Difference Between Ascending and Descending

The words "ascending" and "descending" are used to describe the order of numbers or measurements as they increase or decrease in size. The ordering is relative to the numbers or measurements within the group presented for classification.

Ascending refers to an increase in size or amount, while descending is a decrease in size or value of the set of measurements. These two terms are opposite to one another; they are antonyms. They usually refer to the same concept, but highlight the opposite action or end result. Climbing is a good comparative activity because climbers may ascend or descend a mountain slope.

Numerically, any group of items can be set in order as an ascending or descending list. The numbers or mathematical series is compared by the value or size of the number. The terms ascending and descending are used in anatomy, climbing jargon, alphabetically, musical scales and aviation technology.

What is Ascending?

Ascending refers to moving upwards, climbing up or increasing. The root word of ascending is "ascend" and ascending is used as a verb to describe the act of moving up or climbing upwards. Ascending a stairway or a mountain to reach the top is a good example.

Ascending becomes an adjective to describe the order of numbers. Ascending order shows the increase in the value of numbers, metric measures and other mathematical concepts. Knowing how to arrange items in ascending order is a skill taught to children in school.

The concept of ascending applies to the motion of an aircraft as it ascends into the sky, after take off. Ascending may be used figuratively to describe the climbing of social ladders or the rise of a monarch, as he or she, ascends the throne to rule the country.

Ascending always refers to an upward motion or concept. Synonyms like arise, aspire, climb and mount help to understand the meaning of the word ascending.

How is Ascending Used?

  • Grammatically − Ascending is used as a verb, the action of climbing up. It is used as an adjective describing the order of objects as they increase in value. Ascend is the antonym of descend.

  • Mathematically − Ascending order refers to the arrangement of numbers in order of their numerical value. Setting fractions in their ascending order requires the evaluation of the fractions denominator prior to arranging the fractions in ascending order. When all the fractions can be compared using a common denominator then the ascending order is accurately compiled through the value of the numerator.

  • Medically − An ascending extrasensory pathway, medically speaking, refers to nerve impulses moving in an ascending direction. Other pathways in anatomy are created for circulation through an ascending aorta.

  • Musically − The scales of a piano are learned in ascending order as the pitch of the keys become higher and rise further up the keyboard. Singers use ascending and descending scales to exercise their voices.

  • Alphabetically − Using the letters of the alphabet in ascending order helps to arrange the order of names or words according to their position in the alphabet from A to Z. Alphabetical order is seen as a fair means to set the order of applicants or grouping people to arrange an orderly queuing system. It is a standardized logical means of getting order into a group of people and accepted as a just method of selection.

  • Aviation technology − The pilot takes the aeroplane from ground level and ascends into the air at the take off point.

What is Descending?

Descending is the complete opposite action from ascending. It is a verb with the root word of descend. It can be used as an adjective to describe the descending order of numbers. Musically, a descending order of notes or scale, would take on a deeper lower pitch as the order of keys moves down the musical instrument.

Descending is used in medical terms as well as in aviation and all for the opposite actions compared to ascending. Descending has a downward more depressing emotion of feeling ‘down’ or negatively feeling at a loss. Climbers descend from the mountain tops and planes descend before they land. Descending is completely the opposite of ascend in every aspect of its word usage.

How is Descending Used?

  • Grammatically − A verb, an adjective and the antonym of ascend

  • Mathematical − The ordering of numbers as they decrease in value.

  • Medically − Nerves, the colon and other downward pathways of the body are referred to as descending passages.

  • Musically − Musical cords played down the scale towards the lower end of the keyboard.

  • Aviation technology − The descent of the aeroplane as it is due to land. It has been said that the second most exciting event in a man’s life is to fly, but the most exciting is to land!

Differences: Ascending and Descending

In the most basic sense, ascending refers to movement or progression that goes upward or increases in value, while descending refers to movement or progression that goes downward or decreases in value. These concepts can be applied to a variety of different areas, including physical movement, music, numbers, and emotions.

When we talk about physical movement, ascending and descending refer to the direction of movement. For example, when climbing a staircase, we are ascending, moving upward toward a higher level. When descending a staircase, we are moving downward toward a lower level. Similarly, when flying in an airplane, ascending refers to the airplane's movement as it gains altitude, while descending refers to the airplane's movement as it loses altitude.

In music, ascending and descending refer to the direction of a melody. An ascending melody moves higher in pitch as it progresses, while a descending melody moves lower in pitch. This can be seen in many well-known songs, such as "Do-Re-Mi" from The Sound of Music, which features an ascending melody as Maria teaches the children to sing.

In mathematics, ascending and descending refer to the order of numbers. When a list of numbers is arranged in ascending order, the numbers are arranged from lowest to highest. When a list of numbers is arranged in descending order, the numbers are arranged from highest to lowest. This is often used in data analysis, where it is important to understand the order of numbers in a dataset.

In emotional states, ascending and descending refer to the intensity of the emotion. When we experience an ascending emotion, such as happiness, excitement, or joy, we feel the emotion building and increasing in intensity. When we experience a descending emotion, such as sadness, anger, or disappointment, we feel the emotion decreasing in intensity over time.

The following table highlights the major differences between Ascending and Descending −





The act of climbing or moving up.

The act of climbing or moving down.


The opposite of descending

The opposite of ascending.


Used in several professional areas, such as Medical, aviation, numerical and musical genres to describe an upward movement or increase or journey upwards.

Used professionally to describe a downward movement, a decrease. It is the descent of musical notes, climbers, aircraft and number values.


A mathematical form of classification as numbers or measures are arranged according to an increasing order of comparison. The order can start anywhere and finish anywhere along the continuum of measurement.

A mathematical form of classification as numbers or measures are arranged according to a decreasing order of comparison. These numbers or measures may also begin and end at any point in the numerical order.


Used aerobically to describe the act of flying in the air going upward.

Used aerobically to describe the act of losing height in the air, going downward.


Overall, the difference between ascending and descending lies in the direction of movement or progression. Ascending refers to movement that goes upward or increases in value, while descending refers to movement that goes downward or decreases in value.

These concepts can be applied to a variety of different areas, including physical movement, music, numbers, and emotions. Understanding the difference between ascending and descending can help us better understand and describe the world around us.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023

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