Creating Language Detector in Android using Firebase ML Kit


There is a wide range of potential language-based apps made possible by building a language detector in Android with Firebase ML Kit. Developers can simply add language recognition capabilities to their Android apps with the help of Firebase ML Kit's robust language identification features. This paves the way for automatic language recognition, which in turn allows for more individualized user experiences regardless of a user's native language.

Setting up Firebase ML Kit in Android Studio

Follow these steps to set up Firebase ML Kit in Android Studio

Installing Firebase ML Kit Dependencies

  • Open your Android Studio project.

  • Add the following dependent to the project's 'build.gradle' file −

Arduino Code

implementation ''

Note − Replace ‘vv.vv.v’ with the latest version of Firebase ML Kit.

Configuring Firebase ML Kit in Firebase Console

  • Go to the Firebase Console ( and sign in with your Google account.

  • Make a new Firebase project or select an existing project..

  • Select "ML Kit" from the list of options on the left.

  • Turn on the "Language Identification" option.

  • Follow the steps to add your Android app to the Firebase project, which includes getting the "google-services.json" file.

Integrating Firebase ML Kit in Android Studio Project

  • Find the 'google-services.json' file you got in your Android Studio project.

  • Move the 'google-services.json' file to your project's 'app' section.

  • Add the following requirements to the 'build.gradle' file −

Arduino Code

implementation ''
apply plugin: ''

Note − Replace ‘vv.vv.v’ with the latest version of Firebase ML Kit.

Sync your project with Gradle files by clicking on the "Sync Now" button in the toolbar.

Implementing Language Detection Using Firebase ML Kit

Here's how to use Firebase ML Kit's language detection features in your Android app −

Creating a New Language Detection Project

  • Create a new Android project or open an existing project in Android Studio.

  • Create a new activity or navigate to an existing activity where you want to implement language detection.

Importing Necessary Resources and Libraries

  • Ensure that your project is set up with the required Firebase ML Kit dependencies (as mentioned in Step 2).

  • Import the necessary Firebase ML Kit classes in your activity −

Java Code


Initializing Firebase ML Kit for Language Detection

Initialize the ‘FirebaseLanguageIdentification’ instance in your activity −

Java Code

FirebaseLanguageIdentification languageIdentifier = FirebaseNaturalLanguage.getInstance().getLanguageIdentification();

Training The Language Detection Model

To train a language detection model with Firebase ML Kit, follow these steps −

Preparing Training Data for Language Detection

  • Collect a diverse set of texts in different languages to use as training data.

  • Ensure that each text is labeled with the correct language.

Creating a Training Dataset

  • Prepare a dataset in a format compatible with Firebase ML Kit's language identification model.

  • Split the dataset into training and validation sets.

Training The Language Detection Model

  • Use Firebase ML Kit's training tools or APIs to train the language detection model using the prepared dataset.

  • Monitor the training process and evaluate the model's performance on the validation set.

  • Iterate on the training process, adjusting parameters as needed, until you achieve satisfactory accuracy.

Implementing Language Detection in Android App

To implement language detection in your Android app, follow these steps −

Designing The User Interface for Language Detection

  • Decide on the UI elements needed for language detection, such as a text input field and a button to trigger the detection process.

  • Design and create the necessary layout XML files in Android Studio to define the UI elements.

Handling User Input for Language Detection

  • Retrieve the user input from the text input field when the detection button is clicked.

  • Validate the input, if necessary, to ensure it meets any required criteria or constraints.

Implementing Language Detection Functionality

  • Pass the user input to the FirebaseLanguageIdentification instance through ‘FirebaseLanguageIdentification’ created in Java

  • To determine the language of the input text, use the 'languageIdentifier' object.

  • Take care of the language detection outcome, such as presenting the detected language to the user or acting on it in some way.

Testing And Debugging The Language Detector

While developing the Android app, here’s how you can test your application −

Testing Language Detection With Sample Inputs

  • Create a sample testing set of inputs through a combination of different text in different languages.

  • Copy the sample to your app.

  • Check the detected and the actual language.

  • Follow step 3 for all sample texts.

Debugging Common Issues And Errors

  • Watch out for the error messages and logs.

  • Properly set the ML kit configurations accordingly.

  • Look out for any problems in the preprocessing dataset.

  • You can also use debugging tools to find and fix bugs.

Improving Language Detection Accuracy

To improve the accuracy of language detection in your Android app, follow these steps −

Fine-Tuning The Language Detection Model

  • Examine how well the language detection model works with various text kinds.

  • Collect user or testing input on any potential mislabeling or errors.

  • You may then use this information to fine-tune the model by modifying its parameters or adding more training data.

Using Language-Specific Features For Improved Accuracy

  • The accuracy of language detection can be improved by investigating additional features or methods.

  • You might try using grammatical rules, punctuation patterns, or word frequency to better determine the language being used.

  • Try out several methods and assess how they modify your detection outcomes.

Deploying the Language Detector in Android

To deploy the language detector in your Android app, follow these steps −

Building And Generating APK File

  • Ensure that your app is fully tested and free of any critical issues or bugs.

  • Build the release version of your Android app using the appropriate build variant.

  • Generate the APK file for distribution.

Publishing The App on Google Play Store

  • Create a developer account on the Google Play Console (

  • Follow the guidelines and requirements provided by the Google Play Console to prepare your app for publication.

  • Upload the generated APK file to the Google Play Console.

  • Complete the app listing details, including descriptions, screenshots, and other relevant information.

  • Submit your app for review and approval by the Google Play Store team.

  • Once approved, your language detector app will be available for users to download and install from the Google Play Store.


In conclusion, making use of Firebase ML Kit to construct an Android language detector provides an elegant answer to the problem of language recognition in apps. By adhering to the specified procedures and making advantage of the tools provided by Firebase ML Kit, developers may give Android app users better access to multilingual communication, localization, and customized content delivery.

Updated on: 05-Oct-2023


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