Difference between AIX and Chrome OS

An operating system (OS) is a group of programs that controls computer hardware resources and offers standard services to software applications. It serves as a conduit between the user and the hardware. It is accountable for carrying out all procedures. There are many operating systems available for mobiles, pc etc., AIX and Chrome OS are such operating systems. The following are the differences between them.

What is AIX OS?

Advanced Interactive executive is commonly referred to as AIX. IBM created the AIX operating system in 1986. The organization originally created this operating system for RT PC RISC workstations, but eventually made it available for a wide range of other hardware platforms, including PowerPC−based systems, System−370 mainframes, IBM RS/6000 series, PS−,2, and Apple Network servers. Due to the fact that it was approved by the Open Group's UNIX 03 standard, this operating system was very effective and well−liked.

  • Monolithic Kernel: The AIX operating system has seen several updates since its initial release in 1986; the most recent is AIX 7.2. The AIX operating system is compatible with a number of architectures, including IA−32, x86−64, ARM, PowerPC, and SPARC. This operating system uses a monolithic kernel type.

  • Journaling File System: IBM has continuously improved AIX with features like processor, disk, and network virtualization, dynamic hardware resource allocation, and reliability engineering that were ported from its mainframe designs. AIX is based on UNIX and was the first operating system to have a journaling file system.

  • Graphical User Interface: The AIX operating system can be controlled by a number of commands. The default graphical user interface for AIX is called the Common Desktop Environment (CDE). For various CICS configuration and management activities, the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) for CICS for AIX offers both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a text−based menu interface. Instead of utilizing the command line, it enables users to explore a menu hierarchy of commands.

Features of AIX OS

There are numerous helpful features in the AIX operating system. Below is a discussion of a few of them:

  • The AIX operating system is compatible with all Oracle versions.

  • The performance of AIX operating systems is excellent.

  • This operating system is extremely dependable, stable, and versatile.

  • When a user restarts their system, this operating system gives them the option to add new patches.

Uses of AIX

  • Corporate servers, NAS, and workstations typically use IBM AIX.

  • It enables you to divide up the use of the processor, memory, and disk among several tasks.

  • Additionally, you can set up different security features like dynamic secure tunnel authentication and Kerberos V5 network authentication.

  • They are used in cluster systems and super computers.

  • AIX also have its applications in intranet and extranet, e−business and enterprise critical applications.

What is Chrome Operating System?

In 2009, Google debuted Chrome OS, a cloud−based operating system. It provides a straightforward, secure, and user−friendly platform for accessing the internet and web applications and was created to run on laptops and other portable devices. Chrome OS is built on the Linux kernel. Its primary user interface is a web browser called Google Chrome. C, C++, JavaScript, HTML5, Python, and Rust were used in its development. It is utilized in laptops known as Chromebooks, which are personal computers created especially for Chrome OS. It was described by Google as an operating system that stores user data and applications on the cloud. Chrome OS is currently at version 75.0.3770.102.

In contrast to conventional operating systems, Chrome OS mainly relies on the cloud, with the majority of applications and files being saved there rather than on the device. If they have an internet connection, users can access their data from any device, anywhere in the globe.

Advantages of Chrome OS

  • Simplicity: Chrome OS offers a clean, uncluttered user interface that makes it simple for users to navigate and discover what they need. It also doesn't have any unused applications or programs loaded.

  • Security: Because Chrome OS runs web apps and is built on the Linux kernel, it is less susceptible to viruses and malware than conventional operating systems.

  • Automatic updates: Users do not need to worry about manually updating their operating system or installing security patches because Chrome OS updates frequently and automatically.

Disadvantages of Chrome OS

  • Dependency on internet connection: Because Chrome OS is so highly dependent on an internet connection for proper operation, users are unable to utilize conventional desktop apps without one.

  • Performance restrictions: Because Chrome OS is simple and quick to use, only a few demanding tasks, such graphic design or video editing, may be appropriate for it.

  • Usage of limited applications: Although Chrome OS has access to a large number of web applications, they are small when compared to more established operating systems like Windows and MacOS.

Difference between AIX and Chrome OS

The following table highlights the major differences between AIX and Chrome OS:



IBM is the creator and owner of AIX

Google is the creator and owner of chrome OS

It was released in 1986

It was released in 2009

Server, NAS, and workstation systems are the ones it is targeting.

Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, Chromebases, and tablets are its target system types

AIX is not available for free and it is not inbuilt in the systems

It is available for free and is not inbuilt within the systems

It is Unix based OS

It is a Linux based OS

It has monolithic kernel with modules

It has monolithic Linux based kernel

The file systems JFS, JFS2, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, SMBFS, and GPFS are supported

eCryptfs, NTFS, FAT, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, ext2, ext3, ext4, HFS+, MTP, ISO 9660, and UDF are among the file systems that are supported

RPM and installp are used in package management

Portage is a package manager

POWER, PowerPC−AS, PowerPC, and Power ISA are supported computer architectures

The supported computer architectures are ARM, IA−32, and x86−64

SysV/POSIX is the native API

Linux/POSIX native APIs are used

There is no default GUI enabled

The default GUI is enabled


Chrome OS is only used in Chromebooks, Chromeboxes and chromebases whereas AIX is used in servers, NAS and workstation systems.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023


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