

The problems of diarrhea are limited to the stomach as the first symptom is the failure to hold the bowel syndrome for a little while. This is a severe issue as the person loses a large amount of water from the body and tends to get seriously dehydrated. The issue is very common as it is more of a symptom than a disease in itself.

Causes of Diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea range for a long list of reasons. There are reasons that are associated with the consumption of tainted food and water. On the other hand, a few reasons pertain to surgery and disorders attached to the entire digestive system of a human being. The concern of having diarrhea due to medication is a very common cause of getting this syndrome.

The medicines that have a high amount dosage are more prone to give this disease. The consumption of tainted food like artificial sweeteners is not very good for human health. This is the reason why the stomach is not able to absorb such sweetening agents. Thus, they get affected by the problem of having this bowel syndrome.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

  • Loose stool with a large amount of water in them is the first symptom that shows a person has diarrhea. The reason for this kind of bowel is that person is not able to eat anything. On the contrary, this health disorder gives a dehydrating effect on the body of a human being. Therefore, the stool is very loose and contains a large amount of water.

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen is another symptom of the disease. In this case, agents like viral infections and severe insensitivities to food become the cause of this specific symptom.

  • The feeling of nausea is another symptom of getting terrible diarrhea. The person is not able to eat properly as the effect gives rise to more cramps in the stomach. This is the reason why they get nauseatic quite often as the body keeps on losing water due to repeated need for excretion and it barely gets any food.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

  • The most common way of diagnosing diarrhea is to conduct a test of the stools. The test is done to see the kind of parasite or bacteria that is lying on the walls of the stomach. In most cases, they are a major reason for a human being to suffer from this stomach problem. Thus, the person can get the proper medications in order to get rid of the disease.

  • The second method is to carry out a hydrogen breath test. A human being may get this disease if they are intolerant to lactose products. The test is to see if the problem of having diarrhea is due to the consumption of any food made of milk.

  • The issue is diagnosed by conducting a test of the blood to assess any signs of infection. The blood test is also done to understand the level of albumin that is present in the body. Thus, the overall value of nutrition is the reason to show why the person gets diarrhea. The fact is very simple lack of healthy nutrients makes a weak immune system making the body prone to diarrhea-causing parasites.

Treatment of Diarrhea

  • Always try to stay hydrated when a person has diarrhea. In this case, the person loses water through the bowel. Thus, the issue of severe dehydration is averted by staying hydrated.

  • The BRAT diet includes fruits like bananas, rice, and sauce made of apple and toast. In this section, the diet helps to reduce the number of times a person visits the restroom.

  • A diet that has probiotic properties in them is very good at reducing diarrhea. The only condition is to have a bacterial cause of this disease. Thus, they are able to suppress the germs in the gut and help the body fight them.

Prevention of diarrhea

The ways a person can reduce diarrhea are as listed below.

  • The habit of washing hands with soap is very effective in neutralizing the virus that can cause the bacteria.

  • Reduce or strictly prohibit the consumption of food from roadside stalls.

  • Eat green vegetables and fruits that are properly cooked.

  • Meat and seafood are supposed to be warm and better if piping hot before consumption. This is a way to terminate bacteria, which may have thrived on the cold platter.

  • Drink water from safe a source that looks clean and free from any kind of factors that sustain bacteria.

These are some of the ways through, which a person prevents diarrhea.


The tutorial shows the causes of diarrhea in the human body. The disease is mainly caused by bacteria that can come from food and water. Effective tests are done by testing the blood, stool, and overall health of the person. The treatments are done by giving some medications and probiotic-rich foods to eliminate the virus. The images develop a proper overview of the entire tutorial.


Qns 1. Why does the stomach hurt during diarrhea?

Ans. The habit of consuming rich and spicy food in spite of being insensitive to such meals is the reason why the stomach hurts so much. Other causes include the formation of gastric juices that are responsible for these cramps.

Qns 2. Why does diarrhea make the person feel tired?

Ans. The common reason to feel tired is mainly due to the loss of water from the body. All the water present in the human body is lost in the form of the bowel. Thus, the person gets so tired all the time.

Qns 3. How is diarrhoea responsible for the loss of weight?

Ans. The disease is responsible for losing weight as a person stays dehydrated for a long time. Therefore, weight loss is due to a lack of water in the body.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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