Delhi Shops and Establishment Act

The Delhi Shops and Establishment Act was passed to enhance the administration of employment and working conditions in stores, businesses, hotels, theatres, dining establishments, and other public places of entertainment. This act is a labour regulation designed to meet the demands of India's enormous unorganised labour market, which frequently experiences exploitation, corruption, and unemployment. It falls under state law, and every state has its own set of guidelines and limitations. Everyone who works for a company, whether they are paid or not, is subject to the law.

Application of Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954

The Shops and Establishments Act defines "establishment" as a store or other type of business. These include business establishments, lodging facilities, dining establishments, theatres, and other public entertainment facilities. A commercial establishment is also defined as any location where any trade, business, profession, or work related to it is carried out. Examples of such locations include societies registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860, registered or unregistered charitable or other trusts, journalistic and printing establishments, contractors' and auditors' establishments, quarries and mines not subject to the Mines Act of 1952, educational or other institutes operated for private gain, and any locations where "A" factory licenced under the 1948 Factory Act is excluded from this.


The Delhi Shops and Establishment Act, 1954, contains nine chapters divided into 30 sections.

Table of Provision

The following table illustrates the provisions enshrined in the Act:

ISec- 1 to 4Preliminary
IISec- 5 Registration and Issue of Labour Identification Number
IIISec- 6 to 10Duties of Employer
IVSec- 11 Leave and Holidays
VSec-12 to 16Welfare Provisions
VISec-17Facilitators And Their Powers And Functions
VIISec-18 to 19Records And Returns
VIIISec-20 to 24Offences And Penalties
IXSec-25 to 30 Miscellaneous

Features of the Act

The following are the listed features of the Act:

  • The design, functions, requirements, costs, terms and conditions, and other elements of this Act may differ from state to state in India.

  • This licence shall be obtained no later than 30 days following the commencement of commercial operations.

  • Before opening a business current account, banks require this licence as proof of identity.

  • As per state regulations, this licence must be renewed on a regular basis.

  • The licence provides evidence of legal status and authorises the operation of a business.

  • This act does not apply to federal or state government-owned enterprises.

  • All organisations must keep current records of their compliance with the Shops and Establishments Act and request the labour department's endorsement or approval.

  • According to the law, the registration certificate must be regularly renewed and publicly displayed at the shop or business institution.

Information Required for License Registration for Shops and Establishments

The following table illustrates the requirements:

  • Company name

  • Firm's Address

  • Name of the manager, if any

  • Nature of the Establishment: The type of shop, such as a clothing store or a furniture store.

  • Number of Employees in the Establishment

  • Day of Rest, etc.

Rights Governed by the Shops and Establishments Act

As a result, the Shop and Establishment Certificate essentially covers amendments to and laws pertaining to:

  • The regulation of working hours,

  • Payment of wages,

  • Leave or holiday,

  • The terms of service,

  • Maternity benefits, and

  • Any other conditions of work for people working in various establishments.


The registration application must be completed and given to the Chief Inspector of the relevant area, along with the required fees, in order to obtain the registration certificate offline. Following satisfaction with the accuracy of the application, the chief inspector will provide the registration certificate to the owner or proprietor.

The registration application form includes information on the employer and establishment's name, address, type of establishment, number of employees, and other necessary information. Before the registration time expires, the registration application must be renewed. From state to state, the Shop and Establishment Certificate's validity varies. While some states offer certificates that are good for life, others only offer certificates that are valid for one to five years.


Q1. What exactly are shops and establishments under the Indian Act?

Ans. The respective state's labour department oversees the Shop and Establishment Act. Every store and business operating in the state is subject to regulation under the Act. The registrations required by the Act are issued by the relevant states, so there are minor variations between them.

Q2. What is the significance of establishment?

Ans. A company's establishment is crucial since it determines things like taxes and applicable regulations. However, it is not always and inevitably related to retail businesses. If an institution is motivated by profit, then using its land for institutional purposes is also regarded as an establishment.

Q3. What is the difference between an establishment and a shop?

Ans. Shop - According to the Act, a shop is a place where customers can buy goods or services. Offices, warehouses, storerooms, and go-downs may also be included. An establishment includes all lodging facilities, dining establishments, theatres, retail stores, and other places offering entertainment to the general public.

Q4. How many leaves are permitted in a Pvt. Ltd. business?

Ans. A single earned leave is awarded every 20 working days, or 18 leaves annually, according to the Factories Act. According to the Shops and Establishment Act, five privilege leaves—or 15 leaves overall—are given for every four months of employment.

Updated on: 27-Jan-2023


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