Create a table inside a MySQL stored procedure and insert a record on calling the procedure

Create a table inside the stored procedure and use INSERT as well −

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE create_TableDemo(id int,name varchar(100),age int)
      ClientId int NOT NULL,
      ClientName varchar(30),
      ClientAge int,
      PRIMARY KEY(ClientId)
   INSERT INTO DemoTable VALUES(id,name,age);
   SELECT *FROM DemoTable;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)
mysql> DELIMITER ;

Call the stored procedure using CALL command −

mysql> CALL create_TableDemo(100,'Robert',28);

This will produce the following output −

| ClientId | ClientName | ClientAge |
|      100 | Robert     |        28 |
1 row in set (0.76 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.78 sec)

Updated on: 04-Oct-2019


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