Difference between Alias and Duplicate

Alias and duplicate are two terms that are frequently used to refer to similar or identical entities in many environments, but they have diverse meanings and implications. Read this article to find out more about Alias and Duplicate and how they are different from each other.

What is an Alias?

In numerous situations, an alias refers to a different name or identifier used to represent the same object. It is similar to a nickname or alias for an object, person, or resource, allowing for easy access and reference. The concept of aliases is used in many fields, including computing, databases, file systems, and even daily language.

Aliases in Programming Languages

An alias is frequently used in computing and programming to create a secondary name for a variable, function, file, directory, or any other data element. This secondary name can be used interchangeably with the original name, making interaction with the entity more intuitive or user-friendly.

In a programming language like Python, for example, you may create an alias for a variable by using the assignment operator (=) −

original_variable = 22
alias_variable = original_variable

Aliases in File Systems

Aliases are also referred to as symbolic links or soft links in file systems. These are special files that serve as pointers to other files or directories. When you access an alias, the operating system sends you to the original file or directory, providing for faster file browsing and organization.

For example, with Unix-based systems, you can use the ln command to create an alias (symbolic link) −

ln -s /path/to/original_file /path/to/alias

Aliases in Everyday Conversation

People frequently use aliases as nicknames or pseudonyms in everyday conversation. For example, a writer may publish novels under a pen name (alias) rather than their own identity. Similarly, actors adopt stage names as aliases to create public personalities.

What are Duplicates?

A Duplicate refers to an exact copy or replication of an original entity in numerous contexts. Duplication occurs when two or more instances of the same entity exist, often with identical content or qualities. Duplicates are common in many domains, including data management, file systems, version control, and others.

Duplicates in Data Management

Duplicates in data management are multiple occurrences of the same data record within a dataset or database. These duplicates can occur for a variety of reasons, including data entry errors, system problems, or integrating data from multiple sources.

Duplicates must be managed carefully because they might cause data quality concerns and inaccuracies. To ensure data integrity and consistency, databases typically include procedures for detecting and handling duplicates. To successfully discover and handle duplicates, techniques such as data deduplication, duplicate detection algorithms, and data cleansing are used.

Duplicates in File Systems

Duplicates are identical copies of files or directories in file systems. These duplicates can be made on purpose, such as when performing backups or when users copy files. They can also happen accidentally as a result of mistakes or software flaws.

Duplicate files can take up needless storage space and cause file system clutter. To optimize storage consumption, certain file management programs or operating systems provide utilities that check for and eliminate duplicate files.

Duplicates in Version Control

Duplicates can occur in version control systems used in software development when many branches of code are developed for distinct objectives. Developers frequently use branches to work separately on new features or bug fixes. In rare circumstances, developers may generate identical or almost identical branches by accident.

Version control systems often include tools for managing and merging branches, as well as detecting and resolving duplicates, in order to maintain a clean and organized codebase.

Difference between Alias and Duplicate

The following table highlights the major differences between Alias and Duplicate −





Created intentionally to offer a different way of accessing the same entity.

Can be intentionally created (e.g., making backups) or unintentional (e.g., data duplication errors).

Changes and Updates

Changes made to the original entity are reflected in the alias.

Changes to one duplicate do not affect other duplicates unless explicitly synchronized.


Provides an additional name to refer to the original entity.

Represents an identical copy of the original entity.


Only one instance of the entity exists, with multiple names referring to it.

Multiple instances of the same entity exist, each being an exact copy of the original.

Memory and Resources

Little to no additional memory or storage is required.

Consumes additional memory or storage resources, proportional to the number of duplicates.


Alias for a variable in programming. Symbolic links in file systems.

Duplicate files, duplicate records in databases, duplicate content on the web.


In conclusion, an alias is a different name for the same entity, whereas a duplicate is an exact replica of the original. Aliases allow you to access the same thing using alternative names, whereas duplicates produce many instances with potentially identical information or features.

Understanding the differences between these terminologies is essential for good data management and programming practices.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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