Difference Between Algorithm and Pseudocode

Algorithm and Pseudocode are the two related terms in computer programming. The basic difference between algorithm and pseudocode is that an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure developed to solve a problem, while a pseudocode is a technique of developing an algorithm.

In this article, we will discuss the other important differences between an algorithm and a pseudocode. Let's start with some basic concepts of algorithm and pseudocode.

What is an Algorithm?

A sequence of steps to solve a given problem is called as algorithm. Thus, an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure developed for solving a given problem. An algorithm consists of sequences, iterations, selections, etc. The selection of an algorithm depends upon the nature of the given problem. Thus, the problem is first analyzed, and then the best algorithm is used to solve it.

An algorithm follows a systematic and a logical approach, where the procedure is defined step-wise. In an algorithm, many simple operations are combined to help form a more complicated operation, which is performed with ease by the computer.

What is a Pseudocode?

Pseudocode is an informal method of developing an algorithm. Thus, computer programmers use simple informal language to write a pseudocode. It does not have any specific syntax to follow. The pseudocode is a text based design tool. Basically, pseudocode represents an algorithm to solve a problem in natural language and mathematical notations.

Pseudocodes are written in plain English, and they use short phrases to represent the functionalities that the specific lines of code would do. Since there is no strict syntax to follow in pseudocode writing, they are relatively difficult to debug.

Difference between Algorithm and Pseudocode

The following table highlights the key differences between algorithm and pseudocode −

Algorithm Pseudocode
It is defined as a sequence of well-defined steps. These steps provide a solution/ a way to solve a problem in hand. It can be understood as one of the methods that helps in the representation of an algorithm.
It is a systematic, and a logical approach, where the procedure is defined step-wise It is a simpler version of coding in a programming language.
Algorithms can be represented using natural language, flowchart and so on. It is written in plain English, and uses short phrases to write the functionalities that s specific line of code would do.
This solution would be translated to machine code, which is then executed by the system to give the relevant output. There is no specific syntax which is actually present in other programming languages. This means it can't be executed on a computer.
Many simple operations are combined to help form a more complicated operation, which is performed with ease by the computer There are many formats that could be used to write pseudo-codes.
It gives the solution to a specific problem. Most of these formats take the structure from languages such as C, LIST, FORTRAN, and so on.
It can be understood as the pseudocode for a program. Pseudocode is not actually a programming language.
Plain text is used. Control structures such as 'while', 'if-thenelse', 'repeat-until', and so on can be used.
It is easy to debug. It is relatively difficult to debug.
Its construction is tough. Its construction is easy.
There are no rules to follow while constructing it. It has certain rules to follow while constructing it.


The most significant difference between an algorithm and a pseudocode is that an algorithm is a step-by-step method for solving a problem, whereas a pseudocode is an informal language to write algorithms.

Updated on: 22-Oct-2023

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