Difference between Actin and Myosin


Two important types of proteins of the human body are acting as well as myosin. Actin belongs to a family built of eukaryotic cells and the concentration of this type of protein is more than one hundred micrometers. Myosin can be denoted as a protein of a significant family that consists of some motor proteins and it is very vital for the contraction of muscle along with other types of motility procedures.

What are Actin and Myosin?

Actin is one of the most important proteins seen in the body of a human being that guides the formation of microfilaments along with thin filaments in the cytoskeleton as well as different muscle fibres. The mass of this protein is 42 kDa and the diameter varies from 4-7 nanometres. Actin refers to a monomeric subunit that has two different types of filaments that can be microfilaments. All these types are microfilaments referred to as the three main types of components that are closed in the cytoskeleton.

Myosin belong to a superfamily that consists of different types of ‘motor proteins that are very important in the concentration of muscle. This particular type of protein refers to as ATP-dependent and it is responsible for actin-based motility. It is mainly applied in describing a particular group of ATPases that are commonly found in the cells of soft muscle tissues as well as striated muscle tissue.

Functions of Actin

Actin along with myosin is involved in the concentration of different muscle parts of the body of a human being.

  • The principal function of this protein is the formation of linear polymers that is commonly called the microfilaments that are involved in multiple functions such as migration, replication as well as trafficking of all network systems. The formation of this protein is mainly done in a mode of reverse and it often functions in terms of depolymerization along with rapid polymerization.

  • Actin provides mechanical assistance to the cells and helios in giving routes for conducting the process of trafficking.

  • It is very helpful in the transduction procedure of signals within the body of a human being.

  • The filaments of actin assist in the assembly process fast while the disassembly of this protein network is related to other types of functions for enabling the migration of cells.

  • Actin includes abundant existence in all cells and more than 5% of proteins of body mass along with around 10% of muscle cells are created of this protein.

  • This protein can also be seen in the nucleus as well as cytoplasm in the cell.

Functions of Myosin

This protein involves multiple functions like in the head composition along with the composition of the neck or the domains of the tail.

  • The domain of the head is the most important function of these proteins and it is used as a binding agent of filaments that utilizes ATP hydrolysis for generating a force. This force is the main cause of filament movement.

  • The neck section of this protein is involved in linking the lever arm with transducers by generating force with the help of the catalytic motor domain.

  • The domain of the tail performs as a medium of the interaction between cargo molecules as well as myosin subunits.

Difference between Actin and Myosin

The difference between these two proteins is mainly seen in their function within the body.




Filament size

This protein mainly forms filaments of thin as well as short in size.

This protein mainly forms filaments thick as well as long in size.

Protein regulations

Actin includes tropomyosin along with troponin.

Myosin includes meromyosin.


It is mainly found in the band of A or I.

It is mainly found in the sarcomere band of A.


The filament of this protein consists of a smoother area of the surface.

The filament of this protein consists of a rough area on the surface.


The filament of this protein is seen in great numbers.

The filament of this protein is seen in the 1:6 ratios as per the actinfilaments.


These filaments have striations that are light in complexion.

These filaments have striations that are dark in complexion.

Sliding and ends

It slides into the zone of H at the time of contraction and it is free at a single end.

It does not at all slide in the time of contraction and it ends at both types of the end.


The body of a human being refers to a house of several types of proteins that are involved in different types of activities. These proteins play a significant role in the function of different body parts. Myosin is one of the important proteins that are seen in the properties of ATP hydrolysis, transduction of force as well as actin-binding. All the eukaryotic cells include actin and the concentration of this type of protein is more than one hundred micrometres.


Qns 1. What are the similarities between actin and myosin?

Ans. Both these types of proteins can be seen in the muscles of the body. These two are motor proteins and are involved in the formation of contractile filaments.

Qns 2. What kind of proteins can be seen in these proteins?

Ans. Generally, motor proteins is seen in these proteins. Actin includes spherical protein while myosin includes motor proteins.

Qns 3. What are the shortest and longest proteins?

Ans. The shortest or smallest protein is TAL protein. The longest protein of the human body is Titin Isoforms.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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