Difference Between Ape and Man


The differences between men and apes are very significant due to the factor of evolution. In this case, the modern apes that are found in the biosphere of this planet hold a mutual resemblance to the apes that went through a process of evolution. Apart from the differences, the primates are able to show some level of human intelligence.

Apes and Men

There are two opposite sexes just like any other species present in the animal kingdom. Human beings are able to show a very high IQ that has made them achieve several milestones in a wide range of fields. This is the reason why human beings are considered to be the smartest creatures ever to exist on the planet. They are considered to be omnivorous animals as they are able to survive on both plant-based meals and animal meat. The human beings found in the modern world are very social with certain exceptional cases where some are not as social as others. Human beings deliver offspring that take a total gestation period of 270 days.

The structure of DNA for these apes is very similar to the DNA of a human being. This is the reason why they are very similar to the physical traits that are very similar to the body of a human being. The natural habitat of apes is the forests that have very dense foliage. The apes tend to hang from branches and climb trees in order to move from one place to the other. The dietary need of apes is mostly food items found in the trees. This means green leaves, fruits, green branches, and roots. In certain cases, there are apes that are known to indulge in the consumption of meat. They are not large animals but insects like termites and ants.

Natural Habitat of Apes

The general habitat of apes is the forest with a very dense canopy. In particular, the place where this animal belongs is variable according to the species. The presence of silverback gorillas is usually found in the region of the African continent that is close to the equator. The natural habitat of apes is divided into primary and secondary places for certain reasons.

These primate beings are found in the tropical forest regions of Southeast Asia that are rich in dense evergreen trees. They are all found to live in a place that is not too hot or cold. Therefore, a temperate climate is the best place where these are able to live. The secondary places are swampy marshlands and certain hilly regions.

Natural Habitat of Man

The natural habitat of a man is almost anywhere that is livable on the planet. The habitat of a human being is not at all similar to the animals that are found in the forest. This is the habitat where the properties are defined by large buildings and residential bungalows. This is the reason why they are not very capable of being similar to the natural habitat of apes. The habitat is just the places where other animals are able to live. Therefore, in order to give an example, a human being is able to live in an environment covered with grasses, a place that has a large landscape of sands and even on the rugged mountains. In order to make a place that is habitable by humans, it must have enough supply of food, proper air and a source of clean water.

Key Differences between Apes and Men



Apes move on both legs and hands.

Human beings can only walk with his legs.

Apes are mainly herbivores in their daily food habits.

The staple diet of a human being includes both meat and plant based products.

The spine of humans has the shape of an 'S'.

the spine has a curve like the 'C' as the ape’s quadruple.

The arms are very large compared to the size of a body in case of apes.

The limbs are very short in comparison to the size of apes as humans have no need to travel from one branch to the other.


The tutorial explained the basic differences that are found between apes and men. The differences show the natural habitats that are suitable for both men and apes to live in a safe and secure environment.


Qns 1. What is the smartest species that are found in the family of apes?

Ans. The smartest species of apes that comes after human beings are orangutans. They are the closest of all primates that are found to show traits of human intelligence.

Qns 2. What are the physical properties of apes that are still found in the body of a human being?

Ans. The physical properties of apes that are still found in the body of human beings are known as the vestigial organs. Some of these organs used to belong to the primates who needed them in their given physical form. Such organs include the tailbone which is found at the end of the vertebral column.

Qns 3. Why do apes travel on both hands and legs?

Ans. The apes tend to travel on both hands and legs for a certain reason associated with their natural habitat. The primate way of movement used to quadruple as it helped them survive the surrounding regions.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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