Deep Belief Network (DBN) in Deep Learning


Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are a type of deep learning architecture combining unsupervised learning principles and neural networks. They are composed of layers of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs), which are trained one at a time in an unsupervised manner. The output of one RBM is used as the input to the next RBM, and the final output is used for supervised learning tasks such as classification or regression.

Deep Belief Network

DBNs have been used in various applications, including image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. They have been shown to achieve state-ofthe-art results in many tasks and are one of the most powerful deep learning architectures currently available.

Since they don't use raw inputs like RBMs, DBNs also vary from other deep learning algorithms like autoencoders and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). They instead operate on an input layer with one neuron for each input vector and go through numerous levels before arriving at the final layer, where outputs are produced using probabilities acquired from earlier layers.

Architecture of DBN

The basic structure of a DBN is composed of several layers of RBMs. A probability distribution is learned over the input data by each RBM, which is a generative model. While the successive layers of the DBN learn higher-level features, the initial layer of the DBN learns the fundamental structure of the data. For supervised learning tasks like classification or regression, the DBN's last layer is used.

Each RBM in a DBN is trained independently using contrastive divergence, which is an unsupervised learning method. The gradient of the log-likelihood of the data for the RBM's parameters can be approximated using this method. The output of one trained RBM is then used as the input for the subsequent RBM, which is done by stacking the trained RBMs on top of one another.

After the DBN has been trained, supervised learning tasks can be performed on it by adjusting the weights of the final layer using a supervised learning technique like backpropagation. This fine-tuning process can improve the DBN's performance on the specific task it was trained for.

Evolving of DBN

The earliest generation of neural networks, called perceptron’s, is extraordinarily strong. Depending on our response, they can help us recognize an object in a picture or gauge how much we enjoy a certain cuisine. But they are constrained. They frequently consider one piece of information at a time and find it hard to comprehend the context of what is going on around them.

A type of second-generation neural network. Backpropagation is a technique that compares the output received with the intended result and drives down the error value until it is zero, meaning that each perceptron will finally reach its ideal state.

Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), commonly referred to as belief networks, are the next step and help with inference and learning issues. It gives us more control than ever before over our data.

Finally, deep belief networks (DBNs) can be used to create fair values that we can then store in leaf nodes, ensuring that no matter what occurs along the process, we always have the proper solution at hand.

Working of DBN

To get pixel input signals directly, we must train a property layer. Then, by treating the values of these competing interest groups as pixels, we discover the characteristics of the features that were initially obtained. Every new subcaste of parcels or characteristic we add to the network raises the lower bound on the log-liability of the training data set.

The following describes the operating pipeline of the deep belief network −

  • We begin by performing multiple Gibbs sampling iterations in the top two hidden layers. The top two hidden layers define the RBM. As a result, this stage successfully removes a sample from it.

  • After that, run a single ancestral sampling pass through the rest of the model to create a sample from the visible units

  • We will employ a single bottom-up approach to determine the values of the latent variables in each layer. Greedy pretraining starts with an observed data vector in the lowest layer. It then adjusts the generative weights in the other direction.

Advantages of DBN

One of the main advantages of DBNs is their ability to learn features from the data in an unsupervised manner. This means they do not require labeled data, which can be difficult and time-consuming. A hierarchical representation of the data can also be learned by DBNs, with each layer learning increasingly sophisticated features. For applications like picture identification, where the earliest layers can pick up on fundamental details like edges, this hierarchical representation can be quite helpful. Later layers, however, are capable of learning more intricate properties, such forms and objects

Moreover, DBNs have proven to be resistant to overfitting, a major issue in deep learning. This is due to the RBMs' contribution to model regularisation during their unsupervised pretraining. The risk of overfitting is minimised by just using a small amount of labelled data during the fine-tuning phase.

Other deep learning architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks, can have their weights initialised by DBNs (RNNs). As a result, these architectures can start with a solid set of initial weights, which can increase their performance.

The capacity of DBNs to manage missing data is another benefit. It happens frequently in many real-world applications for some data to be corrupted or absent. As they are made to work with complete and correct data, traditional neural networks may require assistance to handle missing data. Yet, by employing a method known as "dropout," DBNs can be taught to learn robust characteristics that are unaffected by the existence of missing data.

DBNs can also be employed for generative activities like the creation of text and images. The DBN can learn a probability distribution over the data thanks to the unsupervised pretraining of the RBMs, and new samples that resemble the training data can be produced. This may be helpful in software programs like computer vision, which may create new images depending on labels or other qualities.

The issue of vanishing gradients is among the key difficulties in deep neural network training. The gradients used to update the weights during training may get very small as the network's layer count rises, making it challenging to train the network efficiently. Due of the RBMs' unsupervised pretraining, DBNs can solve this issue. Each RBM learns a representation of the data during pretraining that is comparatively stable and does not alter dramatically with minor weight changes. This means that the gradients utilised to update the weights are significantly larger when the DBN is optimised for a supervised job, improving training efficiency.

DBNs have been effectively used in a variety of industries in addition to standard deep learning tasks, including bioinformatics, drug development, and financial forecasting. DBNs have been employed in bioinformatics to find patterns in gene expression data suggestive of disease, which can be utilised to create novel diagnostic tools. DBNs have been utilized in drug discovery to find novel compounds with the potential to be turned into medicines. Stock prices and other financial variables have been predicted using DBNs in the finance industry


In conclusion, the powerful deep learning architecture known as DBNs can be applied to a variety of tasks. They are made up of RBM layers that are taught unsupervised, with supervised learning applied to the final layer. DBNs are one of the most potent deep learning architectures currently accessible and have been demonstrated to produce state-of-the-art outcomes in a variety of tasks. They can unsupervised learn features from the data, are resistant to overfitting, and can be used to set the weights of other deep-learning architectures.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023

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