Decompressing Files in Linux with Gunzip

In the world of Linux, file compression is a common practice to reduce file sizes and save disk space. There are many compression algorithms available, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. One of the most popular compression algorithms in Linux is gzip. In this article, we will explore how to decompress files in Linux with gunzip.

What is gzip?

gzip is a file compression utility used to compress and decompress files. gzip is a lossless compression algorithm, which means that the original data can be reconstructed perfectly after decompression. gzip is widely used on Linux systems, and it is supported by most Linux distributions.

gzip uses the Lempel-Ziv coding algorithm to compress data. This algorithm is very efficient and is able to compress data by up to 70% of its original size. The resulting compressed files have a .gz extension.

gzip is often used to compress large log files and backups, as well as to transfer files over the internet. It is also used to compress files before they are transferred to external storage devices such as USB drives.

Installing gunzip

Most Linux distributions come with gzip pre-installed. If you don't have gzip installed on your system, you can install it using the package manager of your distribution.

For example, on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, you can install gzip using the following command −

sudo apt-get install gzip

On Red Hat-based distributions such as CentOS and Fedora, you can install gzip using the following command −

sudo yum install gzip

Using gunzip

To decompress a file using gunzip, you can use the following command −

gunzip file.gz

This command will decompress the file.gz file and create a new file called file in the same directory. The original file.gz file will be deleted.

If you want to keep the original file.gz file, you can use the -k option −

gunzip -k file.gz

This command will decompress the file.gz file and create a new file called file in the same directory. The original file.gz file will not be deleted.

You can also decompress multiple files at once by specifying multiple file names −

gunzip file1.gz file2.gz

This command will decompress both file1.gz and file2.gz files.

Using gunzip with tar

Tar is a popular archiving utility used to create and extract archives on Linux. Tar can also be used in combination with gzip to create compressed tar archives.

To create a compressed tar archive, you can use the following command −

tar czf archive.tar.gz file1 file2

This command will create a compressed tar archive called archive.tar.gz containing the file1 and file2 files.

To extract a compressed tar archive, you can use the following command −

tar xzf archive.tar.gz

This command will extract the contents of the archive.tar.gz file into the current directory.

If you want to extract the contents of the compressed tar archive into a specific directory, you can use the -C option −

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -C /path/to/directory

This command will extract the contents of the archive.tar.gz file into the /path/to/directory directory.

Using gunzip with find

The find command is a powerful tool used to search for files and directories on Linux. You can use find in combination with gunzip to decompress multiple files that match a certain pattern.

For example, if you have multiple compressed log files in a directory and you want to decompress all files that have a .log.gz extension, you can use the following command −

find /path/to/directory -name '*.log.gz'

Once you have found all the compressed files, you can use the following command to decompress them −

find /path/to/directory -name '*.log.gz' -exec gunzip {} \;

This command will find all files with a .log.gz extension in the /path/to/directory directory and execute the gunzip command on each file.

Using gunzip with pipes

You can also use gunzip with pipes to decompress data as it is being streamed. This is useful when you want to decompress data that is being transferred over the network or when you want to extract a specific file from a compressed tar archive without extracting the entire archive.

To decompress data from a pipe, you can use the following command −

cat file.gz | gunzip > file

This command will read the compressed file from the standard input and write the decompressed data to the standard output. The decompressed data will be written to a file called file in the current directory.

To extract a specific file from a compressed tar archive, you can use the following command −

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -O file.txt.gz | gunzip > file.txt

This command will extract the file.txt.gz file from the archive.tar.gz file and write the compressed data to the standard output. The compressed data will then be decompressed using gunzip and written to a file called file.txt in the current directory.

Advanced usage of gunzip

In addition to the basic usage of gunzip, there are several advanced features that can help you manage your compressed files more efficiently.

Using gunzip with compression level options

By default, gunzip uses the highest compression level (-9) when compressing files. However, you can specify a lower compression level to make the compression process faster.

To specify a compression level, you can use the -# option, where # is a number from 1 to 9, representing the compression level. For example, to use the lowest compression level, you can use the following command −

gzip -1 file

This command will compress the file using the lowest compression level, which is the fastest but produces the least compressed file.

Using gunzip with verbose mode

You can use the -v option to enable verbose mode, which will display the progress of the compression or decompression process.

For example, to decompress a file in verbose mode, you can use the following command −

gunzip -v file.gz

This command will display the progress of the decompression process and the name of the file being decompressed.

Using gunzip with force mode

You can use the -f option to force gunzip to overwrite an existing file without prompting for confirmation.

For example, to decompress a file and overwrite an existing file with the same name, you can use the following command −

gunzip -f file.gz

This command will decompress the file.gz file and overwrite the existing file with the same name.

Using gunzip with keep mode

By default, gunzip deletes the compressed file after decompressing it. However, you can use the -k option to keep the compressed file.

For example, to decompress a file and keep the compressed file, you can use the following command −

gunzip -k file.gz

This command will decompress the file.gz file and keep the compressed file with the same name.

Using gunzip with suffix mode

You can use the -S option to specify a suffix for the output file when decompressing a file.

For example, to decompress a file and add a .txt suffix to the output file, you can use the following command −

gunzip -S .txt file.gz

This command will decompress the file.gz file and create a new file with a .txt suffix.

Using gunzip with dry-run mode

You can use the -n option to perform a dry-run, which will show you what gunzip would do without actually decompressing the file.

For example, to perform a dry-run of the decompression process, you can use the following command −

gunzip -n file.gz

This command will show you what gunzip would do without actually decompressing the file.


In this article, we have explored how to decompress files in Linux with gunzip. We have covered several use cases, including decompressing individual files, decompressing multiple files, decompressing files in combination with tar, decompressing files using pipes, and decompressing files using find.

By mastering the gunzip command, you will be able to compress and decompress files efficiently and effectively on your Linux system. This will help you save disk space, transfer files more quickly over the network, and make backups more manageable.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023


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