Dictionary to list of tuple conversion in Python

ging the collection type from one type to another is a very frequent need in python. In this article we will see how we create a tuple from the key value pairs that are present in a dictionary. Each of the key value pair becomes a tuple. So the final list is a list whose elements are tuples.

With items()

We sue the items method of the dictionary which allows us to iterate through each of the key value pairs. Then we use a for loop to pack those values in to a tuple. We put all these tuples to a final list.


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dictA = {'Mon': '2 pm', 'Tue': '1 pm', 'Fri': '3 pm'}

# Using items()
res = [(k, v) for k, v in dictA.items()]

# Result


Running the above code gives us the following result −

[('Mon', '2 pm'), ('Tue', '1 pm'), ('Fri', '3 pm')]

With zip

Another approach is to use the zip function. The zip function will pair the keys and values as tuples and then we convert the entire result to a list by applying list function.


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dictA = {'Mon': '2 pm', 'Tue': '1 pm', 'Fri': '3 pm'}

# Using items()
res = list(zip(dictA.keys(), dictA.values()))

# Result


Running the above code gives us the following result −

[('Mon', '2 pm'), ('Tue', '1 pm'), ('Fri', '3 pm')]

With append

The append() can append the result into a list after fetching the pair of values to create a tuple. We iterate through a for loop to get the final result.


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dictA = {'Mon': '2 pm', 'Tue': '1 pm', 'Fri': '3 pm'}

# Initialize empty list

# Append to res
for i in dictA:
tpl = (i, dictA[i])

# Result


Running the above code gives us the following result −

[('Mon', '2 pm'), ('Tue', '1 pm'), ('Fri', '3 pm')]

Updated on: 04-May-2020


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