Creating a PySpark DataFrame

In big data analysis, PySpark is a stack that combines the popular programming language Python with the open-source big data framework Apache Spark. PySpark provides an excellent interface for big data analysis, and one important component of this stack is Spark's DataFrame API. Here, we'll provide a technical guide for those who want to create PySpark DataFrames, including helpful tips and real-world examples.

What are the key advantages of pyspark and which industries mostly use it?

Pyspark is a Python API for Apache Spark, which is a distributed computing framework that provides fast, scalable, and fault-tolerant data processing. Some of the key advantages of Pyspark include −

  • Scalability − Pyspark can handle large datasets and can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing data processing needs.

  • Speed − Pyspark is designed for fast data processing and can handle large datasets quickly and efficiently.

  • Fault tolerance − Pyspark is designed to be fault-tolerant, which means that it can recover from hardware or software failures without losing data or compromising performance.

  • Flexibility − Pyspark can be used for a wide range of data processing tasks, including batch processing, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing.

  • Integration with other technologies − Pyspark can be integrated with a wide range of other technologies, including Hadoop, SQL, and NoSQL databases.

Industries those use Pyspark include

  • Financial services − Pyspark is used in financial services for risk analysis, fraud detection, and other data processing tasks.

  • Healthcare − Pyspark is used in healthcare for medical imaging analysis, disease diagnosis, and other data processing tasks.

  • Retail − Pyspark is used in retail for customer segmentation, sales forecasting, and other data processing tasks.

  • Telecommunications − Pyspark is used in telecommunications for network analysis, call data analysis, and other data processing tasks.

Overall, Pyspark provides a powerful platform for scalable and fast data processing, and can be used in a wide range of industries and applications.

Section 1: Creating a SparkSession

Before creating a DataFrame in PySpark, you must first create a SparkSession to interact with Spark. A SparkSession is used to create DataFrames, register DataFrames as tables, and execute SQL queries.


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
   .appName('my_app_name') \
   .config('spark.some.config.option', 'some-value') \
  • `appName` specifies the name of the Spark application.

  • `config` is used to set configuration properties, such as data storage options.

  • `getOrCreate` will create a new SparkSession or get an existing one if there is one available.

Section 2: Creating a DataFrame from a CSV file

One of the most common ways to create a PySpark DataFrame is loading data from a CSV file. To do this, you should


# load data from csv file
df ='path/to/myfile.csv', header=True)

`header=True` tells Spark that the first row of the CSV file contains the headers.

Section 3: Creating a DataFrame from a SQL query

Creating a DataFrame from the result of an SQL query is also a common practice in PySpark. To do this −

# create a Spark DataFrame from a SQL query
df = spark.sql('SELECT * FROM my_table')

`spark.sql` creates a DataFrame from a SQL query.

Section 4: Creating a DataFrame from a RDD

PySpark also allows you to create DataFrames from an RDD. Here's an example −

# create a RDD
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([(1, "John"), (2, "Sarah"), (3, "Lucas")])

# create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, ["Id", "Name"])
  • `parallelize` creates an RDD from a Python list.

  • `createDataFrame` creates a DataFrame from an RDD.

Section 5: Manipulating DataFrames

Once you've created a PySpark DataFrame, you'll often want to manipulate it. Here are a few common operations −

Selecting Columns

# select two columns'column1', 'column2')

Filtering Data

# filter rows with a condition
df.filter(df.column1 > 100)

Grouping Data

# group by column1 and calculate the mean of column2

Joining DataFrames

# join two dataframes df1.join(df2, ==

Final Program,Code

# Creating a session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName('my_app_name') \
    .config('spark.some.config.option', 'some-value') \
# Dataframe from CSV
# load data from csv file
df ='path/to/myfile.csv', header=True)

# data frame from SQL query
# create a Spark DataFrame from a SQL query
df = spark.sql('SELECT * FROM my_table')

#Dataframe from RDD
# create a RDD
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([(1, "John"), (2, "Sarah"), (3, "Lucas")])

# create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, ["Id", "Name"])


The output will be in the form a of a dataframe which can be accessed from different sources using different methods.


Creating DataFrames in PySpark is an essential skill in big data analysis. Through the use of SparkSession, you can create a DataFrame using a CSV file, SQL query, or RDD. Once you've created a DataFrame, you can manipulate it in a variety of ways, such as selecting columns, filtering data, grouping data, and joining DataFrames. Using these methods, you can create bespoke pipelines for your data analysis needs.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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