Difference Between 8 Bit and 16 Bit Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a tiny data processing devices which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room.

The major parts that a microcontroller has are: processing unit, memory unit, and I/O unit. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely being used in a variety of electronic devices such as medical instruments, manufacturing machinery, robotics, automobiles, home appliances, etc. to automate their operation.

Depending on the data width, there are several different types of microcontrollers such as 8-bit microcontroller, 16-bit microcontroller, 32-bit microcontroller, etc.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between 8-bit microcontroller and 16-bit microcontroller. But before that let us first have a look into the basics of 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers individually.

What is an 8-Bit Microcontroller?

A type of microcontroller that is capable of processing 8-bits of data at a time is referred to as an 8-bit microcontroller. In other words, an 8-bit microcontroller is one that has a data width of 8-bits.

Therefore, 8-bit microcontroller consists of a central processing unit (CPU) that has 8-bit architecture. Due to the smaller data width, 8-bit microcontrollers are better suited for simple and low processing power applications like toys, small home appliances, medical equipment, automobile electronics, etc.

To program 8-bit microcontrollers, the programming languages, such as Assembly language, C language, etc. are used. Some popular 8-bit microcontrollers are Intel 8031, Intel 8051, Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR, etc.

What is a 16-Bit Microcontroller?

A type of microcontroller that is capable of processing 16-bits of data at a time is referred to as a 16-bit microcontroller. In other words, a 16-bit microcontroller is one that has a data width of 16-bits. Therefore, a 16-bit microcontroller can handle more data than an 8-bit microcontroller. It consists of more storage memory, RAM, and IO pins than 8-bit microcontrollers.

The 16-bit CPU architecture of 16-bit microcontrollers make them suitable to use in more complex and high processing power applications.

To program 16-microcotrollers high-level programming languages like C, C++, etc. are used. 16-bit microcontrollers are used in large-scale applications like industrial automation, modern medical instruments, telecommunication and navigation systems, control systems, etc. Some popular 16-bit microcontroller are PIC2x, Intel 8096, Renesas RX, etc.

After discussing the basics of 8-bit and 16-bit microcontroller in detail, let us now understand the important differences between them.

Difference between 8-Bit and 16-Bit Microcontrollers

The following table highlights all the important differences between 8-bit microcontroller and 16-bit microcontroller −


8-Bit Microcontroller

16-Bit Microcontroller


A type of microcontroller that is capable of processing 8-bits of data at a time is called an 8-bit microcontroller.

A type of microcontroller that is capable of processing 16-bits of data at a time is called a 16-bit microcontroller.

Data width

8-bit microcontroller has a data width equal to 8-bits. Hence, its CPU can process only 8-bit in parallel.

16-bit microcontroller has a data width equal to 16-bits, which means its CPU can process 16-bits of data in parallel.

Processing power

8-bit microcontrollers have low processing power; hence they can handle only simple instructions.

16-bit microcontrollers have high processing power; thus, they are capable of handling complex instructions.

Memory capacity

8-bit microcontroller has low memory capacity.

16-bit microcontroller has high storage capacity.

Clock speed

8-bit microcontrollers have low clock speeds. Hence, they process data slowly.

16-bit microcontrollers have higher clock speeds, allowing them to process data faster.


8-bit microcontrollers have comparatively less complex system architecture.

16-bit microcontrollers have complex system architecture.

Programming language

8-bit microcontrollers are generally programmed using low-level assembly language and high-level C language.

16-bit microcontrollers are programmed using high-level languages such as C, C++.

Power consumption

8-bit microcontrollers consume less power.

16-bit microcontrollers consume more power than 8-bit microcontrollers.

Instruction set

8-bit microcontrollers have simple instruction sets, making them suitable to execute simple operations.

16-bit microcontrollers have complex instruction sets. Hence, they are suitable to execute complex operations.


8-bit microcontrollers have low efficiency.

16-bit microcontrollers are more efficient than 8-bit microcontrollers.


8-bit microcontrollers are suitable for simple and small size applications.

16-bit microcontrollers are suitable for complex and large size applications.

Number of I/O

8-bit microcontrollers support lesser number of I/O peripherals.

16-bit microcontrollers support more I/O peripherals.

Range of values

In 8-bit microcontroller, a range of values from 0 to 255 can be handled by an instruction cycle.

In 16-bit microcontroller, a range of values from 0 to 65,535 can be handled by an instruction cycle.


8-bit microcontrollers are less expensive.

16-bit microcontrollers are more expensive.


Examples of most popular 8-bit microcontrollers are Microchip’s PIC series, Atmel’s AVR series, Intel 8031, Intel 8051, etc.

Examples of most popular 16-bit microcontrollers are Intel 8096, Microchip PIC2x, Infineon CX16x series.


8-bit microcontrollers are mainly used in simple applications like home and office appliances, medical instruments, toys, etc.

16-bit microcontrollers are mainly used in complex applications like in industrial automation, robotics, control systems, automobiles, telecommunication systems, etc.


Both 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers are used for automate the operations. The most significant difference between 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers is in their data width, i.e. 8-bit microcontrollers have a data width of 8-bits, while 16-bit microcontrollers have a data width of 16-bits. Therefore, a 16-bit microcontroller can handle double of the data that an 8-bit microcontroller do.

Updated on: 21-Apr-2023

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