine, producing thousands of eggs every day. In order to ensure the survival of the colony, the king and queen will keep having children.

The colony's young are looked after and the nest is tended to by the monarch and queen at first. They will be taken over by nymphs and labourers while the king and queen focus on having children.

Other Castes

Both big mandibles for fighting predators and a long, narrow nose for firing chemicals at enemies will be standard equipment for these warriors. To protect the nest, soldiers are relied upon heavily. Staff members will have pliable frames and massive jaws for eating. A worker's duties include foraging for food, constructing and repairing the nest, and preparing meals for the colony.

Termite Nests

There are two main types of termite nests: those made of wood and those made of underground tunnels. In the tropics, it's not uncommon to come across termite mounds. Microclimates within the termite mounds will be warmer and more humid than the surrounding area.

Termite mounds provide a safe haven for other insects like flies and beetles. Some of these visitors really help the termites out by secreting compounds they require. Fungal mycelia are another source of nutrition for termites. Termites engage in a rudimentary type of domestication in this way.

Differences: Bark Beetle and Termite

The following table highlights the major differences between Bark Beetles and Termites −


Bark Beetle



Bark beetles do not appear to live in structured societies.

Termites live in highly structured eusocial hives or colonies.

Environmental/so cietal impact

Bark beetles are most known for damaging trees.

Termites are most notorious for the damage that they cause to buildings and other artificial wooden structures.

Male/female ratio

Bark beetles appear to be mostly female with an average nest starting out with as many as 60 females to 1 male.

Termites tend to have a more even sex distribution.





While both bark beetles and termites cause damage to trees and wooden structures, they are distinct insects with different biological and behavioral characteristics. Understanding these differences is important for managing and mitigating the impacts of these insects on the environment.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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