Demystifying the Python IMAP Module

The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a widely used protocol for retrieving email messages from a server. It allows a client, such as an email program, to access email messages stored on a server, as well as manipulate them in various ways. The Python standard library includes a module called "imaplib" which implements the IMAP protocol, providing a simple interface for interacting with IMAP servers.

In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at the "imaplib" module and see how it can be used to retrieve and manipulate email messages in a Python program.

Why Do We Need the IMAP Module?

There are several reasons why you might want to use the ‘imaplib’ module in your Python programs −

  • To automate the process of retrieving and processing email messages. For example, you might want to write a Python script that checks your email account for new messages and performs some action (such as sending a notification or updating a database) based on the contents of the messages.

  • To create a custom email client or integration with an existing email service. The "imaplib" module can be used to build a standalone email client, or to add email functionality to another application (such as a CRM system).

  • To access email messages from a server programmatically. The "imaplib" module allows you to retrieve and manipulate email messages stored on an IMAP server from within a Python program, which can be useful for a variety of purposes (such as backup, analysis, or integration with other systems).

The IMAP Module Hierarchy

The imaplib module is part of the Python standard library, so it is available on any system that has Python installed. It is built on top of a lower-level networking library called socket, which provides the underlying support for establishing network connections and sending and receiving data.

Here is a summary of the hierarchy of the imaplib module and its main components −

  • imaplib − This is the top-level module which provides the IMAP4 class and other utility functions.

  • IMAP4 − This is the main class for interacting with an IMAP server. It provides methods for establishing a connection, logging in, selecting a mailbox, searching for messages, and other operations.

  • IMAP4_SSL − This is a subclass of IMAP4 which adds support for encrypted connections using SSL/TLS.

  • IMAP4_stream − This is a subclass of IMAP4 which adds support for using a stream (such as a file or a pipe) as the source of data for the IMAP connection.

  • imaplib.error − This is the base class for exceptions raised by the imaplib module.


Let’s see an example of how these components might be used in a Python program −

import imaplib

# Connect to the IMAP server
imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')

# Log in to the server
imap_server.login('', 'password')

# Select the INBOX mailbox'INBOX')

# Search for messages from ""
result, data =, 'FROM ""')

# Print the message IDs of the search results

# Close the connection

Importing the IMAP Module

To use the imaplib module in your Python program, you will need to import it using the import statement. Here is an example of how you can import the imaplib module and create an instance of the IMAP4 class −

import imaplib
imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4('')

You can also import specific components from the imaplib module using the from form of the import statement. For example −

from imaplib import IMAP4, IMAP4_SSL

# Connect to the IMAP server using the IMAP4 class
imap_server = IMAP4('')

# Connect to the IMAP server using the IMAP4_SSL class
imap_server = IMAP4_SSL('')

The IMPAP Module: Some Basic Commands

Here is a list of some basic commands that can be used with the imaplib module in Python to interact with an IMAP server −

  • login(user, password) − Log in to the server using the specified username and password.

  • select(mailbox='INBOX', readonly=False) − Select the specified mailbox for reading and manipulation. If readonly is True, the mailbox will be opened in read-only mode.

  • search(charset=None, criteria='ALL') − Search the selected mailbox for messages that match the specified criteria. The criteria argument is a string containing one or more search keys, separated by spaces.

  • fetch(message_ids, data) − Retrieve the specified data for the messages with the given IDs. The message_ids argument is a list of message IDs, and the data argument is a string specifying the data to be retrieved (e.g. 'RFC822' for the full message, 'BODY[HEADER]' for the message header, etc.).

  • store(message_ids, flags, mode='+') − Set or clear the specified flags for the messages with the given IDs. The message_ids argument is a list of message IDs, the flags argument is a string or list of strings containing the flags to be set or cleared (e.g. '\Seen', '\Deleted'), and the mode argument is either '+' to add the flags or '-' to remove them.

  • copy(message_ids, mailbox) − Copy the messages with the given IDs to the specified mailbox.

  • expunge() − Permanently remove all messages that have the \Deleted flag set.

  • close() − Close the currently selected mailbox, and remove all messages that have the \Deleted flag set.

  • logout() − Log out of the server and close the connection.


Let’s see an example of how these commands might be used in a Python program to retrieve and mark messages as read −

import imaplib

# Connect to the IMAP server
imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')

# Log in to the server
imap_server.login('', 'password')

# Select the INBOX mailbox'INBOX')

# Search for all unread messages
result, data =, 'UNSEEN')

# Get the list of message IDs
message_ids = data[0].split()

# Retrieve the full message for each message ID
for message_id in message_ids:
   result, data = imap_server.fetch(message_id, 'RFC822')
   message = data[0][1]

# Mark the messages as read, '+FLAGS', '\Seen')

# Close the connection

Retrieving and Manipulating Email Messages using the IMAP Module

Let’s see how we can use the imaplib module to retrieve and manipulate email messages in a Python program −

Connecting to an IMAP Server

The first step in using the imaplib module is to establish a connection to an IMAP server. This can be done using the IMAP4 class, which takes the hostname and port of the IMAP server as arguments. For example −

import imaplib
imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4('')

By default, the IMAP4 class will use port 143 for unencrypted connections and port 993 for encrypted connections (using SSL/TLS). If you need to use a different port, you can pass it as an optional third argument.

Once you have created an IMAP4 instance, you can log in to the server using the login method, which takes your username and password as arguments −

imap_server.login('', 'password')

If the login is successful, the login method will return the string 'OK'. If it fails, it will raise an imaplib.IMAP4.error exception.

Selecting a Mailbox

After logging in to the server, you will need to select a mailbox (also known as a "folder") in which to search for email messages. You can do this using the select method, which takes the name of the mailbox as an argument. For example −'INBOX')

This will select the "INBOX" mailbox, which is typically where new incoming messages are stored. The select method returns a tuple containing the number of messages in the mailbox and the number of recent messages.

Searching for Messages

Once you have selected a mailbox, you can search for messages using the search method. This method takes a search query as an argument and returns a list of message IDs that match the query.

The search query is a string containing one or more search criteria. Each criterion is separated by a space, and the criteria are combined using logical AND, OR, and NOT operators. For example −

result, data =, 'FROM ""')

This search query will find all messages that were sent by "". The search method returns a tuple containing the status code and a list of message IDs.


The Python imaplib module provides a simple interface for interacting with the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) servers. It allows a client program to access and manipulate email messages stored on an IMAP server and can be useful for automating the process of retrieving and processing email messages, building custom email clients or integrations, or accessing email messages programmatically.

The imaplib module is part of the Python standard library and can be imported using the import statement. It provides the IMAP4 class and several subclasses, which provide various functionality for establishing and maintaining a connection to an IMAP server, and performing various operations on email messages.

Updated on: 20-Feb-2024


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