Difference Between a Tethered and Untethered Jailbreak

Jailbreaking is the process of removing software restrictions from a mobile device that runs Apple's iOS operating system, such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. This gives customers more control over their devices and allows them to install programs, customizations, and themes that aren't available in the official Apple App Store. However, there are other forms of jailbreaks, with the main distinction being "tethered" and "untethered" jailbreaks.

Read this article to find out more about Tethered Jailbreak and Untethered Jailbreak and how they are different from each other.

What is Tethered Jailbreak?

A tethered jailbreak is a sort of iOS jailbreak in which the device must be connected to a computer every time it is powered on or rebooted in order to remain jailbroken. This implies that if the device loses power or reboots, it will not launch into jailbroken mode until it is connected to a computer and the jailbreak process is re-run with specialized software.

Here is a detailed explanation of the tethered jailbreak process −

  • Preparation − Users must first download certain jailbreak tools and software compatible with their iOS version and device model before attempting a tethered jailbreak. These tools are often created by members of the jailbreaking community and distributed through various online forums or websites.

  • Connect to a Computer − To begin the tethered jailbreak process, connect the iOS device to a computer that has the essential jailbreak software installed. A USB cable is commonly used to make this connection.

  • Enter DFU Mode − DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode allows the device to communicate with iTunes or jailbreak tools at a low level. The user must enter the device into DFU mode, which is commonly accomplished by following precise button sequences or by following the instructions provided by the jailbreak program.

  • Jailbreak Execution − The jailbreak software is used to exploit weaknesses in the iOS system once the device is in DFU mode and correctly connected to the computer. These flaws are exploited to get unauthorized access to the device's file system, allowing the installation of a modified version of the iOS firmware that includes the jailbreak changes.

  • Jailbreaking the Device − The jailbreak program injects the required code and secures it into the iOS system, allowing the device to bypass Apple's software restrictions. This procedure allows users to gain access to the device's root file system to install programs, modifications, themes, and utilities that are not approved or available on the official Apple App Store.

What is Untethered Jailbreak?

Untethered jailbreaking is a sort of jailbreak for iOS devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches that allows the device to remain jailbroken even after it is turned off or rebooted. Untethered jailbreaks, as opposed to tethered jailbreaks, do not require the device to be connected to a computer each time it is turned on in order for the jailbreak modifications to be retained. Untethered jailbreaks are now more convenient and user-friendly for everyday use.

Here is a detailed explanation of the untethered jailbreak process −

  • Preparation − Users must first check that they have compatible jailbreak tools and software that work with their specific iOS version and device model, like with any other jailbreak. These tools are typically available on numerous online forums or websites dedicated to jailbreaking.

  • Jailbreak Execution − The untethered jailbreak procedure begins with exploiting iOS system vulnerabilities. These flaws allow jailbreak software to get unauthorized access to the device's file system and perform the necessary changes to bypass Apple's software limitations.

  • Installing a Custom BootROM − One of the most important aspects of an untethered jailbreak is the installation of a modified BootROM on the device. The bootROM is a read-only memory chip that manages the device's first booting procedure. The jailbreak can be maintained across reboots by changing or updating the BootROM.

  • Modifying the Kernel − The jailbreak software also modifies the kernel of the device, which is the heart of the operating system. These changes enable the device to run unsigned code, which is required for installing third-party software and adjustments that have not been approved by Apple.

  • Code Signing Bypass − Apple requires iOS applications to be signed in order to assure their legitimacy and security. A code signature bypass is used as part of the jailbreak process to allow the installation of unsigned programs and system changes.

Difference between Tethered Jailbreak and Untethered Jailbreak

The following table highlights the major differences between Tethered Jailbreak and Untethered Jailbreak −


Tethered Jailbreak

Untethered Jailbreak


Generally less stable due to occasional re-jailbreaking

More stable as the jailbreak persists across reboots

Device Reboot

Requires re-jailbreaking after each reboot

Persists in the jailbroken state after every reboot


Less convenient for everyday use due to computer reliance

More convenient for regular use with no external dependency

Technical Complexity

Usually simpler and more straightforward to perform

May be more complex and involved to achieve

Risk and Security

May pose risks during the re-jailbreaking process

Potential risks are similar to any jailbreak process


Less popular due to limitations and inconvenience

Preferred by users when available for its advantages

User Experience

Less seamless user experience with the need for re-jailbreaking

Offers a smoother experience without frequent intervention

Computer Dependency

Requires connection to a computer to reapply jailbreak

No need to connect to a computer after the initial jailbreak

Availability of Jailbreak

Some older devices or iOS versions might have only tethered options available

More recent and popular devices often have untethered options


In conclusion, it’s important to understand that jailbreaking can destroy your device's warranty and present security concerns or stability difficulties. Furthermore, as technology and operating systems evolve, the methods and availability of jailbreaking may change, and it is essential to research and assess the potential consequences before attempting to jailbreak a device.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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