Data Security in Computer Network

Data security is the procedure to secure digital information from unauthorized access, theft, or corruption. The Data security is adhere to CIA Triad functioning i.e Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Confidentiality is proper authorization by the legitimate user. Integrity is robust and unchangeable to attain accurate, reliable data. Availability is access to data safely from anywhere.

Data security requires some specific controls, procedures, and standard policies to avoid unethical access, loss, or destruction. Data security is important as all working with data need to take measures properly, on time and seriously to avoid data breaches which in the future can help to build a secure system or network.



Data security is the process of securing digital information from unauthorized access, theft, or corruption.

Why Data security is important?

Data disclosure can affect the reputation of an organization so data security is overall important to build confidence. The safety of sensitive data is secured by data security. To maintain a marketing and competitive edge the sensitive data needs to be secure.

Data security practices

The data to be secured from breach following steps can be useful,

  • Using a firewall − The firewall to be used to protect from social engineering attacks and block malware.

  • Data backup − A backup to be maintained for electronic files, databases, or spreadsheets which will minimize business interruption.

  • Assess control − Permitting to access network, database, or administrative account to few and access to only the required part to get their job done.

  • Physical device security − The vulnerable devices are IOT devices, Bluetooth devices, cameras, etc are prone to intruders getting sensitive information. Connected devices are to be checked and provided with data security.

  • Monitoring network and controls − The network is to be secured from data breaches and mitigate risk by proper threat management, detecting tools and platforms, etc to implement a comprehensive robust network.

  • Patching − The latest version of software to be maintained after patching or new version release.

  • Delete unused files − The stored data for long period need to be eliminated. Such a manner a liability can be kept in data security.

Data Security Types

The data can be safeguarded by the following measure,

  • Controlling the access − The limited behavior-based permission granted to access the network, database, or administrative system. An authorized user can only be allowed to access and only that part that is required to get the job done.

  • Encrypting the data − An authorized user with a valid key can decrypt the encrypted file, database, email, etc. The algorithm is used to convert characters to unreadable encrypted keys to authorize the user.

  • Resilience in Data security − The failure of any hardware or software won't impact the data in the network and can be easily recovered.

  • Mask the data − The data is hidden with proxy characters and regain its original form when the authorized user login.

  • Data authentication − The user needs to be authorized using valid passwords, tokens, or PINs to gain access.

  • Erasure of Data − The electronic data that resided for years needs to be wiped out and ensure data is not lost.

Technologies for Data Security


The procedure to capture and report the changes in data, access to sensitive information given to whom, utilization of path. If any security breaches occur then the root cause can be determined by auditing.

Force changes to data or intruders who accessed sensitive data can be made visible by investigating through audits.

Risk assessment

The risk associated with the data or overused. A summarized investigation to find the vulnerability, permission to intruders, or unused data. Outdated software, weak password, or mishandling of system configuration can be identified using risk assessment.

Report by the third party

The loss, alterations, destructions, or mitigate data can be discovered through the customers or third-party contractors or vendors.

Monitoring activity of file

The security team monitors the pattern in data usage to analyze any illegal activities.

Minimization of Data

A large amount of data are prone to hackers. So it is required to maintain necessary files making the organization beneficial. A minimal amount of data is key to Data security.

Know the Data

The data needs to be understood which is sensitive data and mitigate the vulnerabilities. The data can be structured or unstructured from a cloud environment, big data, data warehouse, etc. Automation is required to handle sensitive data.

Other Data security techniques

The compromising data can be a catastrophic effect on organizations, enterprises, or companies

  • In Data security how to secure data some other measures are discussed below,

  • VPN to be used in an organizations

  • Strong password practice needs to be required to protect sensitive data.

  • Avoid public wifi usage which compromises vital data in our electronic devices.

  • Employees should fill data to unknown devices or websites.


Access to protected data, escalating privileges, or gaining unauthorized access gives rise to several attacks. These flaws in applications and networks are to be secured. RCE vulnerabilities can be prevented by implementing security while using the system or applications.

The protection of sensitive information is crucial. But it is important to safeguard data by implementing data security. Data security is the mix of business, technology, data policy, and cyber security. By right way of practicing helps to tackle all the risks associated and without data security one can be at risk of penalties.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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