Difference between Axon and Dendrite


Axon and dendrite are the two major parts of neurons those work to transfer information. Dendrites has short branches than axon and that is a major difference between these two parts of the neuron. The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems are the two main parts of the human nervous system. The human spinal cord and brain’s activities are controlled by the central nervous system. The nervous system works for information, command and making coordination in all body parts with the brain. Peripheral nervous system is another part of the nervous system where neurons are formed.

What is an Axon?

An Axon is a fibre of nerve with a lengthy projection in the nerve cells. The fibre is transferred electrical impulses from the body to the nervous system that is recognised as the potential for actions. Axons have some pseudounipolar neurons that are working as a sensor. The neurons transfer temperature and electrical impulsion from the axon to the body cell and spinal cord.

The range of axon is very high rather to other fibres. The axon has approximately one- meter length but others have only one millimetre. Twenty diameters are the highest length of the biggest mammal in the world. The structure of branching is dependent on fibres of nerves that are called axonal telodendria.

Significance of Axon

Active degeneration of the axon is called on the condition of any type of damage in the part of the axon. Degeneration rapidly happen in this condition and closed all the membranes of the damaged portion. The main protein of axon NMNAT2 is blocked and unable to reach near the axon is responsible for this degeneration process. Axon demyelination is determined by many sclerosis and neurological symptoms are the result of this process. Dysmyelination shows the result of irregularity in the structure of the myelin sheath.

Classification of Axon

There are two types of axons dependent on velocity and thickness. The types are described below,

  • The characters named A, B and C has distributed the fibres into 3 classes. The approach is discovered by glasser and erlanger that the motor fibres and the fibres for sense are also divided into A, B and C groups. An∝ (alpha), Aβ (beta), A⋎ (gamma), and Aδ (delta) are the split elements from the first group.

  • Alpha motor is the lower motor in neuron, gamma and beta motor is reacting with the fibres of the motor.

  • The sensory fibres that are known as Aa fibre have two class divisions according to research. The classes in this scheme are known as Type Ia, Type Ib, Type II, Type III, and Type IV and many more.

What are Dendrites?

Dendrites are another part of neurons that collect signals from other cells and transfer them to the main part of the neuron. They are called big appendages that are transferring cell signals through the impulsion of electric and chemical reactors.

The development of dendrite happens with the help of pollutants of nature, usage of drugs and sensory input and many more. Approximately a hundred neurons existed in the human body at the time they were born. The speed of the dendrites is dependent on their thickness. The thickest dendrites can collect and convey messages faster than other dendrites. The impulsions of electric and chemical signals react faster with thicker types of dendrites.

Function and Structure of Dendrite

The structure and functions of dendrite describe below in detail,

  • The intercourse of a sexual organ is a major role of dendrite.

  • The fibres are collecting responses from the other neurons and collect all information from the terminals of the axon.

  • The fibres are collect information from the whole body and convey it to the brain. The brain gives some responses against the body response that is also conveyed by dendrites.

Difference between Axon and Dendrite

Axon and dendrite are two crucial components of the nerve cells. The differences between the two fibres are discussed below in detail.





The dendrite is formed from the neuron’s receiving end portion.

The axon is formed from the end part of discharging in the neuron.


The structure is made like branches in the tapper-off edges.

The axon is thick till the end part but not in a proper form.


The neurofibrils are present in this part of the neuron.

The neurofibrils exist in this part of the neuron.

Nissl’s Granules

Nissl’s granules are present in this part of the neuron .

Nissl’s granules are not present in this part of the neuron.


The dendrite's length is not too short but it's shorter than the length of the axon.

The axon’s length is bigger than the dendrite.


Dendrites exist in neurons with large numbers.

Axon is the only one that exists in the neuron.


The knots founded as unformed in this type of fibres.

The knot's ending point is the terminal branches.

Conduction process

Dendrite's conduction process happens towards the body of the cell.

The impulsion process of conduction happens far from the cell body


Dendrites have branches till the end of their body.

Axon has branches only in the end part of their body.

Point of arising

Dendrites arise from nerve cells in a direct way.

Axon arises from axon hillock this is a conical projection.


Axon is formed from the conical projection that is called axon hillock and one axon is formed for collecting the information. Axon is discussed in detail in the above article. The importance and the classifications of the fibre are discussed in the above article. Dendrite is another discussable thing in the above article. The fibre is formed directly from the peripheral nervous system. The major responsibility of the fibre is to gather information from the different parts of the body and conveyed it to the brain.


Qns 1. How do axon and dendrite actively involve themselves within the body of an organism?

Ans. Axon and dendrite take a major responsibility to convey signals from one cell to another. The two fibres are parts of neurons that involve directly in the movement of the body, depending on the signals from the brain.

Qns 2. What crucial role do dendrites play in the brain?

Ans. The process of memory formation is a crucial role in the dendrite. It takes an active part in segmenting and documenting memories within the brain.

Qns 3. Why mental diseases do are triggered in the human brain?

Ans. Metal diseases like Schizophrenia and leukodystrophies happen for the myelin sheath's irregular structure. In this process Axon appears as an effective part that can maintain a proper structure of myelin sheath to keep humans out of these mental diseases.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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