Create Your Own Online Photo Gallery Albums Using Plogger

Plogger is a free, open-source photo gallery platform that allows you to create your own online photo gallery albums. With Plogger, you can easily upload and organize your photos, customize your gallery's look and feel, and share your photos with others.

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing Plogger, customizing your gallery, and adding photos to it. We'll also show you some additional customization options that you can use to further customize your gallery.


Before we begin, you will need the following −

  • A web server with PHP 5.3 or higher and MySQL 5.0 or higher installed

  • FTP access to your web server

  • A text editor

  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

Installing Plogger

The first step to creating your own online photo gallery album using Plogger is to install it on your web server. Follow these steps to install Plogger −

  • Download the latest version of Plogger from the official website.

  • Extract the downloaded file to a folder on your local machine.

  • Using an FTP client, connect to your web server and navigate to the root directory of your website.

  • Create a new folder in the root directory of your website and name it "plogger".

  • Upload all the files and folders from the extracted Plogger folder to the "plogger" folder on your web server.

  • Set the file and folder permissions for the "plogger" folder to 777.

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the following URL:

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Next, you'll need to create a MySQL database and user for Plogger. You can do this using a tool like phpMyAdmin, or by running the following SQL commands in your MySQL console −

CREATE USER 'plogger_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'plogger_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON plogger.* TO 'plogger_user'@'localhost';

Replace plogger_user and plogger_password with your desired username and password.

Now that you've created a database and user for Plogger, you can run the installation script by navigating to in your web browser. Follow the prompts to set up your database connection and create an admin user for your gallery.

Customizing Your Gallery

Once you've installed Plogger, you can customize your gallery's look and feel by editing its settings. Follow these steps to customize your gallery −

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the following URL:

  • Log in using the username and password you created during the installation process.

  • Click on the "Settings" tab to access the gallery settings.

  • Customize the settings to your liking, including the gallery name, description, and thumbnail sizes.

  • Click on the "Appearance" tab to access the gallery appearance settings.

  • Customize the appearance settings to your liking, including the background color, text color, and font.

  • Click on the "Languages" tab to access the gallery language settings.

  • Customize the language settings to your liking, including the language name and translation strings.

Here are some of the key settings that you can customize −

  • General − This section allows you to set your gallery's title, description, and other basic settings.

  • Appearance − This section allows you to customize your gallery's theme, logo, and other appearance settings.

  • Photos − This section allows you to set the maximum size and quality for uploaded photos, as well as other photo-related settings.

  • Users − This section allows you to manage your gallery's users, including adding new users and setting user permissions.

  • Advanced − This section allows you to customize more advanced settings, such as caching and security options.

Adding Photos to Your Gallery

Now that you've customized your gallery's settings, it's time to start adding photos to it. Follow these steps to add photos to your gallery −

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the following URL:

  • Log in using the username and password you created during the installation process.

  • Click on the "Upload" tab to access the photo upload screen.

  • Select the photos you want to upload from your local machine.

  • Click on the "Upload" button to upload the photos to your gallery.

  • Once the photos have been uploaded, you can view them in your gallery by clicking on the "View Gallery" link.

Once you've uploaded your photos, you can organize them into albums and add captions and tags to them.

Alternatively, you can also use the following code for adding a photo to your Plogger gallery −

$plogger = new Plogger();
$plogger->add_photo('/path/to/photo.jpg', 'My Photo', 'This is a photo of me');

Replace /path/to/photo.jpg, My Photo, and This is a photo of me with the path to your photo, the photo's title, and the photo's caption, respectively.

Additional Customization Options

While the default settings in Plogger will work for most users, there are many additional customization options available. Below are some of the ways you can further customize your Plogger gallery −

  • Themes − Plogger comes with several built-in themes that you can use to change the look and feel of your gallery. You can also create your own themes using HTML and CSS.

  • Plugins − Plogger has a plugin system that allows you to add additional functionality to your gallery. Some popular plugins include social media sharing, watermarking, and commenting.

  • Templates − Plogger uses a template system to display your photos and galleries. You can customize these templates to further customize the look and feel of your gallery.

  • SEO − Plogger includes several built-in SEO features that can help your gallery rank better in search engine results pages. You can also use third-party SEO plugins to further optimize your gallery.

  • Advanced Settings − In the Plogger admin panel, under the "Advanced" section, you'll find additional settings that can be customized, such as security settings and cache options.

  • Localization − Plogger supports multiple languages, and you can easily translate the interface into your desired language by editing the language files in the plog-content/languages directory.

Let’s take a look at how you can implement some of these features for your photo gallery.

Customizing and advanced configuration

Let’s see practical examples of how you can customize your Plogger theme and plugins. We’ll also look at how to apply advanced configurations to your Plogger.

Customizing Your Plogger Theme

As mentioned before, Plogger comes with several built-in themes, but you can also create your own custom theme by modifying the CSS and HTML files in the plog-content/themes directory. Here are the steps to create a custom Plogger theme −

  • Navigate to the plog-content/themes directory.

  • Create a new directory for your custom theme (e.g., my-theme).

  • Copy the files from one of the built-in themes into your new directory.

  • Edit the CSS and HTML files in your new directory to customize the look and feel of your theme.

  • Log in to the Plogger admin panel and go to "Site Configuration" > "Theme Configuration".

  • Select your new theme from the drop-down menu and click "Save".

To make more advanced changes to your theme, you can also modify the PHP files in the plog-content/themes directory. For example, you can modify the header.php file to add custom JavaScript or CSS to your theme.

Creating Custom Plogger Plugins

Plogger's plugin architecture allows you to extend its functionality by creating custom plugins. Here are the steps to create a custom Plogger plugin −

  • Navigate to the plog-content/plugins directory.

  • Create a new directory for your custom plugin (e.g., my-plugin).

  • Create a new PHP file in your new directory (e.g., my-plugin.php).

  • Use the Plogger API to add your desired functionality to your plugin.

  • Log in to the Plogger admin panel and go to "Site Configuration" > "Plugin Management".

  • Activate your new plugin and configure any settings as needed.

Here's an example of how you can create a custom plugin to add a new navigation menu to your Plogger gallery −

Plugin Name: My Custom Navigation Menu
Description: Adds a custom navigation menu to the Plogger gallery.

function my_custom_menu() {
   // Add your custom menu HTML here
   echo '<div class="my-menu"><ul><li>Menu Item 1</li><li>Menu Item 2</li></ul></div>';

// Hook into the plogger_navigation_menu action to add our custom menu
add_action('plogger_navigation_menu', 'my_custom_menu');

Advanced Plogger Configuration

Plogger has several advanced configuration options that can be customized to suit your needs. Here are some of the advanced configuration options that you can modify −

  • Cache Settings − Plogger uses a caching system to improve the performance of your gallery. You can customize the cache settings in the Plogger admin panel under "Site Configuration" > "Advanced" > "Cache Settings".

  • Security Settings − Plogger includes several security features, such as IP blocking and password strength requirements. You can customize these settings in the Plogger admin panel under "Site Configuration" > "Advanced" > "Security Settings".

  • Database Settings − Plogger stores its data in a MySQL database. You can customize the database settings in the Plogger admin panel under "Site Configuration" > "Advanced" > "Database Settings".

By customizing these advanced settings, you can optimize your Plogger gallery for performance, security, and other specific needs.


Plogger is a powerful and customizable photo gallery platform that allows you to create your own online photo gallery album. With its easy-to-use interface, customizable settings, and wide range of customization options, Plogger is a great choice for anyone looking to showcase their photos online.

By following the steps in this tutorial, you should now be able to install Plogger, customize your gallery, and add photos to it. From here, you can further customize your gallery by using themes, plugins, templates, and SEO to create a truly unique and personalized online photo gallery album.

Updated on: 26-Jun-2023


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