Difference between App and Widget

The primary distinction between a widget and an app is that the former refers to a piece of software that is straightforward and simple to operate, and it can be integrated into a variety of software platforms, whereas the latter refers to a self-contained, feature-rich software application that has been developed exclusively for use on mobile devices.

Widgets are programmes that are pre-installed and run in the background continuously. In order to give the home screen a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, certain applications use widgets rather than icons. In addition, widgets can link to various programmes.

On the other hand, an application (also known as an App) is a piece of software that can be downloaded onto mobile devices and used either online or offline. It is a piece of software that is designed to carry out a particular function. In addition, a vast majority of apps have been developed with mobile devices in mind.

Read through this article to find out more about Widgets and Apps and how they are different from each other.

What is an App?

An application, more commonly abbreviated to "app," is a downloadable piece of software that can operate both online and offline on personal computers and mobile devices such as phones, tablets, laptops, and the like. Applications can also be referred to by their more common abbreviation.

An application, or "app," is a shorthand term for a fully functional piece of software that gives you the ability to carry out particular functions. Desktop applications are typically the name given to software programs that are intended for use on personal computers and laptops.

Applications that have been developed specifically for use on mobile devices are referred to as mobile applications or mobile apps. When you tap on the icon, most of these applications are third-party software and will begin running. They are merely links to specific applications that will begin running when you tap on the icon.

Desktop apps and mobile apps are the two primary categories of software applications. A "mobile app" is developed specifically to be run on small devices such as smartphones and tablets, whereas a "desktop app" is a fullfledged software programmer that runs stand-alone locally on a computer. Desktop apps can also be referred to as portable apps. Apps for mobile devices are scaled-down versions of programs that can be accessed on computers and offer features that are comparable.

What is a Widget?

Mini programs that are customized to perform specific functions are known as widgets. Widgets can function on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. The majority of tasks can be simplified with the help of widgets, and some widgets are actually just extensions of existing applications. They are frequently the app equivalent of a short cut.

Because they are always active on the devices, widgets do not go into hibernation mode. This is because the default setting makes them always active. Even when they are actively being used, widgets do not appear on the screen. The information and data that may be useful frequently are shown on the display. The most recent data stored in a widget will not be reloaded until the device in question has been powered down.

Most widgets are applications that come pre-installed on the devices themselves; however, some third-party widgets can be accessed through applications that were not pre-installed on the device. Users of the device have the ability to personalize widgets to meet their specific preferences and needs.

Types of Widgets

Following are the different types of widgets that we get to see −

  • GUI Widget − Widgets for the graphical user interface allow users to customize and alter the appearance of various software elements. Reusing graphical user interface (GUI) widgets is made easier with the help of a widget toolkit.

  • Desktop Widget − Desktop widgets are a specific type of graphical user interface (GUI) widget that are designed to operate on the desktop of a computer. They allow users of the computer to control basic operations such as clocks, messaging services, calendars, calculators, dictionaries, maps, and photo viewers.

  • Web Widget − A web widget is a portable application that allows third-party widget publishers to provide site users with shopping, ads, videos, or other simple capabilities.

  • Mobile Widget − A mobile widget is comparable to a desktop widget, except that it is intended for use on mobile devices. They have the ability to save screen space and are helpful for apps that contain a lot of live data.

  • TV Set Widget − The term "TV set widget" refers to a widget that can be used with televisions.

Comparison between App and Widget

The following table highlights the major differences between an App and a Widget −

Basis of Comparison
The fundamental function
Apps are computer applications that can be installed on a mobile device or a desktop computer and are intended to perform a particular function or fulfil a particular need.
Small applications designed to carry out a certain task while the user is moving about are referred to as widgets. These are designed to make functions that are often used more accessible.
How to Begin Working on
One needs to click on the app icon before they can begin working on a task within an app. As soon as the program opens, they can go to work right away.
On a mobile phone, the apps known as widgets are always running in the background.
A person can see apps on their device in the form of icons, and even after quitting an app, they can still see it running in the window that displays currently running programs on their device.
Because they are continually running, widgets cannot be seen by the user.
How to Get Them on Your Phone
Downloading a program from the Play Store or another app store is required prior to using any application.
The majority of mobile phones and other types of gadgets come pre-loaded with widgets.
When a user closes the window in which an application is currently executing, the application enters a state known as "hibernation."
Widgets do not enter a dormant state; rather, they remain operational in the background at all times.


Apps and widgets are essentially interchangeable terms for the same thing. They refer to a unique kind of program that serves a certain function in the system.

Apps are full-fledged software programs that are designed to run independently of a device and are developed specifically for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Widgets are similar to Apps in that they are both computer programs but unlike apps, widgets do not require the user to click on them in order for the programs to start running. Apps are computer programs that must be downloaded before they can be used.

Updated on: 05-Jul-2022

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