Creating an Effective Profile to Attract Jobs

the reputed B2B social networking platform has been rechristened by the elite fraternity of the recruiting world as ‘The Ultimate Hub of Professionals’. Gone are the days when recruiters used to approach all the job seekers via phone calls and electronic mails. In a way, has undoubtedly revolutionized the recruiting world. Job seekers should create an effective profile and this is the contemporary signature style of dealing with recruiters.

Here is a very brief run-down on ‘How to create an effective profile to attract jobs:

1. Professional Name − Your professional name should include only your First Name and Last Name. The most generally followed convention is Last Name followed by your First Name. Resist your temptation to include witty phrases such as Chris Evans – Killer Programmer or Top notch Analyst. ‘Chris Evans’ sounds plain, simple and convincing.

2. Complement your name with a Headline − Ensure that you complement your professional name with a headline. The purpose of a headline is to communicate with the recruiters who you are and what you are good at. Professional headlines are keyword-rich. A short 120 characters description will suffice. Here is a simple yet a convincing example −

Chris Evans

Market Research Analyst| Technical Evangelist| Experienced Growth Hacker| Digital Marketer| Brilliant Orator |Wisdom in Words and Hero in Deeds

3. Profile Picture − Depending upon your intended audiences, you can upload either a casual looking one or a professional looking one though the latter one is the most coveted. Recruiters remember faces than professional names because a profile picture is worth a thousand words. Your profile picture should be both professional and friendly. And yes, always go with a latest headshot. Old photographs are seldom appreciated.

4. Profile Summary − If you wish to etch your name in the minds of recruiters, Summary section will undoubtedly give you a leg-up. Your summary section should ideally include a couple of sentences on your work experience, achievements, skills and expertise. However, many do not resist the temptation of making it a descriptive one. You should ideally include the following in the Summary section:

  • Blogs
  • Journals – IEEE, IJCSIT etc.
  • Presentations
  • Slide Shows
  • Documents
  • Videos
  • Multimedia etc.

5. Customized URL − has millions of members. To make it easier for recruiters to find you by searching for your name, URL customization is must. If it were for otherwise, recruiters have to spend precious hours sifting through thousands of profiles that have names similar to your profile. Any customized URL should include your first name and last name. If your first and last names are lengthy, make your URL creative so that any recruiter would instantly find you effortlessly.

6. Recommendations and Endorsements −  Validate your credentials and achievements by requesting officials concerned to recommend and endorse your skills of expertise. Stellar recommendations and peer mentions will add sheen to your profile. Moreover, endorsements serve as testaments to your abilities.

7. Importance of Numbers and Stats −  You have to quantify your claims. Here is an example:

saved my company from shedding $120000 by implementing XYZ (an industrial best practice). Indicate the number of projects in which you have worked. Mention your key takeaways as well. Numbers and stats will elevate your profile and take it to the next best level.

8. Connections − You need not have 500+ connections. More than 20 connections will do a world of good. Why do connections matter? The very essence of lies in networking. If you do not have any connections, the very essence of is lost. You need to be a part of some reputed communities and groups. Project yourself as a thought leader in a few reputed communities and groups to make yourself heard and seen.

9. Leverage SEO to your Advantage − After following the aforementioned eight steps, it is time to diligently follow the ninth step. To leverage SEO to your advantage, you have to use like twitter. For example, you can voice your opinion in the form of an insightful article on any persisting industry problem and place a certain portion of your informative article in several communities. At the end, just mention a sentence as follows: To read the complete article, please visit this space (Place your link here). The link should ideally direct the viewers and recruiters to your profile. This is one of the many ways to use SEO to your advantage. The other way is to ‘like’ articles written by industry experts. Tickle your grey cells to scout out the other ways.

10. Stay Active and most importantly, Upto Date − To join the bandwagon of professionals, you have to stay active. If you are a technical evangelist, you have to acquaint yourself with the advancements in technology. If you are a Mobile App developer, learn developing apps in iOS, Android and other mobile platforms. Be it any niche and any profession, being up to date is all the more necessary.

Once you gain a lot of experience, you can take your profile to the zenith by creating your own Group and Community. To wrap it up, has become the buzzword of the recruiting lingo.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2022


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