Dietary Fiber Significance


An essential component of a healthy diet is fibers that can be obtained from cereals, certain fruits and cruciferous vegetables. Fibers can also be determined as types of carbohydrates that include numerous plant compounds and ingestible parts that pass through the intestines and stomach undigested. Some fibers are highly water-soluble and some are bulky or rough.

Benefits of Dietary Fiber

Some of the major benefits of dietary fibers are as stated below.

  • Various health disorders can be controlled or prevented by in taking appropriate amounts of dietary fiber daily. The disorders that fibers can prevent include heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and cancers.

  • Fibers also act as stabilizing glucose that helps to control the cholesterol level in the blood.

  • Fiber intakes also help to maintain body equilibrium and metabolism by lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

  • Diseases such as bowel cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes are less seen in individuals who consume fiber in their daily diets.

  • Fibers can be obtained from some major sources including whole grains, pulses, vegetables and fresh fruits that helps to improve the gut health of a person.

  • Fibers help in losing body weight and the body absorbs them slowly.

  • Consuming a low-fiber diet can generally raise several disorders including constipation, pain, bloating and flatulence in the lower abdomen.

  • The fiber source includes beans, whole grains, brown rice, which provides a higher amount of fiber than white rice, popcorn, nuts including almonds, pecans, and walnuts, baked potato. All these foods are consumed along with skin, bran cereal, oatmeal and berries.

Types of Dietary Fiber

The gut health of a person can be boosted if the person intakes an appropriate amount of nutrients, water, and dietary fibers. The necessary fibers that can be incorporated into the daily diet chart include whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas and other legumes, nuts and seeds. The health problems that can lower immunity response and body functioning include constipation, pain, bloating and flatulence in the lower abdomen. The refines and processes of food products including canned fruits and vegetables, pulp-free juices, white bread and pasta, and non-whole-grain cereals have fewer amounts of fibers.

Fiber can be further divided into two major types, namely, soluble fibers that get easily dissolves in water and insoluble fibers that never are dissolved in water. The major examples of soluble fibers include oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium. Examples of insoluble fibers include whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans and potatoes.

Health Benefits of Dietary Fibers

Dietary fibers provide numerous benefits if intake daily in an appropriate amount as mentioned below.

  • Fibers help the individual to live longer as they improve gut health, and increase activeness, and digestion ability.

  • Dietary fibers control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

  • Fibers can also maintain bowel health and body weight as it restricts the fat accumulation in the lower abdomen, face, arms, and legs.

  • Several severe health issues including bowel cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes are less seen in individuals consuming the proper quantity of dietary fiber in their daily diets.

  • Fibers also help to reduce the risk of diabetes and several heart disorders by maintaining the level of LDL (Low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol).


A healthy diet routine helps to promote healthy pregnancy outcomes, and supports normal growth, development and ageing. Nutrition also helps to maintain proper body weight, and decreases the risk of several chronic diseases that generally leads to well-being and gut health of an individual. It is also necessary for all to consume cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Collard greens, Brussels sprouts, and arugula. Fiber sources like Green and leafy vegetables enhance the growth and development of bone, and teeth, and reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and liver disorders.


Qns 1. What happens if the body receives less dietary fiber?

Ans. Less consumption of dietary fibers increases the risk of various health problems in humans. The health issues that can lower immunity response and body functioning include constipation, pain, bloating and flatulence in the lower abdomen. Irritable bowel syndrome generally occurs if fibers are consumed in an appropriate amount.

Qns 2. What are the major dietary fibers that need to be included in daily diet?

Ans. The gut health of a person can be boosted if the person intakes an appropriate amount of nutrients, water, and dietary fibers. The necessary fibers that can be incorporated into the daily diet chart include whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas and other legumes, nuts and seeds.

Qns 3. How much fiber does a body need?

Ans. According to the statement of The Institute of Medicine, it can be stated that males below 50 years need about 38 g of fibers every day and 30 g fibers who are above 51. In the case of females, 25 g of fibers are required for females below 50 years and 21 g fiber above 51 years.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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