Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

In Swift, you can use the data(using:) method to convert a string to data. This method belongs to the string class and is used to retrieve a data value. In this article, you will see some examples of use cases of this approach.

Here are the Steps for Converting NSString to NSData in Swift

  • Create an NSString object containing the string you want to convert.

  • Call the data(using:) method on the NSString object, passing the desired encoding as a parameter.

  • Check if the result of the data(using:) method is not nil by using optional binding (if let).

  • Use the resulting NSData object as needed, such as by passing it to a networking API or writing it to disk.

  • Handle errors gracefully in case the conversion fails by using optional binding (if let) to check if the result of the data(using:) method is nil, and taking appropriate action (e.g. logging an error message or displaying an error to the user).

Here is an Example

In this example, the string constant contains the string that you want to convert to data. The data(using:) method is called on the string object with the String.Encoding.utf8 parameter to convert the string to data using UTF-8 encoding.

The method returns an optional NSData object, which will be nil if the conversion fails. You should use optional binding (if let) to unwrap the result and check for errors.

Once you have the NSData object, you can use it as needed, such as by passing it to a networking API or writing it to disk.


import Foundation
// Create a String object containing the string you want to convert.
let string = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
// Call the data(using:) method on the String object.
if let data = .utf8) {
   print("Input String: \(string)")
   print("Converted Data: \(data)")
} else {
   print("Error converting string to data")


Input String: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Converted Data: 74 byte

Example: Converting an Empty String to Data

In this example, we create an empty string and convert it to data using UTF-8 encoding. The resulting NSData object is printed to the console as an empty string, represented as 0 bytes.

import Foundation

// Create a String object containing the string you want to convert.
let string = ""

// Call the data(using:) method on the String object.
if let data = .utf8) {
   print("Input String: \(string)")
   print("Converted Data: \(data)")
} else {
   print("Error converting string to data")


Input String: 
Converted Data: 0 bytes

Here are some important points to keep in mind when creating NSData from NSString in Swift

  • To transform a string to data, use the data(using:) function of NSString. As an input to this function, you should indicate the preferred encoding for the translation.

  • If the translation fails, the data(using:) function gives an optional NSData object, otherwise it returns nil. To securely unwrap the output and check for mistakes, use optional binding (if let).

  • The NSData object that results is a binary representation of the text encoded with the chosen encoding. The object can be printed to the terminal as a hexadecimal depiction of the data.

  • The encoding you use is determined by the sort of material you're dealing with. Although UTF-8 is the most commonly used format for written data, you can also use ASCII, UTF-16, or ISO.

  • Non-ASCII characters in the text will be rendered as a series of one or more bytes in the resulting NSData object, based on the encoding. In UTF-8 encoding, the letter "é" is expressed by two bytes: "c3" and "a9."

  • If the text is empty, the resulting NSData object is also empty.

  • If the encoding you select is incapable of representing all of the letters in the text, the conversion will fail and yield zero. In this instance, manage the mistake appropriately by alerting the user or logging the error statement.

Converting NSString to NSData Can be Useful in Various Scenarios, Such As

  • Networking − When transmitting data across a network, you may need to transform strings to binary data (i.e. NSData) before delivering it. If you're transmitting a JSON payload as part of an HTTP request, for example, you'll need to transform the JSON text to NSData with the proper encoding.

  • File I/O − When reading or writing files, you may need to transform strings to binary data before reading or writing the file's information. When writing a text file, for example, you must first transform the text string to NSData using the proper encoding before recording it to disc.

  • Encryption − When encrypting data, you may need to transform plaintext words to binary data before using an encryption method to encode them. The protected data that results will also be binary data. (i.e. NSData).

  • Unit Testing − You may need to compare the real output of a function to an anticipated value when creating unit tests for your code. If the anticipated value is a string, you may need to transform it to binary data using the proper encoding before comparing it to the function's real output.


In conclusion, converting NSString to NSData is a straightforward process in Swift that involves calling the data(using:) method on the NSString object with the desired encoding as a parameter. The resulting NSData object can then be used as needed, such as by passing it to a networking API or writing it to disk.

Updated on: 04-May-2023


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