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Deep Learning MasterClass

person icon Raj Chhabria


Deep Learning MasterClass

Learn about Complete Life Cycle of a Deep Learning Project. Implement different Neural networks using Tensorflow & Keras

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Raj Chhabria

English [CC]

category icon Deep Learning,Development

Lectures -34

Resources -1

Duration -4 hours



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Course Description

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that is focused on building neural networks with many layers, known as deep neural networks. These networks are typically composed of multiple layers of interconnected "neurons" or "units", which are simple mathematical functions that process information. The layers in a deep neural network are organized in a hierarchical manner, with lower layers processing basic features and higher layers combining these features to represent more abstract concepts.

Deep learning models are trained using large amounts of data and powerful computational resources, such as graphics processing units (GPUs). Training deep learning models can be computationally intensive, but the models can achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of tasks, including image classification, natural language processing, speech recognition, and many others.

There are different types of deep learning models, such as feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and many more. Each type of model is suited for a different type of problem, and the choice of model will depend on the specific task and the type of data that is available.


  • Complete the Life Cycle of the Data Science Project.

  • Important Data Science Libraries like Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sklearn, etc.

  • How to choose the appropriate Machine Learning or Deep Learning Model for your project

  • Machine Learning Fundamentals 

  • Regression and Classification in Machine Learning

  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

  • TensorFlow and Keras

  • Different projects like Gold Price Prediction, Stock Price Prediction, Image Classification etc.



  • You will learn the complete life cycle of a Data Science Project with Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
  • Learn about different Neural Networks like ANN, CNN, and RNN.
  • Learn about pandas, numpy, matplotlib, sklearn, tensorflow which are some of the most important python libraries used in Data Science, ML and DL.
  • You will build practical projects like Gold Price Prediction, Image Class Prediction, and Stock Price Prediction using different Neural networks.


  • Basic understanding of Python Programming Language.
Deep Learning MasterClass


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

2 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 06:56 06:56
  • play icon Downloadable Course Resources
7 Lectures
5 Lectures
Data Visualization
3 Lectures
Machine Learning Fundamentals
8 Lectures
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
5 Lectures
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
2 Lectures
2 Lectures

Instructor Details

Raj Chhabria

Raj Chhabria

My name is Raj Chhabria and I am a Computer Science Engineer with specialization in Data Science. I am an accomplished coder and programmer, and I enjoy using my skills to contribute to student community by my Courses. Here I intend to share my knowledge in most condensed form through my courses.

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