Crypto Primer: Currencies, Commodities and Tokens


The language of cryptocurrency is rife with technical jargon. As a result, some terms are frequently used interchangeably with little regard for their meaning. This may take some time for investors trying to understand and enter the cryptocurrency industry.

Cryptocurrencies, crypto tokens, and commodities are frequently used interchangeably in conversations and interviews. But each has a particular significance crucial to comprehend when creating a framework for valuing investment prospects. For instance, a cryptocurrency's worth is determined by how closely it resembles traditional forms of currency. In contrast, a crypto token's value is heavily influenced by protocol adoption or robustness.

Here is a short clarification of the variations among cryptocurrencies, crypto tokens, and crypto commodities.

The key differences between currencies, commodities, and tokens.

  • The phrase "cryptocurrency" describes coins with the same functions as conventional paper money.
  • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are examples.
  • Although there is considerable disagreement over what exactly qualifies as a crypto commodity, the word refers to an asset that is transferable or fungible and may represent a good, service, or contract in the physical or digital world via unique tokens on a blockchain network.
  • Crypto tokens more broadly represent the value of a blockchain. This value is expressed in various ways,including cryptocurrency rewards points and blockchain-based assets.

Crypto Currencies

One of the fascinating investing choices available in today's markets is cryptocurrencies. The phrase describes coins that meet the requirements for conventional paper-based money. Its characteristics include its usage as a value storage medium, a unit of account, and fungibility.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are examples. Frameworks for valuing cryptocurrencies often consider the coin's traction and supply plans. Coins and altcoins are both terms that are used to describe cryptocurrency. Since blockchains like Ethereum and Ripple display some key characteristics of cryptocurrencies, they are considered coins.

Since blockchains like Ethereum and Ripple display some of the key characteristics.

Such as -

  • One unit is equivalent to another when fungible.
  • One can split each coin into smaller parts.
  • Acceptable: commonly accepted and capable of being traded.
  • Limited Supply: A certain number of coins will be produced.
  • The value of each denomination is uniform.
  • Portable: able to be carried around in wallets and traded.
  • Durable: able to withstand repeated, extensive usage.

Unique opportunities exist for short-term traders and long-term investors as cryptocurrencies develop and grow.

Crypto Commodities

While there is some disagreement over what exactly qualifies as a crypto commodity, the word is often used to refer to a transferable or fungible asset that may represent a good or service in the physical or digital world through unique tokens on a blockchain network. Some people view the blockchains used to create tokens as digital commodities. Others have described crypto-commodities in terms of computer system features, including CPU power. But in both cases, crypto commodities are referred to as the foundation of cryptocurrency.

For instance, a machine's storage ability and computational strength (or the velocity and range of processors used to supply cryptos) are taken into consideration crypto commodities. The blockchain of Ethereum serves as a foundation for growing tokens for clever contracts; consequently, it serves as any other example. Several extensive businesses fashioned the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA) to offer a framework and well-known generation for developing apps that use its blockchain.

Crypto Tokens

In that they are based on blockchains, crypto tokens resemble cryptocurrencies. Tokens most frequently take the form of cryptocurrencies. But the value of a blockchain is more broadly represented by crypto tokens. This value is expressed in various ways, including cryptocurrencies, reward points, and blockchain-based assets.

The Ethereum blockchain is the foundation for several currencies that use its platform to provide services and goods. Tronix (TRX), for instance, is a token for the entertainment sector. In addition, the infrastructure needed to support decentralized apps is represented by the cryptocurrency EOS. A complete list of Ethereum tokens is available here.

Workings of Crypto Tokens

As was previously stated, cryptocurrency tokens are cryptocurrency tokens. These tokens have their blockchains and are backed by digital or virtual currencies. Blocks of data are stored as blocks in blockchains, which are then chained together to form unique databases.

The Function of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency functions differently from conventional banking. Transactions are validated by the banking system in a normal banking system. The marketing for cryptocurrencies is different, though. Blockchain, as a public database, also depicts currency-holders' transactions and it is a forte of cryptocurrency. The majority of bitcoins are created via a technique known as mining. To produce coins, you must solve complex arithmetic problems. The primary method cryptocurrencies are designed when people who don't mine them buy them from brokers so they can use their crypto wallets to make purchases.


The notion of cryptocurrency is intriguing and intriguing, with the potential to fundamentally improve global banking. Cryptocurrency is founded on sane, democratic ideas, but it is still technological and practical work. The near-monopoly of nation-states over the creation of money and monetary policy seems safe for the foreseeable future. Although they are occasionally used interchangeably in news articles and interviews, cryptocurrencies, crypto commodities, and crypto tokens are separate entities. These distinctions matter in the context of impending regulation and value.

Updated on: 12-Dec-2022


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