Create XML Documents using Python

What are the requirements of XML Documents?

XML documents are used extensively in the process of data communication between various computer systems. Python comes with a number of built-in libraries that may be used for the processing and manipulation of XML files. In this piece, we will investigate the use of Python in the process of generating XML documents. First, we will look at a simple illustration, and then we will go to more complex illustrations.


  • Python 3.0

  • An understanding of XML syntax

Steps and processes

Step 1: Creating a basic XML document

To create an XML document, we will use the ElementTree library provided by Python. This library provides a simple way to create and manipulate XML documents. The first step is to import the ElementTree library.

Step 2: Importing the ElementTree library


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

Next, we need to create an XML root element. The root element is the top-level element that contains all the other elements.

Step 3: Creating the root element


root = ET.Element('root')

The Element() function in the above code creates a new element with the given tag name. In this case, we have given the tag name as 'root'.

Next, we can create child elements and add them to the root element.

Step 4: Creating child elements


person = ET.SubElement(root, 'person')
name = ET.SubElement(person, 'name')
age = ET.SubElement(person, 'age')

The above code creates a 'person' element as a child of the 'root' element. It also creates 'name' and 'age' elements as children of the 'person' element.

Next, we can set the text for the child elements.

Step 5: Setting text for child elements


name.text = 'John Doe'
age.text = '30'

The above code sets the text for the 'name' and 'age' elements.

Finally, we can create an XML file using the ElementTree library.

Step 6: Creating an XML file


tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

The above code creates an XML file called 'person.xml' and writes the XML contents to the file.

We can now open the 'person.xml' file and see the contents.

    <name>John Doe</name>

Step 7: Creating advanced XML documents

In the above example, we have created a simple XML document with only one parent element and two child elements. We can create more complex XML documents by nesting elements and attributes.

Let's consider an example where we need to create an XML document for a customer order. The XML document should contain information about the customer, the order, and the items in the order.

Step 8: Creating the root element

root = ET.Element('order')

Next, we create the customer element as a child of the root element. The customer element will have attributes for the customer's name and address.

Step 9: Creating the customer element

customer = ET.SubElement(root, 'customer', name='John Doe', address='123 Main St')

The above code creates a 'customer' element as a child of the 'order' element. It also sets the 'name' and 'address' attributes for the 'customer' element.

Next, we create the order element as a child of the root element. The order element will have attributes for the order date and the order ID

Step 10: Creating the order element

order = ET.SubElement(root, 'order', date='2020-01-01', id='12345')

The above code creates an 'order' element as a child of the 'root' element. It also sets the 'date' and 'id' attributes for the 'order' element.

Next, we create the items element as a child of the order element. The items element will contain the individual item elements.

Step 11: Creating the items element

items = ET.SubElement(order, 'items')

The above code creates an 'items' element as a child of the 'order' element.

Next, we create the item elements and add them to the items element. Each item element will have attributes for the item code, description, and quantity.

Step 12: Creating item element

item1 = ET.SubElement(items, 'item', code='A100', description='Product A', quantity='5')
item2 = ET.SubElement(items, 'item', code='B200', description='Product B', quantity='10')

The above code creates two 'item' elements as children of the 'items' element. It also sets the 'code', 'description', and 'quantity' attributes for each item element.

Finally, we can create an XML file using the ElementTree library.

Step 13: Creating an XML file

tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

The above code creates an XML file called 'order.xml' and writes the XML contents to the file.

We can now open the 'order.xml' file and see its contents.

   <customer address="123 Main St" name="John Doe" />
   <order date="2020-01-01" id="12345">
      <item code="A100" description="Product A" quantity="5" />
      <item code="B200" description="Product B" quantity="10" />

What are the advantages of using Python to create XML documents?

When it comes to creating XML documents, one of the best ways to do it is by using Python due to its user-friendliness, flexibility, scalability, and ease with which it can be integrated with other programming languages. In addition to this, Python comes with a substantial collection of tools and modules, which makes it simple to construct intricate XML files. In addition, Python offers a vast selection of libraries that may be used for the parsing and manipulation of XML files.

What are the best practices for creating XML documents using Python?

Some best practices for creating XML documents using Python include: using indentation to improve readability; using appropriate namespaces; using unique element and attribute names; and using validating parsers to ensure the validity of the XML document. Additionally, it is also important to consider performance and scalability when creating XML documents.

What is the use of XML files in Python?

XML stands for "eXtensible Markup Language." It was developed to store and transfer low to medium volumes of data and is commonly used for the purpose of organized information exchange. Python allows you to parse and edit XML documents. It is necessary to have the full XML document stored in memory in order to be able to parse an XML file.

What Python package is used to generate XML?

The xml.etree.ElementTree module defines a straightforward and effective application programming interface (API) for reading in and writing out XML data.

What is the main purpose of XML?

The Extensible Markup Language, sometimes known as XML, enables users to create and store data in a form that is accessible to others. Information may be sent more easily across many kinds of computer systems using XML, including webpages, databases, and applications developed by third parties.

What is the advantage of XML?

The following is a list of advantages offered by XML: XML use human language rather than a computer language. Even for inexperienced users, XML is easy to read and comprehend, and its coding complexity is comparable to that of HTML. The portability of XML is unmatched, and it is fully compatible with JavaTM.

What are the two types of XML classes?

XML Schemas and Document Type Definitions (DTDs) are the two approaches to defining an XML document.

How XML data is processed?

By using either the XML-INTO or XML-SAX commands inside your RPG software, you will be able to parse XML documents. These statements serve as the interface for the RPG language to the XML parser that operates at high speed. While it examines XML documents for a large number of well-formedness issues, the parser that RPG is using right now is not validating, so this is one of the things that it tests for.

Which data is maintained in XML?

By using either the XML-INTO or XML-SAX commands inside your RPG software, you will be able to parse XML documents. These statements serve as the interface for the RPG language to the XML parser that operates at high speed. While it examines XML documents for a large number of well-formedness issues, the parser that RPG is using right now is not validating, so this is one of the things that it tests for.

How is an XML file structure?

XML documents contain a hierarchical structure that may be theoretically understood as a tree structure and is referred to as an XML tree. XML documents can also be read as plain text. XML documents must have a root element (one that is the parent of all other elements). All elements in an XML document may have subcomponents, text, and attributes.

Final Program, Code

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.Element('root')
person = ET.SubElement(root, 'person')
name = ET.SubElement(person, 'name')
age = ET.SubElement(person, 'age') name.text = 'John Doe'
age.text = '30' tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write('person.xml') xml
      <name>John Doe</name>
</root> root = ET.Element('order') customer = ET.SubElement(root, 'customer', name='John Doe', address='123 Main St') order = ET.SubElement(root, 'order', date='2020-01-01', id='12345')
items = ET.SubElement(order, 'items') item1 = ET.SubElement(items, 'item', code='A100', description='Product A', quantity='5')
item2 = ET.SubElement(items, 'item', code='B200', description='Product B', quantity='10')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
   <customer address="123 Main St" name="John Doe" />
   <order date="2020-01-01" id="12345">
      <item code="A100" description="Product A" quantity="5" />
      <item code="B200" description="Product B" quantity="10" />


      <name>John Doe</name>
   <customer address="123 Main St" name="John Doe" />
   <order date="2020-01-01" id="12345">
      <item code="A100" description="Product A" quantity="5" />
      <item code="B200" description="Product B" quantity="10" />


In this piece, we have investigated the use of Python in the process of generating XML documents. Using the ElementTree library, we have gone through the fundamentals of XML document creation as well as manipulation. Creating more complicated XML documents with nested elements and attributes is another topic that has been discussed here. If you have this information, using Python to create and manipulate XML documents should not be a problem for you.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023

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