Difference between Add-on Domain and Parked Domain

Add-on domain and Parked Domain are related to the concepts of website hosting and domain names. Although both allow the registration of multiple domain names, but their roles and goals are different.

An add-on domain is a different website which is hosted within your current web hosting account and has its own distinctive content. A new folder is created in the web hosting account when an add-on domain is formed, and the domain name is connected to that folder. Which makes it feasible to have many, unique websites under one account by enabling the user to upload distinct files and content for each domain name.

A parked domain is one which shares a site's URL with a primary domain. Parked domains are widely used to protect a brand, and to make it easier for users to type in a specific domain name, or to reroute traffic to a main website. Parked domains are used for a variety of reasons, which includes traffic monetization through advertising, reserving a domain name for the potential usage, and holding onto a domain that may be valuable.

Read this article to find out more about Add-on Domain and Parked Domain and how they are different from each other.

What is an Add-on Domain?

A unique and different website which can be hosted within your current web hosting account is known as the Add-on Domain. It means that you can host numerous websites, each with a different domain name and contents, using a single hosting account.

For example, you can add an add-on domain with the name "tutorix.com" suppose if you have a hosting account with the domain name "tutorialspoint.com,". Even if the "tutorix.com" is hosted under the same hosting account as "tutorialspoint.com," users to that domain would see a whole different website with its own content.

Add-on domains are useful for those people or companies who likes to host many websites under one hosting account. They are no longer needed to spend money on again and deal with the complexity of managing many hosting accounts.

Although add-on domains are separate websites, they are still stored on the same server as your main website, which means they might be subject to the same security and performance limitations. It's important to pick a trusted web hosting company or service and to make sure that your websites are adequately secured and performance-optimized.

What is a Parked Domain?

A registered domain name which is not being actively utilised or pointing to an active website is known as a parked domain. Instead of hosting any content or rerouting it to the another website, it only refers to a placeholder page or an advertisement, which is commonly provided by the domain name registrar. A parked domain is a domain name that is registered but does not have an accompanying operational website.

Parked domains are generally used for a variety of reasons, which includes traffic monetization through the advertising, and reserving a domain name for the potential usage, and hanging onto a domain that may be valuable.

Suppose an individual or company has many websites or they have intentions to launch a new website in the future, they may in some situations decided to park a domain name. Parked domains are also frequently used by domain speculators, who buy domain names and hold onto them with the intention of eventually selling them for a profit.

An advertising or a placeholder page will show when a user types in the URL for a parked domain. This page may include promotions for other goods or services together with details about the domain name and the reason it is being parked.

Difference between Add-on Domain and Parked Domain

The following table highlights the major differences between Add-on Domain and Parked Domain −


Add-on Domain

Parked Domain


A unique and different website which can be hosted within your current web hosting account is known as an Add-on Domain.

A registered domain name which is not being actively utilised or pointing to an active website is known as a parked domain.


It links to another website with its own files and content

It identifies a placeholder page or an advertisement


Content must be unique for the each website

It doesn’t contain the unique content, includes a placeholder or advertisement

Web Hosting

Add-on domain requires the separate web hosting account

Parked domain doesn’t require the separate web hosting account


For each domain we can have the individual email addresses

It doesn’t have the email addresses


In a nutshell, the primary difference between an add-on domain and a parked domain is found in how they are going to be used.

An add-on domain is a separate domain name which is added to an active web hosting account, which enables a user to host the numerous websites, each with a different domain name and content, under a single account. In contrast, a parked domain is a registered domain name that isn't connected to a live website. Instead of hosting any content or serving as a portal to the another website, it only points to a placeholder page or an advertisement, which is generally offered by the domain registrar.

In general, an Add-on domain is also known as additional domain name which is used to host separate and unique sites, whereas a parked domain is a registered domain which is not actively used to host a website.

Updated on: 02-Mar-2023


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