Difference Between Active and Passive Immunity


The human body has two types of the adaptive immune system that refers to “active and passive immunity”. Both immune systems can be differentiated using available antibodies that are produced inside the human body. Additionally, both immune system works to restrict infection in the human body. The way of working is different for both the immune systems in the human body.

What is Immunity?

Immunity refers to the production of antibodies and application of them to prevent infections that can affect the human body. Additionally, adaptive immunity in humans can be separated into additional two types - “active and passive immunity”. Due to the availability of the immune system, an individual can face the consequence of a healthy or unhealthy body. The action taken by the immune system can make the consequence of recovering from diseases at the earlier stages. The primary distinctions between “active and passive immunity” develops the notion based on whether the working antibodies are produced from outside of the body or developed inside of the human body.

Functions of the Immune System

  • The immune system of humans interacts with the bacterial infection that comes from the outside environment with the desire to attack the body.

  • Immunity of an individual refers to the recognition of the pathogens that can make an individual ill.

  • The primary function of the immune system is to fight recognised pathogens to make an individual protected from getting infected.

  • Adaptive immunity is also recognised as the acquired immunity that refers to the defense line for humans.

  • Additionally, it can save organisms from specific pathogens. The protection an individual can receive due to immunity cannot be achieved chemically or by applying medicines. Hence, immunity refers to an essential thing for the have a healthy body.

  • Furthermore, the moment when immunity interacts with the infections and it fights foreign pathogens, the body temperature arises and it creates a fever in the human body.

Active Immunity

Active immunity in the human body can deliver protection to the human body organs from some identified pathogens. The moment, the human body gets exposed to a novel disease agent, the immune system can initiate its actions. Active immunity works through the production of the T and B cells that are specific to fight against pathogens. Antibodies are produced inside the human body when the body detects a virus attack in the active immunity.

Active immunity inside the human body can make its occurrence in the following two ways −

  • Naturally − The occurrence of natural immunity develops inside a body when an attack from a pathogen infects a person. For example, when an individual is infected with chickenpox, the body becomes able to produce an immune system that can fight against the virus inside the body.

  • Vaccination − The procedure of developing immunity inside the body by vaccination is referred to as artificial active immunity. The process is called immunisation where antibodies can be generated by the application of an appropriate vaccine against the antibodies.

Examples of Active Immunity

The examples of active immunity are divided in natural and artificial.

  • The generation of the antibody in the human body refers to the development of active immunity.

  • Due to virus induce immune system can be developed inside the body.

Passive Immunity

Passive immunity delivers protection from diseases with the help of antibodies that have been developed outside of the human body. One significant action of passive immunity is it can deliver an instant effect against the disease. Additionally, passive immunity lefts some side effects due to the immediate effects. The passive immune system is an artificial one that is short-lived that cannot deliver protection to the human body any longer like active immunity.

Examples of Passive Immunity

The examples of passive immunity are as the followings −

  • Transferred from mother to baby

  • Breast milk

  • Additional medicines.

Difference between Active and Passive Immunity

The source of the antibody development refers to the difference between active and passive immunity. The process of working and life has created distinctions between passive and active immunity.

The following table represents the distinctions between active and passive immunity


Active immunity

Passive immunity


Produce inside of the body

Produce outside of the body



Direct infection

Transforms mother to baby by placenta

Breast milk


Efficacy length

Long-term to lifelong


Effectively duration



Memory generation

Generates immunological memory

Does not generate memory

Side effects




Developed T cells have the ability to kill the pathogen instantly. The production of the B cells refers to a type of White blood cell or WBC that can develop some antibodies that can help in killing the agent of diseases. Antibodies are y-shaped that are capable of killing pathogens. Antibodies include some similar antigens that can deliver cross-protection while attacking the pathogens. Passive immunity developed by the interaction of some additional medicines and transformed from mother to baby.


Qns 1. What are the examples of active immunity?

Ans. The process of immunisation occurs when an individual falls under attack of disease like flu, chickenpox, polio, hepatitis, and others the developed immunity refers to the active immunity. An individual’s body can develop the immune system inside the body in this situation.

Qns 2. How a baby receives passive immunity?

Ans. Babies usually receive passive immunity from their mothers while consuming breast milk.

Qns 3. What is the difference between passive and active immunity?

Ans. The difference between the two types of immunity is primarily distinguishable by the sources. Additionally, the process of working is different among the immune system. SARS- CoV-2 refers to a vaccination program that can develop immunity against the Covid-19 bacteria.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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