Definition of Ready (DoR) in Agile

Out of all the Agile Framework Scrum is been widely popular. Scrum is a framework for Agile project management and software development. It provides a simple, yet effective approach to delivering complex projects in an adaptive and flexible manner. Scrum was first introduced in the 1990s and has since become one of the most widely adopted Agile methodologies.

Scrum is used in a wide range of industries, including software development, construction, marketing, and finance. Its popularity stems from its flexibility and ability to help teams deliver high-quality work quickly and efficiently.

DoR and DoD are the 2 most used signs in Scrum method to elaborate if the task assigned is ready, and in what stage it is. Let’s take a deep look into DoR in this article.

What is DoR?

The Definition of Ready, often abbreviated as DoR, is a companion to the Definition of Done (DoD). The DoR serves as a comprehensive list of criteria that must be met before a product backlog item can be taken up by the team during the next sprint. It outlines the conditions that the Product Owner must fulfill so that the Development Team can accept the item during the Sprint Planning meeting. In essence, the DoR can be considered as the "DoD" that must be achieved by the Product Owner to ensure the item is ready for implementation.

It's important to note that the Definition of Ready (DoR) is not an official part of the Scrum Guide. The purpose of the DoR is to provide the team with a guideline for backlog refinement, rather than acting as a phase gate for Sprint Planning or a means of deflecting responsibility.

Most teams start with a minimal DoR and gradually add to it as necessary. It's better to begin with a simple framework and build upon it as needed, rather than trying to create a comprehensive list right away.

Criteria of DoR

The Product Owner (PO) and Development Team must have had at least one conversation about the story.

  • The story must have clear business value.

  • The effort required to implement the story must be estimated.

  • The story must be decomposed into smaller tasks that can be completed within a single sprint.

  • The story must have at least one acceptance criterion defined.

To be candid, it's unlikely that you'll need to formally document the Definition of Ready (DoR). During backlog refinement sessions, the team will naturally progress towards making stories "ready for sprint."

However, if you're looking for a useful guideline for your DoR, consider using the INVEST schema. This framework suggests that a user story should be −

  • Independent − It should not depend on any other story to be completed.

  • Negotiable − The details of the story can still be refined and negotiated.

  • Valuable − It should provide clear business value to the customer or user.

  • Estimable − It should be possible to estimate the effort required to implement the story.

  • Small − It should be small enough to be completed within a single sprint.

  • Testable − It should be possible to write test cases to verify the story's completion.

Here's a Concise Description

  • Independent − A user story should be standalone, not dependent on any other stories. If you adhere to writing actual "user stories" rather than traditional tasks, the number of dependencies will naturally decrease. In the rare instances where dependencies do exist, it's essential to document them.

  • Negotiable − The user story should focus on the customer's requirements, not dictate the development method. The Development Team should have the flexibility to propose alternative solutions to deliver the same business value to the customer.

  • Valuable − The user story must clearly state its business value. This can often be captured in the "As a persona, I want feature so that I receive business value" format.

  • Estimable − The Development Team must be able to roughly estimate the effort required to implement the user story. This may require the team to ask the Product Owner clarifying questions to get a better understanding of the implementation approach.

  • Small − The user story must be small enough to be completed within a single sprint. If it's estimated to be larger, continue breaking it down into smaller stories.

  • Testable − The story must be verifiable, and its completion must be easily tested. This typically requires clear acceptance criteria that can be transformed into test cases.


It's crucial not to overcomplicate the DoR. Keep it simple, either by following the INVEST schema or by reaching a basic agreement on what the Development Team needs before they can start working effectively. Both the Product Owner and the Development Team share the responsibility of ensuring that a story is ready based on the agreed upon DoR criteria.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023


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