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Criminal Psychology: Victimology

person icon Dr Francois Meyer


Criminal Psychology: Victimology

Situational Awareness & Victim Selection

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Dr Francois Meyer

English [CC]

category icon Psychology,Criminology

Lectures -19

Duration -4.5 hours



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Course Description



Not a day goes by that we don't read in the newspaper about someone who was attacked in their homes. Violent crimes and armed robbery are a serious problem in the world.

And the problem is getter worse every day!

Many people believe it won't happen to them, and therefore do not prepare or plan ahead.

If you are unprepared, there is a 90% chance of you falling a victim to crime sooner or later. With a little foresight and planning, you can lessen these chances to only 10%.


Learn how Not to be a Victim…

REMEMBER: No crime can commence if the opportunity therefore does not exist.

In this course, we look at how crime affects us and what we can do as individuals to lessen our chances of falling victim to crime.

This course is based on research published in my book based on the study of criminal, as well as victim behaviour, in a country ranking 3rd in the world with most violent crimes.

The latest statistics prove that this country has a daily murder rate higher than the Ukraine War!

As a law enforcement, tactical, and private security professional trainer, I train instructors on international levels and was invited as guest presenter at International Annual Training Conferences for Law Enforcement Instructors. Apart from that, I study people and behaviour. And with a qualification in Forensic Psychology, qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practitioner, Ordained Life Coach Minister, and a Doctor’s Degree in Theology, I get to study people and behaviour on a regular basis. I mainly focus on PTSD and victimology, the aftermath of crime, but it is even more important to focus on the prevention of crime. By this, I mean preventing from becoming a victim in the first place. Because by doing that, you will not have to go to extreme physical measures of self-defense.

Situational Awareness…

The latest buzz word in the self-defense arena.

It teaches you to be aware of your surroundings, and the steps of awareness so that you do not get caught by surprise and feel paralyzed when the guy suddenly appears in front of you.

The problem is that it helps just diddly squat if you do not know what to look for.

So, what do potential criminals look like?

How do they think?

(Yes, from a Criminal Psychology point of view, I can bore you with endless white papers on the poor attacker, and how he comes from a background of abuse, poor neighbourhood, alcoholic parents, and current joblessness.)

But that is NOT what you want to know, is it?

Right now, you do not care where he comes from, or who his father was. You do not care whether he lost his job recently or has sick family members at home.

Your stuff is your stuff!

You worked hard, very hard, to accumulate all your stuff. You do not intend to give it all away to someone who just pops in for a quick, uninvited visit in the wee hours of the morning, to relieve you from the burden of your plasma TV.

Welcoming someone in your home at 3AM who entered through the window, is not on top of the friendliness list. Afterall, they almost never give you time to brush your teeth or gargle mouthwash before you greet them. Morning breath! Ughh!

Learn How criminals select their targets and their victims. So that you can prevent becoming a victim of crime.

I will see you on course...

- Dr Francois.



Victimology is the study of theories of victimization and the degree of risk a person has of becoming a 'Victim'...because of his or her personal, professional, or social life. It further evaluates the Victim and gains intimate knowledge of the victim's habits and lifestyle to provide reason why this particular 'Victim' was chosen at a given time and place.

Definition of victimology

1: the study of the ways in which the behavior of crime victims may have led to or contributed to their victimization.

When a crime is committed there are usually two parties involved: the criminal and a victim. Victimologists argue that the field of criminology ignores the role of crime victims and focuses primarily on the offenders and the types of crimes they commit. This course attempts to rectify this imbalance in the field by focusing on victims of crime. The course will present students with an introductory analysis of the field of victimology.

Victimology is a branch of criminology, which examines the nature of the victimization process; the relationships between victims and offenders; the emotional, physical, and economic impact of crimes on victims.

The field of victimology includes victim profiling, forensic victimology, and the scientific study of victims that focuses on their lifestyles, circumstances, the events leading up to the crime, and the nature of their victimization.

Victimology focuses on the victim and the interpersonal relations involved before, during, and after the commission of a crime.

Victimology is particularly interested in the victim who exhibits 'common victim behavior.'

The study of criminal cases, criminal statistics, and identification of the causes and conditions enabling the commission of crimes indicates that many crimes are, to a certain degree, due to the behavior of the victims themselves.

This conclusion can lead to the development of special, non-traditional measures to prevent crime, directed at preventing negligent, risky, or provocative behavior by a person and in turn empowers the person to prevent becoming a victim rather than having to revert to physical defensive measures.

New forms of prevention may be established both to prevent “re-victimization” on the part of persons who have already been victims and to identifying and warning potential victims whose behavior and lifestyle create opportunity to crime.

This course is designed to:

  • Learn how criminals would rather select an easier target than you.
  • Empower individuals to Not Be a Victim
  • Empower Law Enforcement Officers by identifying potential perpetrators and preventing crime.
  • Inspire Law Enforcement Instructors to teach fellow officers and communities.
  • Designed to also support mental health professionals who seek to engage in prevention, investigation, and intervention on behalf of victims of crime.

In this course we discuss:

  • The Crime Picture (Statistics.)

  • Profile of a Victim

  • Victim Selection

  • Profile of a Criminal

  • Criminal Modus Operandi

  • How do YOU become a Victim?

  • Self Defense (the Legal Side)

  • Requirements of a Crime

  • Proactive Lifestyle

  • Situational Awareness

  • Understanding Your Body's Survival Mechanism (strengths and weaknesses)

  • The Criminal Planning Cycle

  • Counter Surveillance

What makes this course different?

We believe in providing high quality training at affordable prices. That way we can empower so many more people.

As a trainer in Law Enforcement, Firearms and Specialized Tactical Operations in a country ranking no. 3 in the world on statistics on the most violent countries in the world, I have not only theoretical knowledge of criminal statistics and studies, victim statistics and profiles, Modus Operandi of criminals, but hands-on experience on how criminals operate, ranging from organized crime, crime syndicates, opportunist crimes, car-jacking, and human trafficking. Apart from the no. 3 ranking in the most violent countries, I also live and operate in one of the most violent cities in the world, according to some world renowned statistics.

I design and supply firearm training learning material, and am a speaker and course presenter at International Law Enforcement Instructor Annual Training Conferences.

Now, on this course, I bring you 30 years of experience in a short course, to equip to become a Hard Target in any country, regardless of whether you are law enforcement, a civilian, or therapist who deals with victims of crime. Therapists will understand Victimology better to empower victims in dealing with the aftermath and feel more empowered by knowing that they can be a Tough Target in future.

The course is Accredited with the International Shooters' Network and approved by the International Accreditation Organization.


No previous training required. We are here to guide you through the learning process. All you really need is the will to learn.

Criminal Psychology: Victimology


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

1 Lectures
  • play icon Course Introduction 07:28 07:28
Global Crime Picture
3 Lectures
Profile of a Criminal
3 Lectures
2 Lectures
Victim Profile
2 Lectures
Proactive Lifestyle
3 Lectures
Legal Aspects of Self-Defense
1 Lectures
Requirements of a Crime
1 Lectures
Human Survival Mechanism
1 Lectures
Criminal Planning Cycle
1 Lectures
Counter Surveillance
1 Lectures

Instructor Details

Dr Francois Meyer

Dr Francois Meyer

I mentor many teachers, trainers, and instructors across the world involved in adult education (irrespective of their field of expertise), who approach me for ideas and guidance with "problem" students.

To me, the student is the most important, and if I can assist the teacher to reach every student, we (you and I) have reached a new goal, and above all, we have changed the life of a student.

I write training material and design courses for international clients, and coach them on "out of the box training methods".

I am a professional Training Counsellor with almost 30 years' experience, a Certified & Ordained Life Coach Minister, a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner with qualifications in Criminal Psychology and I also mentor to many training providers across the world in the Adult education and training industry. I specialize in Adult Education, and as a professional coach, I inspire, mentor, and coach law enforcement officers and teachers, etc. to reach NEW HEIGHTS in their careers and personal lives.

I provide Life Coaching and Mentoring to Teachers, Trainers, and Instructors, and Life Coaching to Law Enforcement Officers, Military Vets (including Private Sector Security), and Emergency Personnel around the world. It may also include spiritual counseling and guidance if required.

Above all, I am an Ordained Minister on an international level with a Doctor’s  Degree in Theology.

I specialize in adult education and am a leader in the field of  Adult Education. I write and provide learning material and guidance to many other training centers.

I also design specialist courses in the field of law enforcement and have trained many teams in special operations units, SWAT teams, and other tactical units. By doing so, I also worked with a diversity of ethical, ethnical and language groups, often reaching the proverbial "glass ceiling" with students. These will refer to language barriers, environmental barriers, etc.

I break the ceiling, so you can fly right through.

During the entire period of +28 years, I have experienced a broad spectrum of human nature and dealt with different ethical, religious and ethnical groups, hereby realizing the shortfall in effective communication, positive attitude and commitment.

I realized that by assisting individuals in recognizing such shortfalls and turning this into a positive mindset, amazing results could be achieved, whether at work, home or anywhere else.

Extensive research is constantly being done on all products to ensure that products remain up to date with latest trends and daily life.

I will always remain professional and reliable, providing all clients with ethical and humanitarian practice, yet meeting all present and future demands in a cost-effective manner.

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