Cybersecurity Trends and Careers in 2022

Are you planning a high-flying career in cybersecurity that is also relevant to the times? This article explores the cybersecurity trends and high-potential jobs of 2022.

Trends in Cybersecurity in 2022

Some of the industry trends in risk and response as of 2022 are explained below

IoT Systems

This year, the IoT phenomenon continues to grow. IoT creates some ingenious solutions, but the level of interconnectedness between devices and networks also poses the most significant risk. As the number of access nodes increases, the loopholes that attackers can target rise correspondingly.

Cloud-Based Services

Cloud Infrastructure can be a boon for smaller companies, offering both scale and flexibility within budget. But concentrating all the data, operations, and applications in a few endpoints means infiltration can destroy the entire system in one go. Many Cloud services lack encryption facilities or audit monitoring. Data leakages due to the improper configuration can be catastrophic for organizations/governments. As a consequence, predictive analysis in cloud security is gaining currency.


Ransomware, a form of Multi−Vector Attack (MVA), is being deployed frequently, particularly against wealthy corporates. Ransomware holds the victim's system(s) captive, critical applications, and sensitive data. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is usually achieved by encrypting files, after which a ransom is demanded to decrypt and restore services.

Digital Supply Chains

The weakest link in the supply chain is exploited: vendors, suppliers, or consumers. Can use a partner's privileged access to the company to steal credentials, as in the SolarWinds case. The company's third−party software or vital open−source functions may be invaded and malware installed for tampering. Should fuse Risk management with supply chain concerns, given the surge in instances of enemy states targeting critical infrastructure (water, power, health, or high−value supply chains (primarily financial services). Developed the ITDR (Identity Threat Detection and Response) set of methods to counter this trend.

After COVID-19, the potential surface for attacks has risen as remote working has dispersed exposure. Corporate security measures to block harmful websites, train employees, and control web activity do not extend to people's homes, where fewer means and awareness exist. Personal mobile devices have also become attack vectors. The Identity and Access Management (IAM) tools are a novel method suggested to reduce risk during remote working.

Some overarching solutions have been propounded in response to these threats

Consolidation of Vendors

Using disparate security systems for different parts of an organization causes difficulty in monitoring and increases the likelihood of attacks. Many organizations procure security apparatus from a single supplier to make supervision and troubleshooting easier. A single point of failure, however cost−effective and simple it is, remains equally unsafe. The opposite suggestion is a cybersecurity mesh − a conceptual amalgamation of security infrastructure across on−premise, cloud−based assets and networks. This unification uses different vendors for separate objectives.

Delegating Security

Centralization of business and security decision−making within a restricted group is inefficient, highly susceptible to hacking, and endangers invaluable information. Delegating security decisions to a specialized body within the company makes for productive and responsive policies, cutting down on complexity and overlap. Plus, multifactor authentication in security systems is being adopted worldwide.

Top Cybersecurity Careers in 2022

The demand for professionals from entry and mid-level to experienced professional roles has escalated. Some of the best positions include

Have a look at what some of these roles are

Cybersecurity/Information Security Analyst

These roles are mostly entry to mid−level. These roles involve monitoring any malicious/anomalous activity, running vulnerability scans and evaluating threats from the reports, maintaining and updating security features such as firewalls and anti−virus, and being prepared to run disaster recovery in case of breaches.

Ethical Hacker/Penetration Tester

Ethical hackers are personnel authorized to conduct experimental attacks, based on cybercriminal methods, on an organization's security system to test for weaknesses. It is a proactive technique to manage vulnerabilities and take necessary countermeasures. A penetration tester does a subset of these functions. They assess reports on systemic risk and suggest remedial measures. These are usually intermediate−level positions.

Security/Network Security Architect

These positions are usually more advanced, senior-level openings. These professionals need a host of skills, like the ones mentioned above, that are honed over some time. They devise and regulate an organization's security infrastructure. They need to be able to update and improve the security systems while also complying with laws and regulations in this domain. The system should be securely configured and sustained within financial constraints, so not only do they need to be well−versed in offensive and defensive tactics, but they also need to have managerial skills.

Application/Network Security Engineers

These are mid−level to senior positions. Application Security Engineers are tasked with developing software and ensuring safety throughout the development lifecycle. The software should be coded and tested in keeping with the environment in which it is deployed. Pentesting skills come in handy here.

Network Security Engineers ensure that networks used by the organization are intact, making employees aware of email decorum, installing web and routing protocols, and monitoring endpoint and perimeter security. These professionals are also responsible for hardware establishment, such as routers, ensuring policy adherence, and managing gateways, servers, and switches.


Chief Information Security Officers are highly sought-after at the very top of the food chain. These professionals need to have at least ten or more years of experience. They should have abilities ranging from strategic management to data policies and compliance knowledge. They protect the organization's financial assets, confidential employee information, and intellectual property. Preserving an enterprise's privacy and the integrity of its data is paramount in this role.

Other popular positions include Data/Network Administrators, Cybersecurity Managers, Malware Analysts, and Cloud Specialists.


If you were tossing between choices, we hope this information helped you decide. Cyberspace use and concomitant risks keep evolving with advancements in technology. So will trends and jobs in the sector.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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