Difference Between AIFF and Apple Lossless File Formats

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) and Apple Lossless (ALAC) are two separate high-quality audio file formats. Apple created both formats, but they serve different purposes and have different properties. Read this article to find out more about AIFF and Apple Lossless and how they are different from each other.

What is AIFF?

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) is an audio file format created by Apple Inc. in the late 1980s. It is a popular format for storing high-quality audio on a variety of systems.

AIFF is notable for its uncompressed nature, which means it keeps all of the original audio data without quality loss.

Features of AIFF

  • Audio Quality and Losslessness − AIFF is a lossless audio format, which means it does not apply any audio compression that would reduce audio quality. When an audio file is converted to AIFF format, the original audio source's fidelity and detail are preserved. As a result, AIFF files have the best audio quality accessible, making them a popular choice for professional audio recording, mastering, and editing.

  • File Extension and MIME Type − The file extension for AIFF files is usually.aiff or.aif. AIFF's MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type is audio/aiff or audio/x-aiff. This information helps in the identification and handling of AIFF files in software programs and on the internet.

  • Audio Data Structure − AIFF files consist of a header chunk and one or more data chunks. The header chunk contains important information about the audio file, such as the file type, audio sampling rate, bit depth, and audio channel count (mono or stereo). The real audio samples are recorded in PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) format in the data chunks.

  • Compatibility − AIFF is extensively supported by a wide range of audio software and hardware devices on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. AIFF files can be easily imported and exported by several audio editing and digital audio workstation (DAW) software programs, including Apple's Logic Pro, Adobe Audition, and Avid Pro Tools.

What is Apple Lossless Audio Format?

Apple Lossless is an audio file format developed by Apple Inc. It is sometimes known as ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec). It was released in 2004 as a proprietary alternative to lossless music formats such as FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) and WAV (Waveform Audio File Format).

ALAC is designed to provide the same audio quality as the original source while reducing file size significantly when compared to uncompressed formats such as AIFF or WAV.

Features of Apple Lossless Audio Format

  • Lossless Compression − Apple Lossless is a lossless audio compression format, which means it reduces audio file size without affecting audio quality. When an audio file is encoded in ALAC format, the data is compressed in such a way that the original audio signal may be completely reconstructed upon playback. This is in contrast to lossy compression formats such as MP3 or AAC, which permanently eliminate some audio data in order to achieve higher compression and smaller file sizes.

  • File Extension and MIME Type − When used within the iTunes ecosystem or on Apple devices, Apple Lossless files normally have the a.m4a file extension. ALAC is related to the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type audio/m4a. On macOS, ALAC files can also be saved with the.caf (Core Audio Format) extension.

  • Audio Data Structure − To encode audio data, ALAC uses a prediction and adaptation method. It segments the audio and predicts the values of each chunk based on previously encoded audio. The difference between the expected and actual values is then encoded and saved in the ALAC file. The decoder reconstructs the audio during playback by reversing the compression process.

  • Compatibility − Apple Lossless is most commonly found within the Apple environment. It works with macOS, iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod), and iTunes. Because ALAC is a proprietary Apple format, its use outside of Apple hardware and software may be limited. However, ALAC is supported by some third-party audio players and devices, making it more accessible for users outside of the Apple ecosystem.

Difference between AIFF and Apple Lossless

The following table highlights the major differences between AIFF and Apple Lossless −



Apple Lossless

File Size


Smaller than AIFF but larger than lossy formats


audio/aiff or audio/x-aiff




Lossless compression

Use Cases

Professional audio editing, recording

High-quality music storage and playback

File Extension

.aiff or .aif

.m4a (used within Apple ecosystem)

Platform Compatibility

Windows, macOS, Linux

macOS, iOS devices, iTunes, some third-party players/devices

Audio Quality




In conclusion, AIFF and Apple Lossless are both high-quality audio file formats, but the key difference is in their compression methods and file sizes. ALAC delivers lossless compression for economical storage and playback within the Apple ecosystem, but AIFF is uncompressed and excellent for professional audio editing.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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